Seeing that Ben was walking out of the sideroom, Barry walked up to him.
"Hey, Cisco went to notify the league about you. Don't worry, it's just standard procedure when someone from another world, in your case universe, comes here," He explained to Ben.
"What's the league?" Ben asked, wondering if it was similar to the plumbers.
"The full name is the Justice League and we mostly protect the Earth and sometimes other planets when they ask for help," Barry said.
"So is it full of other super powered beings?"
"Yes but we also have some non-supers who specialize in fighting and/or technology. One of the founding members doesn't even have powers, just super badass at fighting and he's great with gathering intel. Don't tell him I said that though," Barry winked.
Ben got lost in his thoughts as Cisco walked back in and handed a phone to Barry.
"Hello," he said after putting it to his ear.
After a few moments, he nodded his head and handed the phone to Cisco after hanging up.
"So Omni," Barry turned to Ben with a smile, "Want to meet the league?"
Superman was looking out the massive window of the Watchtower that faced Earth when he heard the teleporter behind him activate. He turned around to see the Flash and who he assumed to be Omni. He was tall and obviously muscular but his other features were covered by a black and green, metallic suit and he wore a helmet with a green visor.
"Nice to meet you," Superman held out his hand for a handshake, "I'm Superman."
Ben looked at the cheerful man in front of him and raised an eyebrow. Superman was wearing a blue and red suit with red underwear on the outside. An S covered his chest and a red cape fluttered behind him.
Regardless of the weird outfit, Ben could feel the power of this man so he cracked a smile, even though it wasn't visible, and gripped the man's hand.
As they briefly shook hands, Trix chimed in Ben's ear.
"New DNA sample collected," she said, causing Ben's smile to widen, "Species is Kryptonian. More details available after transformation."
"Hello, I'm Omni and I must say that I'm impressed with this station," Ben said while scanning his surroundings.
Smiling, Superman and Flash walked him to the council room for the founding members to see if Omni would like to join the league. Walking past some metallic double doors, they entered a spacious room which held seven comfortable looking seats, each with a symbol which represented the hero it was for. A trident, lightning bolt, an X, bat, an S, a lantern, and a W. The seats were arranged around a large round table which had holograms covering it. Some of the Earth, some of people Ben assumed to be other leaguers or criminals, and just a lot more showing a multitude of things.
Ben felt movement beside him and saw that Barry sped to his seat and had his feet crossed on the table. Superman walked over and sat in his while Ben just stood where he was.
"Sorry that there's no seat for you to sit but don't worry. The others will be here soon so that we can talk and then we'll show you more of the base," Superman said.
The doors opened to reveal five figures.
"Speak of the devil," Barry remarked.
Walking into the room were the other founding members. Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Green Lantern, and the Martian Manhunter. Batman was of medium height and was wearing a black suit and cowl with two points. A black cape surrounded him and barely moved as he walked. Wonder Woman was a sight for sore eyes with her practically wearing a swimsuit. She had raven black hair and a sexy figure and was carrying a golden lasso at her hips and golden armguards. Aquaman was a blonde and bearded tall, muscular man and was wearing green pants as his upper body was covered in an orange, scaled, shirt. Green Lantern was an African American man that had glowing green eyes and was wearing a skintight black and green suit with a lantern symbol on his chest. Unlike the others, Ben noticed that this man's power source was a green ring that he wore. Martian Manhunter was a green skinned man wearing a blue suit with a cape and a red X across his chest.
The five strode to their respective seats and all looked at Ben.
"Well, let me introduce Omni, a possible future league member," said Flash as he spread his arms towards Ben.
Even though most of the members looked friendly, Ben could feel all of the power radiating in the room and it excited him. He waved and introduced himself.
"Hello Justice League. I'm Omni and I'm a shapeshifter of sorts, though I mostly just use the powers of my other forms in my human form nowadays," He spoke.
"Shapeshifting?" inquired Martian.
"Yes. I can shapeshift into many types of aliens and utilize their powers. As I got older, I learned how to use their powers in my human form so that the transformation isn't needed," explained Ben.
That seemed to just raise more questions about aliens in the league's minds.
"Where did you come up with the name Omni?" asked Batman.
"Well that's easy because I just based it off of the device that allows me to use my powers in the first place, the Omnitrix," Ben said pointing at the symbol on his chest.
"Omnitrix?" mumbled Lantern as he thought of who could've made something like that.
"How much experience do you have being a hero?" asked Wonder Woman.
Ben smiled and wondered if they'd be shocked by his answer.
"I got the device when I was ten years old and I've been saving the world since then. I'm 32 years old now and I've had a lot of upgrades since I was ten," He answered.
That got most of the leaguers to have shocked expressions except for Batman and Flash, Flash because Ben already told him before going there.
"Hahaha," laughed Aquaman, "That's awesome lad."
"We'll have to have you undergo a quick combat and mental test before we can allow you membership but if what you're saying is all true, then I'm sure we'll get to know each other better after you pass," said Superman.
"Well, what are we waiting for?" Ben said, amped.