02 The Other World

At the moment I am waiting outside an old house while a magician gives me the details.

Name: Laers

Breed: Omni

Class: Arcmago

Lv: 4,000

"So, everything OKAY boy?" (Laers)

The mission consists of searching for a magic book in a tower that functions as a dungeon.

"Yes, it will be easy" (Dante)

"Okay ... there is one more thing, don't open the book because it contains a trap so beware of curiosity, I will open a portal for the entrance to the tower." (Laers)

And so he did, the tower looked like it was made of black obsidian, and it seemed to suck up the space around me, I entered the tower calmly.

At each floor I was able to find a wide variety of monsters from squid to hydras, at each floor it only became more rare to see a monster, but the ones that appeared were always stronger and stronger, but I didn't find any books.

On the top floor I found a sign in front of a mirror that said.

[Добрый щьрвбуды]

Then it came.

Decipherable language


Y / N

And after deciphering it stayed.

[He who passes by must be totally ignorant of this world for the other to see]

It was something that appeared to have no meaning at all, when I entered I came face to face with a 3 meter armor.

I thought I would have a fight but it was normal armor, following through the room I spotted a desk with. A skeleton, and in front of him was a thick book with a black cover with silver accents.

"It must be that" (Dante)

I took the book and blew its cover, I was amazed with the details until the skeleton that was now beside me put his hand on the book.

"See if it's worthy" (Skeleton)

He opened the book and a light came on, right after I heard the sound of running water, everything around me seemed cloudy, so I realized two things.

The first is that I am underwater, and the second is that I need to get out of here, I felt hands pull me out of the water, that's when I saw a guy in wet clothes and a worried face.

"Damn son and I told you not to do that kind of thing" (???)

I looked into his eyes and was surprised by what I saw.

Name: Toriyama Kayto

Race: Human

Nationality: Japanese

Employment: Architect

Lv: 42

I didn't understand, how is this guy my dad? And how did I get to the bottom of the water?

"Come on, your mom will freak out with this" (Kayto)

So I opened my status and that's when I got scared the most

Name: Toriyama Dante

Race: Human

Age: 17

Employment: Students

Nationality: ???


Martial Artist Lv: 32

Samurai Lv: 150

Artist Lv: 260



For: 370

Int: 330

Des: 330

Con: 340

Car: 370

Sat: 350

Ser: 210 ______________________________

Price ______________

Drawing (INT / DES): MAX

Ken-Jutsu (INT / SAB): 430

Fight in the dark (SAB / DES): 30

Track (SAB): 190

Survival (INT / SAB): 10

Herbalism (INT / SAB): 109

Read / Write (INT): MAX

Train Animals (SAB / CAR): 2


¥: 3190

¢: 12000



Demon Eyes Lv: MAX

Description: You can see the status of all things existing anywhere

Enhancing Body Lv: 212

Description: Doubles attributes for 10 minutes for each level (total 2120 me)

Reflective Posture Lv: 60

Description: Reflects 2 physical attacks, this number doubles with the level, reflects a total of 360 physical strikes

Lethal Hack Lv: MAX

Description: Small chance to kill an enemy with just one hit

Regeneration Lv: 60

Description: Recovers 5 Hp per second for every current Lv / Regeneration 360 per second

Hide Lv: 62

Description: Hide your presence and yourself in any environment

Serra Attack Lv: 10

Description: Inflicts 4x the damage of each weapon equipped in a rotating attack in the air / multiply + 1x per Lv



Japanese Lv: Max

English Lv: 50/100

Russian Lv: Max

Spanish Lv: 70/100

Chinese (Dwarf) Lv: 20/100

Romanian Lv: 10/100 ________________

Something is strange, all my skills and status have decreased and the languages ​​have completely changed, the money is gone and this guy who claims to be my dad who is he?

"Where are we going?" (Dante)

"At home, your sister and your mother must be very angry with you." (Kayto)

He got into a kind of horseless carriage that surprised me.

"Dante gets in the car right away" (Kayto)

I got in the car and ... it's very comfortable, this car goes faster than anything I've ever seen, until we arrive there is a three-story house that looks like something that appears in stories, and the worst thing is that there are several of them on a street as far as the eye can see.

When I entered I was greeted by an extremely strong slap, and when anger was going to overwhelm me I saw the person who delivered it.

A woman in her thirties with a guilty look as she sheds tears.

Name: Yoko Monami

Race: Human

Nationality: Japanese

Employment: Sniper

Lv: 420

"I thought I was going to lose you ungrateful son" (Monami)

This must be the mother, for some reason she was surprised, don't wait ... I started to cry too.

"Don't worry, I'll never do that again !!!" (Dante)

It seems that I was put in the place of a boy who committed suicide, well I took the lifetime that he threw away, this is strange.

"Don't forget that tomorrow you go to school in your grandfather's city so behave ok" (Monami)

For some reason seeing this woman smile fills me with joy, well I'm going to look for my room, when I went up the stairs I saw her doors, three of them with signs, the last one being black with red letters written "Dante", this must be it.

I opened the door and was greeted by a flying pillow but it was not something like the slap so I was able to catch it easily.

"Oni-chan" (???)

I lowered the pillow and saw a beautiful slim girl with long black hair, and looked into her eyes

Name: Yoko Yue

Race: Human

Nationality: Japanese

Job: Student

Lv: 4

She ran towards me crying and hugged me while screaming.

"Idiot, Idiot, Idiot, try to kill yourself for a girl who doesn't even like you" (Yu)

"I'm not going anymore" (Dante)

She released me slowly while she blushed, I thought it was cute this girl seems to like her brother very much.

She said nothing more, left the room and closed the door, there was a suitcase open on a bed with some clothes lying around, I packed everything and changed clothes, put the suitcase beside the bed and went to sleep