0.5 Choi Haneul

"And this is my eldest daughter,Yura, she is only 22 but she is getting her PhD later this year, she started opening a new chain for our brand and this is my only son jihwa, he is 15 this year and he is the champion of national math olympiad for middle school but he also want to join the family business and already gave interesting proposals " Mrs Choi introduced her children proudly to the other woman, her eyes were full of smiles and her lips curled up in an elegant smile

The other woman, who were all important figures in the business world were saying string of praises while low key praising their children too.Mrs. Choi laugh happily as her two children politely chat with the elder woman

"Where is second young miss? My daughter is in the same class as her. She keep on praising her." Mrs. Han, first lady of the Tianshi enterprise ask.

Remembering her aloof daughter,the smile in mrs choi eyes dimmed but she kept her elegant smile

"Haneul is a bit unwell, so she is in the balcony, she'll be able to join us soon."  Mrs Choi reply in a lukewarm tone

"Rachel told me, second young miss have an interesting tittle in school, she is known as 'hwang-geom yeosin'. Mrs choi really must be teaching her children well."

"Ah, the infamous hwang-geom yeosin was second young miss choi. My son and nephew also went to the same school, it looks like Mrs Choi daughter is really awesome" Mrs. Lee chimed in

"But i heard that these days she keep hanging out with the school's rebel, it must've been the school hottest topic of conversation."Mrs Han said with a smile a hint of mockery in her eyes. So what if the girl was praised by many, she is still just a youth who is influenced by bad company, who knows how long will it be until she crumbled

Hearing the words of Mrs Han, Mrs choi was shocked and her smile seemed a bit forced, looking at their mother yura laugh and intervened

"I also heard it from Haneul, the boy seem to be a trouble maker yet he is not just some useless nobody he have a powerful backing and he is really capable too"

From a corner Haneul watched the scene of her mother proudly introducing her children, Haneul clearly saw her mother expression, her contended smile and even the hidden surprised when Haneul and her rebel friend was mentioned. After all, the woman must have been shocked hearing her perfect daughter was having an irresponsible kid as a friend

Tonight was a night of happiness, their company reached a milestone.

Haneul walked away from the corner and walk around greeting the guest,everyone show their warmest smile, praising one another.

But if one look a little deeper, one could see annoyance and tiredness in their eyes. This people would rather lazily sleep in the comfort of their home instead of spending the night with these business partner. Alas, survival come with a price. Sometimes you need to bury your true self deep within and show the world what it wants to see

Haneul keep smiling, the graceful curved of the lips adding to her charm, but her eyes was clear with no emotions just like a clear water with no ripple. Those pair of eyes are just like their holder, nondeceiving yet empty