[The Dungeon: Remnants of the massacre!! Part -1]
[Would you like to enter the dungeon: Remnants of the massacre{Recommended level-75}]
'Right it's been so long since I have been in a dungeon I forgot they existed...Alright, let's see it...'
I clicked yes and the world around me blinked and before I realized I was standing at the entrance to a valley… Thick steam was coming out of the valley as the surroundings were rather warm...
'What am I going to fight naked chicks in there or something...'
I shiver as another thought comes to my mind… '...please no naked dudes...please Kami-sama I know I have not been a believer but please don't make me fight naked dudes...'
I slowly make my way in and could feel the presence of hundreds of chakra signatures… 'they look like human signatures but they seem rather distorted...okay that explains the massacre...'
I tiptoe to the dead body of a ninja that is almost crucified on a rock with a big Fuma-shuriken sticking through his chest… 'Inspect...'
[Hiroki Chinoike]
[Lv- 0 (dead)]
I examined the dead body… 'Hmm...lokking at the state of the body and the condition of the bones and teeth, this guy has been dead for almost 2 years...' I surveyed the area and found that there were hundreds of corpses lying around the clearing as if they died fighting amongst them but the weird thing was that every one of them was surnamed Chinoike…
'What is this a mass slaughter or the result of an inner dispute...if everyone is dead what are these chakra signatures...' I walked to the nearest chakra signature a little deeper into the valley and found a nearly transparent person with a twisted expression and wild eyes hanging in mid-air roaming the area…
[Name: Hiroki Chinoike (Vengeful Spirit)]
[Lv- 60]
[HP- 600/600]
[CP- 600/600]
[Allegiance- None (Deceased)]
[STR- 15]
[DEX- 45]
[INT- 1]
[WIS- 1]
[CHA- 60]
[Kill to gain 600 EXP]
[Quest Generated: Learn the truth about the massacre]
[Discription: Find out what happened to the Chinoike clan. Kill vengeful spirits of the deceased to gain access to the pages of the diary of Saki Chinoike...]
[Rewards: +5000 EXP, +3 random items of C-grade or higher]
'Okay, so I just need to kill these things...but how? They seem to be able to pass through solid objects so physical attacks are out of the question...' I closed my eyes and activated the active mode of Mind's Eye of the Kaguya… 'Hmm...they seem to be just made up of spiritual energy of the deceased...what will work on them...Since they are made out of chakra, chakra attack?'
I hid behind a rock and threw a wind shuriken towards the head of the vengeful spirit, the Shuriken passed through the faint figure of the spirit and the health bar of the spirit decreased by about 20%...
'Well, this should be easy...' I retrieved some more shurikens and got ready to grind some experience…
'Sweet sweet EXP, here I come level 100...'
'This has been the greatest day of my life, the life here has been so extravagant, there are servants everywhere...I feel like the queen of the world…'
'...I feel like Asuka-san doesn't really like me, I don't know I never did something to offend her I think...'
'...It has happened...I am finally gonna be a mom...daimyo-sama is gonna be so happy...'
'...I just want to cry, the world feels a little bleak...daimyo-sama tried to comfort me but...'
'...please Kami-sama, have mercy on him, he is the only thing that matters to me anymore...'
'...that bitch Asuka planned everything...she is the reason...'
'...We have managed to escape from the pursuit of those cured Uchiha's...soo many of my clan dead all for the whim's of a crazy person's wishes...oh how I wish...'
'...the atmosphere around us is not ideal but there is some wildlife for us to survive...although the red glow of the pool is not good for anyone's mental health...'
'...It has been years since I last saw the sun...'
'..the feud between the people is increasing...I fear we may not be able to outlast our enemy this time...'
'...Those cursed Uchiha's, even after all this time, they will end up being the reason for our demise...I hope En Oyashiro and his daughter can help pass on our legacy...'
That was the last page I got from killing the last spectral...The pages were in tatters but were still legible and I could still make out what they were trying to say… According to the diary, the story belonged to the second wife of the lightning daimyo...because of the jealousy of the first wife, she blamed the second wife for the death of the daimyo. The next in line hired the Uchiha clan to drive the Chinoike clan to the valley of the hell where they hid themselves from the outside world… They managed to survive on the wildlife around for years before the inner dispute on whether to take revenge on the Uchiha clan or not got heated which led to a mass genocide among the clan members… the second wife managed to sneak out two members of her clan so that they can at least make sure that their legacy survives…
I close the last page of the diary and placed it respectfully on the ground… I then collected every dead body around and placed them side by side with each other before lighting them on fire…
'...I forgot how cruel the warring states era was...If lord first didn't force the treaty with the Uchiha's maybe we would still be fighting constantly among ourselves for every little thing...'
[Quest Completed: Learn the truth about the massacre]
[Rewards: +5000 EXP, +3 random items of C-grade or higher]
[Level up!]
[Check your Inventory for the rewards...]
'...hmm so a C-rank wind ninjutsu, a set of A-rank shuriken made from chakra metal, and a B-rank Chokuto made from chakra metal...damn if only I had a katana made from chakra metal but it is super expensive in the store and I don't have any explanation on how to use any of these stuff without being asked questions...'
I walked towards the red pond and gaze at my reflection…
'Ino-chan does know her stuff...this black haroi does look better on me...better get back before anyone worries about me...'