0.0 fall

this is where she started so this should be where she end,if she jump hopefully she'll die

choi haneul gonna jump off from her hotel room,which is at the 18th floor.no sign of hesitation can be seen on her face,when jumping off she didn't regret at all, she's neither happy the last thing she heard is a 'crack'

probably the sound of her bone breaking

when choi haneul open her eyes she saw no dark room or no white room, she doesn't see any floating things either,what she see was a very normal looking highway with a very normal looking people and cars passing

'oh come on, can't you just let me die already, I've reincarnated so many times and for what?'

not wanting to live a second longer, choi haneul run in front of a speeding car

'this will surely kill me right?'