I skipped out of the class and went home. As soon as I got home I found mom waiting for me in the living room.
"Tobi-chan how was your first day!!" mom seemed more excited than me, I was the first person among both family lines to attempt to be a ninja. Looking at mom's excited expression I couldn't help but wonder, 'maybe looking back, there is a chance that mom had a wish to be a ninja when she was little.'
"Yeah, mom everything was okay."
"How were the classes? What did you learn?" Looking at her eager expression I went into detail regarding everything Iruka-sensei taught us that day. We had lunch as I told her about my day and Dad joined midway through the conversation, but easily integrated into the conversation because of the common point of awe that normal civilians had towards shinobi. After chatting with mom and dad I went into my room and took out all the scrolls that Iruka-sensei gave me.
I picked up the taijutsu scroll and just like before a notification flashed before me…
[Do you want to learn: bronze tier taijutsu style- Leaf Tiger style]
The scroll then disintegrated into motes of light and flew into my head. Sudden memories of practicing the katas for the leaf tiger style appeared in my mind. I got up and got into the starting stance of the Leaf Tiger Style. After going through every kata once I looked at the skills tab to notice the new taijutsu style.
[Bronze tier taijutsu style: Leaf Tiger style- lv 1(proficiency=0.1%)- Basic tier taijutsu of the hidden leaf village.
Damage = 2x(STR*DEX) ]
'Yup...Now I am a ninja...okay time to learn more'... one by one I went through every skill book and finally had some skills that would be related to shinobi life.
[Bronze tier taijutsu style: Leaf Tiger style- lv 1(proficiency=0.1%)- Basic tier taijutsu of the hidden leaf village.
Damage = 2x(STR+DEX) ]
[Bronze tier Shurikenjutsu- lv 1(proficiency=0.0%)- Basic tier shurikenjutsu of the hidden leaf village.
Accuracy =10%]
[Bronze tier Chakra Manipulation Skill: Leaf sticking - lv 1 (proficiency=0.0%)- To attach leaves to your forehead in order to train chakra control.
Total no of Leaves=1
Chakra control +1%]
[Bronze tier Ninjutsu- Henge no Jutsu- lv 1(proficiency=0.0%)- One of the academy 3 ninjutsu needed to be promoted to a genin. Change your appearance to that of someone else.
Appearance likeness = 10% ]
These were the skills that I gained from learning the entire course material for year one. Along with these skills, I also got the working knowledge behind the art of genjutsu.
I notice that it is not that late outside so I went to the Konoha marketplace and into Higurashi weapons shop. The shop was recommended by the academy as the best place to shop if one was looking for good quality weapons.
The interior of the shop was clean, various weapons were lining the wall opposite the counter. On the counter was a large muscled man that looked to be in his early 40's.
The jiggling sound by the door alerted him of my presence as the large man assessed me as a potential customer and my worth.
His voice was heavy and gruff as he greeted me, "Hello, and welcome to Higurashi weapons, how can I help you."
"Umm...Higurashi-san I am an academy student..." I gave him my I.D. that I got along with the scrolls earlier today…" here is my I.D. and I would like 2 sets of kunai and shurikens please..."
"Of course" He rummaged with his drawers behind the counter a little bit before presenting 4 sets of weaponry.
[Standard Shuriken set: A well-crafted set of shurikens suitable for use of genin and chunin.
Accuracy +1%]
[Standard Kunai set: A well-crafted set of kunai suitable for use of genin and chunin.
Accuracy +1%
Damage =10+STR]
'Okay they seem okay for now...what about a sword?'
"How much do I owe you?"
"Than would be 150 Ryo"
"Okay," You hand over the 150 Ryo before stopping and asking.
"How much would a katana cost?"
"I am not legally allowed to sell a katana to an academy student"
"How about a training katana then?"
"That would be 250 Ryo"
"And some scroll on the basic katas for a katana?"
"Add another 500 onto that pile..." He seemed more and more excited as my requests increased.
"Okay give me one of each"...I fork over the rest of the money as he happily handed me a katana and a scroll. As soon as I get the scroll I got the notification I was waiting for…
[Do you want to learn: bronze tier sword style- Dance of shadow and ligh]
'Huh, that name is cool...NO' I pocketed the scroll and walked out of the shop after saying goodbye to Higurashi-san. I walked to a nearby training ground and after traveling through the trees I arrived at a secluded spot by a clearing within the forest of training ground 2.
'Welcome home!' I have spent two hours for the last two years exercising every day in order to increase my stats. I did some basic stretching and then my daily stack of exercise, 100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 crunches, and a 10 km run around the training ground. After doing the exercises I took out the scroll for the sword style and absorbed it.
'Alright, I am all set...ready to grind...'
For the next 3 hours, I practiced with my katana, did some chakra control in between then practiced my katas for the taijutsu style, then used some henge no jutsu to try and henge into my dad, then threw some shurikens and kunai's onto a nearby tree, then repeated everything over and over again.
I arrived home at around 7 P.M and both mom and dad were sitting in the living room talking.
"Tobi, go and take a bath, you stink so don't even bother coming into the living room...And also put your clothes in the washing basket..."
'Yup..totally expected that...'
"Yeeessss Mooooommmm!" I giggle a little as I imagine mom eye-rolling at my antics and drag my bruised body towards the bathroom.
'Man was today a hectic day, but I sure like being busy. Today was sooo much better than just looking at my stats all day and staring at them, hoping they would dramatically increase. Man today sure was fun wasn't it Zoey'
[Certainly Tobi, but aren't you forgetting a little something]
'Ummm...no, what???'
[Smile for the camera and say...Shop]
[No it's Shope, spelled S H O P]
'I hate you...'