
Chapter 40


Years ago...

London, England

Getting out of bed worried is not the same as usual; knowing that the person who has been like a sister to you through good and bad times is on the brink of death because of her own family and those she once considered friends, just for not being like everyone else; rejected by society, rejected by all. Except me.

I head to the hospital where she is admitted after a beating from a gang at school. Her girlfriend lost her life, and now she fights for hers.

Very few people know where she is. I arrive at the hospital, which feels like a funeral home, seeing hundreds of people lamenting the state of their loved ones.

"Doctor, wait, please," I stop him by touching his shoulder.

"Tell me," he focuses his attention on me, and I take a deep breath to speak.

"How is Krysbel? Can I see her?"

"Are you talking about the patient who arrived three days ago?" he asks doubtfully.

"Yes, that's right. Do you know anything?"

"Well, it's strange... No one has come to see her."

"She has no one. Only me. How is she?"

"Well, she's in bad shape. She's been in a deep coma since yesterday, and there's nothing we can do. We're trying our best."

"My God..." I close my hand tightly, "Can I see her?"

"Yes, come with me."

"Krys... Don't die..."

Entering the room, the doctor leaves me alone, and as soon as he leaves, I start to cry. I lean over her, and the tears flow uncontrollably.

"I feel bad for not having done anything for you, but listen to me..." I grab her hand and kiss it, "I promise you will get out of here... Do you hear me? I promise, my little one." I lie down next to her and then hear footsteps at the door.

"Here it is," I hear someone say.

"What's happening...?" I ask, puzzled, seeing those people approaching with horrible expressions.

"This person is scum, an antisocial, someone who should just be dead. What a shame she brings to the boss..." says the person at the door.

"At last, I found her."

It was her father. He was looking for her, and then I understood everything: they were here for her. And not for anything good.

"Our little friend here... She's coming with us," he said confidently, "Manila, take her out..."

"What...? Ta...take her out?" I start to stammer, "What are you going to do to her? Hey!" they hold me to prevent me from moving, "Let me go! Let me go! No! Krys! Wake up!" my screams were in vain. That man lifted Krys's nearly lifeless body in his arms and approached the window, smiling like a demon, "NO, DON'T DO IT, PLEASE, WAIT...!"

"It's already done..." he says before throwing the body out the window.

"NOOOOOOO!!" I screamed like a madman, "KRYS!!" my scream became a shot to the soul, a tearing sound from my throat. I kicked as hard as I could to get out of their grip. When I managed to break free, I collapsed to the floor, screaming without stopping.


"We will never understand why life treats the best people the worst..."

"I will never allow anything bad to happen to someone just because they are different from others..." I tell myself.


"You will always be the best at this, brother. Congratulations."

"Diego," one of my colleagues calls me.

"What's up?" I ask.

"We're going to practice this afternoon. Are you coming with us?"

"Yes, of course. Right now, I have to go out with my girl. See you this afternoon," I clarify, getting up and leaving the institute.

Why are you lying? Why do you try to deceive others with these lies?

"How many people do you think you can fool without them noticing? Only one, yourself!"

"Shut up!" my eyes burn, and I feel like crying. I slap myself.

I get home and lock myself in the room. I fall onto the bed, clutching the pillow and squeezing my eyes shut.

"I HATE MYSELF!" I scream loudly.

"She likes me... And we are currently dating... And I came here just to tell you that... I'm sorry, but we're breaking up."

My throat tightens, and I continue crying.

"I'm sorry, but we're breaking up..."

Those words marked my life. Those words turned me into this...

But there's no turning back now; I must finish what I started. So that no one ever suffers from love like this again.


"Where are you taking me?"

"Let's go see the beach..."

Tears fall down my face; everything has crumbled again. It's so true that I'm still...

"Because I love you..."

"Dominick... I still love you," I tell myself.

I keep walking for a while until the sky darkens. It starts to rain, and I continue walking in the rain. It feels very cold; it feels like it hurts.


Suddenly, a wave of warmth invades my body.

This sensation again?


"Diego, are you home?" I hear someone calling at the door.

I lift my head. I don't know when I fell asleep.


"Yes, yes, I'm here. I'm coming."

"Come on, man. It looks like we have a typhoon overhead," he said.

"Okay, I'm ready. Let's go," I tell him, closing the door.

"Are we going to the field that's two blocks away?" Marco asks.

"Of course... Are we going this way? It's closer..." I suggest, "That way, we avoid the typhoon."

"Come on, guys..."

As we enter that road, the rain starts pouring. It begins lightly and then intensifies.

"Damn!" we all run until something stops us.

"Look at who we have here..." I say, pushing the others back, "the one and only Dominick in person..." Marco approaches and lifts his head. Dominick looks exhausted and defeated.

"WE GOT HIM!" Marco shouts, pulling his head up by the hair roughly.

"I know the perfect place for Dominick..." I say, smiling, "Take him..."


I just saw it all. They took Dominick; I must find help before they do something terrible to him.

I run as fast as I can out of that road to find help. And to Dom's salvation, I find the girl who saved him at the institute; she was on her way to that guy's house.

What happened for Dom to end up in the middle of the road, soaked, and in that state?

"Hey! I need your help, quickly!" I shout, and I assume she couldn't understand me.

"You?" she whispers, doubtful and evasive.

"Listen to me carefully! I need you to come with me, Dominick is going to be killed!" I said nervously, she didn't understand me at all. I started to get desperate.

"What?! I don't understand you!" she looked at me strangely, raising an eyebrow.

"Dom... Be killed... Help him..."

"Killed?? Dom??"

"Yes! Help me stop it!" seeing her reaction, I realized she still didn't understand anything. Then I thought: how could she understand me?

"Yes!" I shouted, remembering what was necessary for communication. I took out my phone and wrote it in the translator. When she read it, she froze.

"... Dom... Dominick..." was all she managed to say.

I grabbed her arm and brought her to where I saw him earlier. The falling rain was blinding; it was raining heavily when we arrived. The last thing we saw was a large amount of blood spilled on the ground.

"Dom...? Dom is...?"

Sweet tragedy.