It was dark Shane and his father was sleeping outside and Grandfather was inside the trailer house getting ready for bed.
"The old man, he told you stories all the way here?" asked Ten Bears.
"One or two," said Shane.
"He pulled you on the pow wow trail, didn't he, him and his pow wows, jeez, pow wows aren't real you know, it's just Indians dancing for the white man, fry bread and bologna," said Ten Bears.
"Maybe," said Shane lying down.
"Then why are you doing it?" asked Ten Bears.
"Because he's my Grandfather, it means something to him," said Shane.
Then Grandfather started playing his drum and singing.
"He's going to go all night," smiled Ten Bears.
"Oh yeah," smiled Shane.
"He's a pisser isn't he?" asked Ten Bears.
"Yeah," said Shane.
"Go with him Shane, stay with him, stay on the red road," said Ten Bears.
"And leave you down this one," said Shane.
Then they fell asleep. Next morning the sun rose up.
"Talking in your sleep last night," said Ten Bears pouring the coffee.
"I was," said Shane getting up.
"Yeah, in Indian," smiled Ten Bears.
"I don't talk Indian," said Shane.
"You did last night, take that to grandpa, pow wow is starting, you better get on the road," said Ten Bears.
Holka hey, grandpa, let's ride, I have your coffee grandpa," said Shane.
"Thank you, grandson," said Grandfather.
So, they drank their coffee and was headed out to the pow wow.
"Oh Shane, when you get back, we'll be there, I'll be there," said Ten Bears smiling.
"Really," smiled Shane.
"Yes," said Ten Bears.
So, they were on their journey again to the all nations pow wow. When they arrived, they looked down on the pow wow they saw lots of people dancing. They headed down towards the pow wow. When they arrived, an old woman walked up to Shane and Grandfather.
"Hey this is a nice horse," said the old woman. "Where did you come from on this horse?"
"South Dakota, you're a Pawnee?" asked Shane.
"Yeah, Wolf Clan," said the old woman. To us a dun horse has medicine."
"At the giveaway ceremony, I'll call your name, and this horse will be yours," said Shane.
"Thank you," said the old woman.
So, Shane and Grandfather walked up to a tree with lots of shade and sat down, Grandfather started beating on his drum and all the kids came running over and sat down.
"Shall I tell you a story, shall I tell you how it was told to me by the old ones, to my Grandfathers Grandfather long ago, this is how it was told to me long ago, let me tell you, so that you will remember to past it on to your generation and to the next."