
"...And then you cut off the dead cells with your scalpels… after that a little mystical palm to restitch the wounds and settle the nerves..."

Tsunade-sama was explaining and treating a patient while me and Ino watched and helped her from the side…

'It has been months while I have been cooped up inside the village and it has been getting on my nerves… Ino has been making life difficult with all the guilt trips and teasing me… Temari on the other hand has been trying to be helpful and genuinely looks like she is calming down, her anger is decreasing and since the day Gaara came to visit her she has been easy to deal with… If not for the quest I totally would believe her…'

"Tobi-kun" Tsunade-sama brought me out of my thoughts and I turned towards her, "You are cleared to do ANBU duty once again, but since you were never really officially inducted to the black ops, there will be the initiation ceremony today at the training ground… don't be late..." with that she waved us away…

I went to the changing room and quickly get into my normal gear, "I guess this is goodbye then?" Ino snuck up on me as I was leaving the building, "I am not gonna die on the first mission Ino, I'll see you around" I waved my hand as I make my way outside the hospital…

'Man, that was a long-ass surgery!!' I look at the setting sun and made my way towards the ANBU HQ…


'Guess I should have seen this coming, an Uchiha belongs in the shadows...'

Sasuke stood next to me in standard ANBU gear without the mask, he gave me a smirk and grunted as a way of greeting…

"How you doing Sasuke, I thought you were going down the medic path?" There was a new set of gear in the changing room so I started changing into it…

"I never said I'd change my goal, I would repent for his sins but he is still going down..."

"Fair enough" I continue to undress while the thought keeps bouncing in my head…

'I still think Itachi was under orders from the Katoamatsukami, the vibe he was giving me when we met before the massacre, was not that of a bloodthirsty individual… he could have just ignored me or even be offended at the kunai throw but he not only returned the kunai but gave encouragement to a fellow shinobi… fuck I don't trust Danzo to be fair, I don't know about Itachi, he could be another victim or he just snapped under the ANBU pressure...'

"You okay?" Sasuke was giving me a weird look as I was staring at the ANBU armor for the past minute…

"Yeah just thinking if you are ready or not for this..." I gave him a challenging look…

"You wanna Spar?" He looked excited at the Idea and I nodded and said, "after this..." I then wore my ANBU armor and tightened the straps…

"Let's go" we made our way to the ceremony room and there were torches lighting up the hallway and I could see Tsunade-sama there with the ANBU commander and the 15 ANBU captain behind them...

'Is this a cult or something?'

"Tobi Shou" Tsunade-sama called my name so I stepped up to her and she indicated me to kneel…

"Do you pledge to serve Konoha till your last breath?" I felt the ANBU commander coming to my right hand said and did a few hand seals...

"Yes, Hokage-sama" A searing pain erupted from my right shoulder as I sense chakra coiling over my skin before taking the shape of the ANBU tattoo that I have seen on Yugao-nee's right shoulder… A notification popped up…


[Congratulations you have been inducted into the ANBU. A special title is activated if you are in your ANBU gear]

"Welcome to ANBU, Weasel" He gave me a mask and I could sense both Sasuke and several ANBU captains stiffen at seeing that mask…

"Yes, Taichou!" He then turned towards the 15 teams and said, "which team would like to accommodate him..." Everyone looked at each other before an ANBU captain stepped out, "Team Ro accepts..." Another ANBU captain stepped out and said, "Team Omega accepts..." one by one almost all the ANBU captains stepped out and declared their acceptance… the ANBU commander turned to me and said, "it is your choice..."

'Kakashi-san was team Ro I think, and Yugao-nee called him Taichou so...'

I stepped forward towards the boar masked ANBU and said, "Taichou" The rest of the ANBU captains stepped back, and Tsunade-sama and the ANBU commander turned towards Sasuke…

'Which team will he go to...' I was about to ask Taichou what was up with the reaction to the mask when I notice the tense atmosphere, everyone was sitting in anticipation as Sasuke said his oath, and the ANBU commander repeated, "which team would like to accommodate him..." Like before every ANBU captain stepped up and Sasuke had to make a decision…

'Do you want to compete Sasuke, I know you won't back down...'

He stepped closer to team Ro and repeated my actions, "Taichou"

'Heh so you want to compete for the position of ANBU captain Sasuke… Bring it on… why do I sound like Naruto in my head...'