[Sparks! Part-2]

I use the swift release to dash into the arena, I fold my hands and look up at the Sand nin with a challenging expression…

I notice that Temari and Kankuro had a nervous expression on their faces, their Jounin-sensei on the other hand did not look amused at my antics!

'Huh! What's the point of being nervous now... it was your arrogance, if you don't have the strength to back it up there is no point being bold, is there...'

"What can't take what you dish, come on now we are allies, after all, there is no need to be afraid… I'll treat you the same was your teammate treat their allies..."

I could feel a grin forming on my face that further made him afraid as his expression and emotions fluctuated between reluctance and dread…

'He is taking his time… let's taunt some more... heh!'

I turn towards Temari, "Hey Blondie! How's life treating you! Karma's a bitch you know... if you crawl back to Tenten over there I might consider sparing him, what do you say???"

I was toying with them and they knew it, Gaara's expression was turning darker by the second though…

'Will he attack me if I push it enough...'

Before I could try another statement, catsuit jumped from the arena railing and laded some steps away from me…

"So, if you wanna quit straight away, I'll let you..."

I stood in a relaxed stance and ridiculed him before turning to the sand jounin, "If he doesn't quit then for the record, anything that happens is not up to me..."

'Hehe, man it feels good to mess with them...'

"I'll shut you up you brat!" Kunkaro couldn't take it anymore he took off his puppet and dashed towards me with two kunai in hand…

I gave him a dull stare and said… "Do you think I am an idiot, or do you think you are too smart?"

I unsheathe my sword and channel wind chakra through it…

'Wind Release: Chakra flow'

'Swift Release'

'Secret Sword Art: Moonlight'

I vanish from 'Kunkaro's' vision and stood behind his puppet in the blink of an eye…


Blood flowed out of the puppet as two limbs fell out of it… 'Kunkaro' crumbled down as the controller of the puppet just lost both his arms… the bandages fell and everyone could see the screaming form of Kunkaro sitting on the ground his two arms cut of from his elbows and blood flowed out of them…

I place my sword at his neck as he stopped screaming and just little whimpers were coming out of his mouth, seemingly terrified of the sword before a scream stopped me…

"Noo!!" Temari screamed at me as I look up at her crying face…

'What can't take it anymore?'

I look into her desperate eyes, tears were streaming down her face, and for a second I realize that even though they are our enemies, from her perspective I am the villain...

'beneath all that hard exterior you do care, don't you' I feel a little guilty but then I remember her arrogant stare while bashing Temari and my emotions turn a little complicated...


"Why, he's a loser ain't he..." there was fury in her eyes as she glared at me but there was also hopelessness in her eyes, the jounin seemed to be hesitating on what to do…

'I guess he didn't take into account that other villages can also have some people who have stomach for these things ...'

"You know if you go and apologize to Tenten then I'll let him go..."

"Winner Tobi Shou" I gave Hayate-sensei a surprised look and he shook his head…

'Well, guess I went a little overboard there...'

"Step back!" that was Suna's jounin with the veil that arrived behind Kunkaro…

'Huh! Those are some serious vibes...'

'Swift release'

I dash back and land beside Hayate-sensei as Medic nin arrive and tried to stabilize Kunkaro…

"Did I go too far!" I look at the chaotic scene in front of me, Temari was standing in between me and Kunkaro, Suna Jounin was surveying the whole area, almost every leaf Jounin was gathering chakra in preparation if a fight broke out…

"No, but you were just shy of it… Death and chunin exams go hand in hand, but he is still the son of a kage, so if you kill him there might be some repercussions… go back to your sensei and watch your back, I don't trust these Sand ninjas" I nod and started to slowly walk towards my team when Gaara used a sand shunshin to appear in front of me…

'Hmmm, he doesn't seem that depressed at his brother's fate...on the other hand, he almost seems excited...'

"You're strong, mother wants your blood..."

'Say what now!'

I ignore him and walked by him towards my team…

'Make one move and I'll end you...'

I keep on moving until I once again stood with my team, Hinata and Shino stood beside me, and Kurenai-sensei behind us as we see Gaara walk back to his team…

*cough* *cough*

"And that concludes the Preliminaries, now I want all the qualified candidates to come here and draw lots for the final exam..."

'So let's see, there is Sasuke from team 7, Naruto from team 7, Shino from team 8, me from team 8, Shikamaru from team 10, Neji from team 9, Gaara from the sand team and Temari from the sand team...8 people… I'll take anyone from the Sand team...'

Each of us one by one went and drew balls from a sack that had numbers on it…

'Number 7, last match...'

Anko-san noted everyone's numbers and Ibiki-san after that showed us the whole bracket…

[1st Match - Neji vs Naruto]

[2nd Match - Sasuke vs Shino]

[3rd Match- Temari vs Shikamaru]

[4th Match- Tobi vs Gaara]