The Will of Fire

She was welcomed by the members of the akatsuki."Itachi Uchiha will be helping you get settled" Obito said wrapping his arms on her shoulders leading her to the guy "Don't touch me" she said removing his arms on her and glared at him. "I like her" Konan said, the only female member of the group.She had short, straight blue hair with a bun, grey eyes with lavender eye shadow, and a labret piercing.She has worn a large light blue paper flower clipped on her bun. Erza smiled at her "Hi, I'm Erza Uchiha" she said extending her hands to shake she did reciprocate however her face was expressionless and stoic.

As she made her way to the hideout a man with medium-length grey hair that was slicked back and distinctive purple eyes approached her blocking her way.He cupped her face and forced her to look at him "Take your hands off me" Erza commanded "Those eyes, full of courage I wonder how your blood tastes like" then he laughed maliciously "Out of my way" She demanded, he let out a sly smirk and pulled her close to his face "You are so beautiful I want to kiss those lips while you spit your blood" Erza pulled out her katana "Yōtō Benizakura" she whispered and the magical sword Demon Blade Benizakura is buried into the man's heart. The sword looks very similar to a regular katana, although with some different features. The grip of the blade is composed of a long handle with a somewhat thin base, rolled up in a distinctive pattern. The back-tip of the handle is coated in gold and from it extends a short dark blue rope adorned with three relatively big red pearls. Although the sword's blade is shaped in a standard fashion, it appears as a bit thicker than your regular katana. The sword has a tsuba hand guard, red and gold in color and shaped with flower-like edges. A grayish piece of cloth is fastened and tied around the upper part of the blade. "Now you're spitting blood" She said walking away.

Itachi walked side by side with her and the rest of the group watched her every move amazed by her skill. As they entered the shrine she was brought to the tomb stone and much to her surprise it was similar to the one she saw at Fiore before she was transported here. "Is this.." before she can finish her sentence Obito the masked man answered "Yes, you see you will bear us a child to stop the Uchiha's extinction, one for me at least and for Itachi as well as Sasuke" Her eyes went wide because of disgust "And if I refuse?" she asked "Then you'll die" Obito answered. Then she pulled the Katana out of nowhere and stabbed herself in the heart but before she did it Sasuke pulled her out and took the sword away from her hands. "What are you thinking ane?" He asked her with anger "Ottoto" she said and her eyes swelled up with tears as she saw Sasuke and buried her face into his chest. 

"So you two seemed close" Itachi commented "That makes it easy for us to reproduce then" he added. "She is not an object, I'm gonna kill you" Sasuke responded. Erza pulled herself together, stopped Sasuke from attacking his brother and spoke "Thank you Ottoto... Will you three give me time to think about this? I am not ready yet. I will stay as an akatsuki member for the time being and you need to do what you promised and not touch konoha and its people" Then she stood up grabbed and wore the cloak.

Three years have past and Erza did not age a bit because of the byakugu making her look like younger than Sasuke now. He was her refuge in this cruel world she is in, they were always together even if Team Taka is out on a mission Sasuke always brings her with him making Karin more jealous  and treating her as a rival. She began to understood Itachi whenever they had the time to bond and talk about things. Itachi have grown feelings towards her, he showed her that the people inside akatsuki were just normal shinobi's- victims of their own villages who betrayed them and all they wanted is a new world without darkness although their ways in achieving it is different.

Meanwhile, in the potential outbreak of a Fourth Great Ninja World War, a few ninjas with Kekkei Genkai abilities had disappeared from the land of Lightning, Earth, Water and Wind. The Land of Fire remains the only village not affected by these events that people start to suspect its role in these incidents, and rumors of a possible rebellion begin to circulate. With the other nations amassing troops on the borders of the Land of Fire and threatening invasion, the Feudal Lord of the Land of Fire orders Tsunade to capture the real culprit and prove Konoha's innocence, in the event of failure and the Land of Fire decides to destroy the village to preserve world peace.

Hiruko is a missing-nin culprit and former friend of the Legendary Sannin who left the village long ago after developing the Chimera Technique, a jutsu that allows the user to absorb both the chakra and Kekkei Genkai of other ninja. Based in Mount Shumi with his followers Hiruko uses a jutsu to project himself onto the skies above Konoha, announcing that he will obtain the Kekkei Genkai of the Land of Fire and become immortal and invincible, instigating the Fourth Great Ninja World War and conquer the world. With Hiruko intending to use the power of a solar eclipse to carry out his plan, a race to defeat him begins as the moment of the eclipse draws near.

Hiruko targets Kakashi's sharingan One night, Hiruko activates a Puppet Curse placed on Kakashi over ten years ago. Kakashi asks Tsunade to allow him to go, so he can defeat Hiruko. Before he leaves, Kakashi asks Tsunade to place a special seal on him that will automatically activate Kamui, when Hiruko attempts to absorb him. Under the influence of Hiruko's Puppet Curse, Kakashi leaves the village. At the Hokage's office, Tsunade labels Kakashi as a missing-nin and orders everyone from the village without any further orders from her to stay away from Kakashi. Upon hearing of his desertion, Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno leave the village to pursue and rescue their teacher. Team 8, Team 10 and Team Guy are sent to retrieve them.

Erza heard of it and secretly followed Kakashi to protect him. He met the former friends at Konoha gate "Where do you think you're going without me?" she asked to no one in particular. Erza and Naruto's eyes widened in surprise "Erza sensei!!!" Naruto shouted and hugged her "You really grew up fast" she commented "You did not age at all, now you look like you're younger than all of us"  Rock Lee praised her "Where have you been, Kakashi sensei was never the same since you disappear, and why are you wearing akatsuki cloak?" Sakura blurted out "It's a long story, so Lee and Shikamaru are jonin now huh? You look handsome Shika-kun" she teased. "This is so much of a bother, Kakashi sensei then these people now you appeared" he said trying to hide his blush- ever since that day Erza fought Jiraiya and Tsunade he was attracted to the mage. "I'll go with you and get Kakashi back, team 7 reunited" Erza said with a smile "Sasuke is no longer with us, but we Sai as a new team member" pointing at him "Oh I know him, we were in team Ro together, how are you?" she asked "I'm fine, so what I heard is true about you, are you an enemy or an ally" he responded "I am still an ally, let just say I'm under cover to protect the leaf, and Sakura, Naruto I am with Sasuke so don't worry about him too much, so shall we go and get Kakashi back?" She said.

Eventually they reach the temple, where Hiruko awaits for Kakashi. Naruto enters the temple alone, where Hiruko starts the eclipse and the absorption. However, Kakashi's Mangekyo Sharingan activates, and the space inside the slime created by the Chimera Technique begins to distort. Naruto saves Kakashi, breaking into the slime with multiple Rasengan. and pulls him out, but Hiruko remains alive. He states that the eclipse continues and releases a large amount of chakra, reducing the surrounding area to rubble. Hiruko summons a chimera beast. Team 8, Team 10 and Team Guy work together and defeat the chimera beast. Naruto and Kakashi battle Hiruko who easily absorbs their attacks, Raikiri and Odoma Rasengan.

Naruto and kakashi were injured so Erza jumped into the battle protecting the two from Hiruko's attack. He was surprised to see an akatsuki and saw her sharingan and became more interested in her. Erza fought him with her magic and used her Sacred Arrow as the final blow which Hiruko fails to absorb and dies from his injuries. The arrow has a triangular arrowhead, consisting of a pointed shaft with three fins behind it, which glows blue and has two white fletchings at the end of its shaft.The arrow was created four hundred years ago by Kalard, the culmination of his research into dispelling the Magic of the Phoenix Stone, who entrusted it to the Magic Council before his death and was passed on to Erza.

" You said that you are strong because you lost everything, doesn't it? But this isn't true strength! People become stronger when they have something to protect! If you have a true friend, that friend will support you! But you only think about yourself! Do you think you could actually hear the voice of this friend?! Don't you feel shame when you think of your friend?! Feelings by friends do not drag you down." she told him as kakashi held him dying on his arms.The ninjas celebrate their victory at Mount Shumi. But Kakashi stood silent looking away from Erza. "Hey old man, how dare you sacrifice yourself" she growled "Does it matter?" Kakashi finally spoke looking at her. Erza was lost for words and there was an awkward silence. Sakura and Naruto signaled everyone to leave the two alone so they can talk.

"I'm sorry Kakashi" Then she was about to leave when he grabbed her arms and pulled her towards him hugging her tight. "And sorry is all you have to say? Damn it Erza, I missed you so much, I searched for you and you'll appear out of nowhere saving me again" He scolded her but she did not say a word and hugged him tight. He gently placed his hands on her face and reoriented it so he can see her face their face was too close that made her blush"You're still beautiful and you haven't changed a bit and I like it when you blush" he said with a smile pulled down his mask and kissed her.