Just the two of us

Kakashi was excited to go home than ever before, the thought of someone waiting for you at home and Erza being the there to welcome him made his heart burst. He went to the baker to get her favorite strawberry cheesecake and immediately went home. He opened the in door and greeted "Tadaima (I'm back home)" he removes his shoes at the door "okaeri (welcome home" Erza answered. It was the first time since his father died that someone answered him and that made him love her more. She was sitting at the couch reading a large book that says Konoha history he handed the box of cake he bought. Erza closed the book and her eye glowed and took the box from his hands "I got the book from Sakura, she told me to read about Konoha to help me adjust" she explained "That's a good idea" he answered removing his mask. Erza was staring at his face for a minute that made kakashi blush "are you liking what you see?" he teased her and she just giggled "join me for dinner, I made a salt broiled saury and miso soup with eggplant" she said with a smile. Kakashi was surprised "That's my favorite, how did you know?" he said in excitement "Well, I'm titania" she said. They ate and talked about a lot of things about his past missions and the girl talked about her nakama. They enjoyed each other's company like there's no way they'd run out of topic. Erza was down to her last bite of the cake when Kakashi swiped the fork from her hand and was going to eat it-it was the best part of the cake for her it is with the cream and strawberry, "Hey that's mine" as she tries to get it back, Kakashi raised his hands above his head taking it as far as possible for her to reach and looked at her with a challenging eye. "So you want to play that game huh" as she reached for it and was able to snatch it from him when she was about to eat it he again took it from her "No way" she said pouting and she jumped at the boy trying to get it back. They fell. Kakashi's back against the floor and her on top of him "alright you win" he said feeding her the cake. When she took a bite Kakashi leaned towards her his lips forced open hers and took the strawberry from her mouth with his tongue that made Erza fluster as she sat right up covering her blushing face "Eh what- what was that?" she stuttered "Just curious on how it taste like- it sure was delicious" he said licking his lips and looking at her seductively.

Erza gawked at the guy then gathers herself placed a few strands of her hair in her ears and stood up. Kakashi grabbed her wrist and she fell on top of him "Not again" she said and pushed him away standing up "I need to clean up the dishes, so stop fooling around" she growled at the man. "I'll help you" he said standing up. There they were in the dining room picking up and cleaning all the mess, she took the used plates and utensil and brought them to the kitchen sink while he wiped the table clean, arranged the chairs and went beside her to help her, she washes them and he dries them and placed them on the cupboard right after the last piece he hugged her tightly from behind snuggled her close to him and kissed her nape that gave her goosebumps. He then draw near her left ear and whispered "thank you, this is the best dinner I ever had" and buried his face into her shoulders. She held his hands which where placed across her waist just below her chest "I can always make dinner if you promise to always bring me cake when  you come back home" she said with a small laugh. He took her right hand and turned her around pinning her against the fridge and gave her a deep fiery passionate kiss and without hesitations or second thoughts  she kissed him back and after that moment that seemed like forever they broke the kiss breathing heavier almost like panting, he rested his forehead against hers and smiled caressing her face, her eyes closed as she catches her breath and her hands is on his shoulders. "Er- Erza, I... I'm... You're my..." Kakashi can't seem to find the words he wanted to say and he was silenced by her finger on his lips "It's getting late- we have a mission tomorrow, we have to get some rest and be prepared for possible fights" as she walked towards the couch he ran after her hugging her tight "Please sleep beside me tonight" he begged with a puppy eye that made Erza laugh "Do it again" she commanded "Nope" he answered "That was so cute" she begged with a puppy eyes and this time kakashi laughed and swept her off her feet carrying her bridal style and placing her gently on the bed.

They snuggled and cuddled tight. "Good night Kakashi" and buried her face to his chest wrapping her hands around him. "Good night Erza" as he pulled her towards him wrapped his left arms around her waist and his right arms under her head holding her and kissed her forehead as he smiles and the girl smiled too. "Promise me that you won't leave my side during our mission" he made her swear "I promise" she answered raising her hand "pinky swear" and let the sleepiness take over them.

Erza, you are my sweet vacation, a place of safe harbor, of laughter and tenderness. You are the light in my day, the sunshine of the eternal dawn within, the one that makes it safe for my soul to breathe anew. You show a courage I thought long extinguished from the world, yet here you are. It is because of who you are that I feel this way, that your touch is energy and all that you are is home. I trust you even when the cold winds blow; I hold to you when sinister whispers speak ill, for I saw your soul one precious night under the stars and it lives with me still. So, for all the time there is , I am yours: mind, body and soul and you are mine and I am not willing to share, as selfish as I can be I want to keep you all by myself. You are the sweetest melody on these eyes and ears. I could wrap myself up in your words and sleep more soundly than a baby. I guess that's attraction but it feels so deep, as if this were the start of a song that plays on and on, something so soothing to my soul. So I'm wishing on every rainbow, I'm wishing under skies of velvet cloud and acres of blue, that you are the soulmate I've needed for so very long.