
Episode 31


• Pedro

Days after having fucked Dominick and writing in detail everything he told me, I was surprised. I had a great ability to turn on with just words.

Will she have any relationship with her?


Sex addiction??

Who is addicted to sex?

Sex addiction or compulsive sex (also known as 'donjuanism') refers to a set of behaviors with repeated format and compulsive character aimed at having sex, usually with different partners, in order to satisfy an intense and frequent sexual desire. It is estimated that 6% of the population may suffer from this disorder.

Sex addict is defined by his behavior, which is the result of his desires. In general, the person addicted to sex maintains excessive sexual activity, usually promiscuous and uncontrolled.

In addition, it usually has the following characteristics:

° Young man (in the case of women it is called 'nymphomania').

° Impulse control problems, lack of concentration, etc. Satisfaction is only obtained at the moment, later feeling guilty for having maintained the relationship.

° Persistent in their behavior despite the negative consequences.

° They have thoughts on sexual issues almost constantly and intrusively.

° He is not able to control his sex drive.

° Promiscuous, his sexual behavior is hidden through deception, lies.

° He frequently resorts to masturbation, encounters with strangers, cybersex, pornography, prostitution...

° The time spent looking for sex can lead you to isolation, in addition to bringing you economic and family problems.

° Low self-esteem.

° You have discomfort similar to withdrawal syndrome when you can't have sex.

Sex addiction??

What causes it?

Sex addiction is a disorder that has several causes. Recent studies have found some disorders that share certain characteristics with sex addiction. These are body dysmorphic disorder, pathological gambling and sexual compulsions, grouped in the category of 'obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders'.

At the environmental level, factors involved in the development of sex addiction have been found, such as social failure, the existence of a family of problematic origin, unstructured or with child abuse.

Finally, there are people who present in their personality traits prone to the "search for sensations", something that can facilitate the development of addictions - such as sex addiction or pornography addiction - when this characteristic is mismanaged by the person who presents it.


"Homophobia is simply that: a phobia. A morbid and irrational fear that causes irrational flight behavior or the desire to destroy the stimulus of phobia or anything that reminds it.

The term homophobia refers to the aversion - phobia, from the ancient Greek φόβος, Phobos, 'panic' - obsessive against homosexual men or women, although it generally also includes other people who integrate sexual diversity, such as bisexual or transgender people, and those who maintain attitudes or habits commonly associated with the other sex, such as metrosexuals and men with gestures considered females or women with gestures considered males. The adjective is "homophobic" or "homophobic".

Homophobia is not a strictly psychological term.


Fear or fear is an emotion characterized by an intense unpleasant sensation caused by the perception of a danger, real or supposed, present, future or even past. It is a primary emotion that derives from natural aversion to risk or threat, and manifests itself in all animals, including the human being. The maximum expression of fear is terror. In addition, fear is related to anxiety.

There is real fear when its dimension corresponds to the dimension of the threat. There is neurotic fear when the intensity of the fear attack has nothing to do with danger." I finished writing in my notebook just when Alexander touches my shoulder.

"Very focused on your work," he tells me with a face of enthusiasm. I put a face of despair and frustration, putting my hands to my face and refuting in this one — tiring? "You should take a break."

"No." It's not that, no..." I stared at the ceiling and with some bewilderment and heaviness so much thinking. "Can I tell you something?"

"Of course. Tell me," he answers me by sitting next to me.

Alexander has been my partner since college, he is like a kind of best friend and well, we study the same thing and here we are... we share the same office, only his is behind it.

"I think I've fallen in love with my patient." I let go with a worried tone.

"This is not right..."


Narrated in the third person

«The time has come...»

"They must all be dead... None should stand up..." he begins talking to himself. "Or they will kill all of us..." smile like a demon. "Yes... that's why we must kill them... Everyone is going to die... Let the hunt begin."

Sex Addict Season 3.

⚠️Important note.

The story is told from the perspective of all the important characters.