[Race against time!]

"You don't wanna do this Sasuke..." My warning fell on deaf ears as he burst forwards while doing hand seals…


'Fire Release: Mythical Phoenix fire'

I could feel that he sneaked some shuriken into the jutsu because I could sense them coming, as I was already moulding chakra I did a quick hand seal and slammed my right leg on the ground…

'Earth Release: rock wall'

A thick slab of stone rose from the ground and stop every fireball aimed at me… I could sense Sasuke climbing the wall so I started to mould fire chakra and did some quick hand seals...

'Fire Release: Grand Fireball Jutsu'

The fireball was aimed at the exact spot at which Sasuke emerged so all he could do was cross his hands and guard his face and body against the explosion…

"You are pissing me off now Sasuke, stop or I'll make you stop..."

'...well fuck you then!'

As he was not listening to any reasoning I used my max speed and dash in front of him and did a straight jab at his face…

'...hmm interesting'

His Sharingan could see through my attack so he inclined his head so my punch would miss... but I manage to fold my hand and crash my elbow straight in his face…

He flew backwards and crashed through some trees, before coming to a stop after rolling on the ground a couple of times… I was about to go again when I stopped because a familiar chakra signature was stopping standing in front of me with her arms spread…

'Huh! Ino?'

I could feel her hesitation as she stopped me when I notice Sakura is hugging Sasuke and telling him to calm down… It took a moment but his seals receded back into his body and he slumped back down…

'So, in the end, you would still take his side then, Ino' I ignore her and made my way slowly towards Sasuke and Sakura… Sakura was holding Sasuke as he was almost slumping down from exhaustion… Seeing me make way closer to her and Sasuke, and apparently, my face wasn't friendly so she started to explain…

"I am sorry Tobi-kun, Sasuke-kun didn't mean that… that Orochimaru did something to him, he is not his usual self..."

I ignore her explanation and concentrated… Green chakra lit my hands so she shut up and I placed my right hand on Sasuke's shoulder while my left on his forehead…

'...whatever this seal does, I don't think I can stop it with medical ninjutsu...'

There were several tears in his muscles all over his body for exceeding his limits… I started to heal his muscles as I was monitoring how the seal is affecting him…

'It is starting to feed and dig its way into his chakra network... the more chakra he uses the more dangerous it is...'

I chop his neck so he went unconscious and pick him up on my shoulders… I was about to say something when I notice everyone was staring at me for explanations…


"His injuries are critical the more chakra he uses the dangerous it will be for him to ever free himself from the seals clutches... we need to get him to a seal master quick...Sakura how many scrolls do you guys have?"

She blushed a little and said, "None, Orochimaru burned ours..."

'That seems reasonable...' I nod and point towards the scroll on the ground left by team sound… "Take that and I have an extra Heaven scroll, somebody kick Naruto awake he is just unconscious, we need to move quick..." I look at Neji still standing on the tree…

"I hope you won't contend us for the scroll, Hyuga-san"

My polite enquiry might have caught him off guard as he simply nodded…

"What about you Shika!"

"We need an Earth scroll..."

"We only have one of them but here..." I threw him another Heaven scroll, "As an insurance, make sure you pass Shika!"

I turn towards Hinata and Shino for their consent and they both simply walked over to stand beside me… Chouji kicked Naruto awake who was wobbling around trying to figure out what happened… I nod towards the two Konoha teams…

"Let's go!"

I could still feel Ino's stare at my back, but I ignored it, and we along with team 7 dashed forwards towards the centre of the training ground 44.


"Whatever pathetic trap you have set just move out of my way and I won't end your journey here...you have 3 seconds..."

'I don't think they will come out...2….1'

I threw Sasuke towards Naruto who caught him with a stumble as I unsheath my sword and pulled out two shurikens made from chakra conducting material…

'Wind Release: Chakra flow'

All three of my weapons were covered in wind natured chakra as I threw the shurikens at two trees at 4 O'clock and 11 O'clock and I dash straight ahead and jump a branch to slice down both the tree and the genin's arm who was standing behind the tree… His two companions shared a little lighter penalty and just suffered wounds and not dismemberment… I ignore the cries and said, "Continue, we can't waste time..."


The rest of the journey was rather smooth sailing, as it took us an hour of continuous running to arrive at the building… I turn to Sakura and said, "Find your sensei or someone in power and tell them that Sasuke is in dire need of attention from a seal master otherwise it will be fatal to his development" She nods and says back, "Thank you for the help Tobi-kun..." I nod and motion for her to hurry along… As Sakura went into the first available training room I walk towards a nearby tree and vomit whatever it was I ate in the morning…

Hinata came by my side to rub my back as I dry heaved at the backlash of suppressing my emotions for so long...

"Are you okay, Tobi-kun?" she was standing behind me and Shino came to stand by my side as I took a bottle out of my storage scroll and splash my face with some water…

"Yeah Hinata-chan, just the days of the events are catching up to me...I am glad you guys are my team..."

As we moved away from the tree and made way towards the building in comfortable silence I realize I didn't need to lie to them about it…

'I'm really glad you guys are my teammates...'