
Blood was dripping from my hand but it had started to heal already so I had to use Mystical Palm Technique to coverup my regeneration… Yugao-nee was holding Hayate sensei so I walked back to Toad-san…

"Can I ask you something Taichou?" He stood still with his back straight as a sign of respect for Hayate-sensei…


"Can I join the hunter-nin division instead!" I could sense his surprise but seeing the determination in my eyes he relented and nodded…

"I'll process your request! Hunter-nin is a special division of ANBU, they just work alone most of the time… You will still have to undergo ANBU training though..."

"I understand!" I bow my head a little and go back to stand behind Yugao-nee… 'I'll come for you Kabuto, Baki...'


Most of my first day was spend in Yugao-nee's home, I sat there with her for hours talking about sensei before some senior shinobi started arriving to pay condolences, I left then, promising her to visit tomorrow… Kurenai-Sensei was waiting for me so we started to walk away… I unconsciously made my way back to the clearing in training ground 2 where I first met Hayate-sensei…

"Thank you for being here Kurenai-sensei!" I sat down leaning against a tree and look up at the clouds…

"You don't have to say that Tobi-kun, are you feel a little better!" She stood in front of me, a concerned expression on her face…

"Yeah, don't worry so much sensei otherwise you'll get wrinkles soon..." I chuckle a little bit before continuing, " I know the risk of the shinobi lifestyle, it just came too suddenly..."

I sense Toad-san appear on the outskirts of the training ground and head towards our clearing… "Sensei I forgot to tell you something! I was scouted for the ANBU yesterday and I'll be given basic training during the whole month… I am sorry for dropping this info on you like this..."

She frowned at that, "Are you sure you want to join ANBU?"

'Opps guess she didn't like that!'

"Yes Sensei" I nod as I feel Toad-san approach us and land beside Kurenai-sensei…

"Jounin Kurenai! Did Tobi tell you about his decision!"

She took a heavy sigh and said, "Yes Toad-san"

"Best of luck Tobi-kun, you know where to find me right!"

"Thank you for everything, Sensei!" I bow my head as Kurenai-sensei patted my head once more then Shunshin out of the clearing…

"Are you ready! Follow me!" Toad-san's voice was a little gruff as he jumped on the tree above us and started to dash back towards the village…

'Where is the ANBU headquarter anyway...'


'I did not expect that...'

I followed Toad-san back to the village main, and we finally arrived at the top of the Hokage-mountain, the entrance to the ANBU headquarters was hidden in the forest behind the Hokage mountain…

I followed him inside and we arrive at a training ground where 3 people were chatting with each other…

'Right this is Toad-san's team...'

"Mask's off team!" Toad-san said as he took off his mask as well…

'Oh! Definitely didn't expect that!'

Toad-san was a member of the Hyuga clan and based on the genes of the remaining members, I can assign them as a Nara, Yamanaka, and the last one didn't have any specific features…

"Team this is Tobi Shou, he's a new recruit for ANBU, and as I recommended him it is my responsibility to get him up to speed on the basics… Tobi this is Shikagi Nara, Chigiri Yamanaka, and Kagami Kurama… and I am Kinoshita Hyuga. Every day for the next month you need to report at 5 AM right here for training and daily patrols as because of Chunin exams all missions are suspended… Any questions?"

"No Taichou!" He nods and continues, "Shikagi Nara will teach you about the basics of espionage, Chigiri will judge your level in Kenjutsu and Kagami will be your instructor in Genjutsu, I on the other hand will test your taijutsu and general body conditioning… Any questions?"

"No Taichou!"

"Alright then we need to access your current abilities so how about a quick spar with me..."

I nod and we both make our way to the center of the clearing…

'They already have data on my speed, Kenjutsu, Taijutsu, medical Ninjutsu and wind release ninjutsu...probably fire release too...'

I unsheath my sword and coat it with wind chakra…

'Swift release'

I dash towards sensei but he managed to dodge out of the way easily… I use everything I know in kenjutsu but he was able to see through my every move even though I was moving a little faster than him…

'How is he doing this… I mean I know Byakugan is good but this seems overpowered...'

I throw my sword into the air and went through a couple of hand seals…

'Fire Release: Dragon fire Jutsu'

The dragon head headed straight towards him and I could sense that he hasn't moved from that area…

'What type of buildup is this...amazing'

He finished the move by revolving around his heels as chakra was excluded from all over his body and which managed to defend against my Fire release Jutsu effectively…

As I was admiring the technique he tried closing the distance but I charged two shuriken's with wind release and threw them in his path… He did the same rotating move again but this time the shuriken's made some progress in entering the chakra barrier…

I could sense he was as surprised as I was that wind release had such cutting power… He signaled to stop the fight and I caught and sheathed my sword and walked back over to the team…

I could sense a general abundance of surprise present in everyone's emotions… "You did good Tobi, there are not many who could boast of having such fine control over their body, and at such speed, you are indeed much faster than most of the ninja's out there in your burst speed but you slow down when you need to turn, we need to work on your reflexes and you will be a speed demon... Now we'll test your individual set of skills..."
