'...stop staring, heh I love this feeling though...'
I stood beneath a tree, ignoring the notifications given by the system as I watch others attempt the accuracy test. Everyone has improved so it was not as boring as it was before to watch it. The civilian kids have come a long way from before… well almost all as I saw one of them still using a flawed technique…
'Moron...you need to practice the correct motion of the wrist to flick it with more power and accuracy...It's been a month if this is your progression rate you might as well quit...and stop wearing fucking orange will you...who are you, if you are this bad as a civilian you should be a lower-ranked class… Inspect'
[Naruto Uzumaki]
[Lv: 8]
[HP- 800/800]
[CP- 2500/2500]
[STR- 45]
[DEX- 13]
[INT- 8]
[WIS- 9]
[CHA- 250]
'Your health is defined by your level, some clan has a little bit of advantage due to their bloodlines like the Akimichi or the Inazuka clan. But the Uzumaki's are not a clan, or at least I haven't heard of them...'
"Accuracy=70%, score =43"
'That was bad… especially for a clan kid...something is wrong here...Here comes the Uchiha brat...'
"Accuracy=100%, score =100"
'Hmm...as expected from a clan with a doujutsu. Did he just glance at me after that...what are you proud of teme, we had the same score.'
The evaluation continued as me and Sasuke both went head to head in various assessments in order to get that number 1 position.
"Physical conditioning score = 95" 'That was me'
"Physical conditioning score = 97" 'That was Sasuke'
"Ninjutsu = 100" 'That was me'
"Ninjutsu = 95" 'That was Sasuke'
"Genjutsu breaking time = 0.6s, score = 96" 'That was me'
"Genjutsu breaking time = 0.4s, score = 98" 'That was Sasuke'
'Okay, I know I am 1 point ahead of Sasuke but taijutsu spar with sensei can go either way...I need those 20 SP...'
"Tobi Shou" Iruka sensei called my name and I went into the ring. Iruka sensei was the one who was going to face me so I was sure I won't have someone discriminating against me. I looked at Iruka sensei and he had a proud smile on his face.
'I like Iruka sensei, he helped me a lot during this past month and I hope he teaches the class in which I would be placed.'
Both Iruka sensei and I bowed to each other before facing each other in a relaxed stance.
'Alright...let's get this show started...'
I lower my center of gravity a little, I took a very small jump to reposition my body in the air so that my left leg is a bit behind my body and my right leg a little forward. I pull back my left shoulder and align my right shoulder a little towards the direction I want to go. Bending my chest a little forwards, the moment I land on my toes, I use the thrust generated by my landing and throw my left shoulder forward and accelerate towards, a little left of, Iruka sensei. Seeing my initial burst of the movement took him by surprise, I thrust my palm towards his heart. As he leaned aside to avoid the blow, I pull my hand back towards my body as I thump my left leg on the ground and use it to propel myself into a reverse roundhouse kick. Iruka-sensei blocked my kick and slid back a little.
'Alright, his reflexes are a little better than I expected if my kick disturbed his form just a little bit more and I could have continued the combo.'
Rather than using the same technique again, I just sprinted normally towards him, I opened with a right jab, followed by a leg sweep. As Iruka-sensei's speed was far faster than me he easily blocked my jab and jumped over my sweep. As soon as he jumped over my sweep I jump back to avoid his kick.
We fought like this again and again with no conclusion as Iruka sensei was using the same speed as me and I was close to advancing my taijutsu to the next level. After 2 mins of attack and defense, Iruka sensei increased his speed and backed away so I stopped attacking and dropped my stance. Iruka sensei nodded at me and we both made the seal of reconciliation.
[Bronze tier skill Leaf Tiger Style Levelled up]
[Bronze tier taijutsu style: Leaf Tiger style- lv 10 (MAX) (UPGRADE)- Basic tier taijutsu of the hidden leaf village.
Damage = 6x(STR+DEX)]
"Taijutsu proficiency score = 96", Iruka sensei said after discussing with the other class sensei's. I sent a challenging look towards Sasuke and went back to my tree.
'...Yup I don't think you can get a 98 in taijutsu so at least I could get 1st rank and 20 SP.'
"Uchiha Sasuke" Sasuke attacked with a renewed ferocity as he sparred with some sensei from another class. The fight went on for 2 mins before it was called off. The instructors collaborated for some time before they declared Sasuke's score, "Taijutsu proficiency score = 96". I notice Iruka sensei looked a little miffed but I ignored it in favor of the notification that popped up in front of me.
[Training Quest: Get rewards based on your final ranking]
[Rank 1 reward: 20 SP, 10,000 EXP and 100,000 Ryo]
I happily look at my status and the increased amount of SP and the levelup notifications.
"Alright everyone, when you come back tomorrow for classes look at the ranking chart, and there along with your overall ranking, there will also be a class listed against your name. Best of luck!"
"Arigatou Iruka-sensei" I chant along with the chorus probably one last time as everyone began to disperse.
I went home and after placing my shoes in the rack tip-toed to surprise mom. Mom was in the living room watching T.V. as I silently stood behind her. I tapped her shoulder as I whisper in her ears, "Peeka-booo".
Mom jumped a little and scrambled back, I don't know what happened because I was on the floor laughing but the next thing I know mom was pulling my ear and I was crying to dad for help.
"Ouch ouch...moooooom, lemme gooooo" I whine as mom finally let me go and I ran away from her to my room.
"Tobi go take a bath and come back for lunch!"
I sigh as I slip in the bathtub and wash the dirt from my body. I hum a tune along when a notification popped up!
[The first month in the academy completed]
[Dungeons Unlocked]
'...wait, Zoey what does that mean!'