Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine: The New Year

Dueling, Movies And A TV Programme

The New Year came round pretty quickly. The London weather was just as miserable if not quite a bit colder now. There was more than a touch of frost on the ground.

The Bull did have an open fire in the Lounge Bar Restaurant, just down from 'Slippery's Chair'. This was a classic log fire and added a lot of warmth to the room. Both cats took full advantage of this, curled up snugly by the fire. All the festivities had gone well. There were good music events held in the Entertainment Bar. The Lounge Bar Restaurant had filled back up again with a more balanced mix of people. The 'news' circus always wants something 'new'. They need new novelties all the time. Slippery was old news for them now. Having said that there were developments in the offing, more on those later.

Yes, the first Friday came around again. The new Oxford University terms were about to start but both Professor James Hudson and Dr. Amelia Smith were there. Pamela Parsons also found time to be present. The Christmas period had been busy at the BBC, but now there was a slight hiatus before the Spring programming kicked in. Isabella also came along with me. She had a rare evening off. She was also starting to develop a real interest in all these 'Slippery Jake' matters.

Professor James had come with some very interesting new information.

"There is something we have overlooked regarding the life of the Right Hon Jake Horatio Higginbottom. He was a very proficient duelist."

The Professor took a sip of his beer, licked his lips, and carried on.

"Our Highway Man much preferred dueling with a rapier sword. He was very proficient with pistols needless to say, given his occupation. He considered a sword more 'gentlemanly'. Pistols smacked of his 'trade'. Yes, he was a total snob as well."

"He had a ' second' which was recorded as his cousin. Formal duels took place at Putney Heath or Battersea Fields. These were a convenient horse ride away for our resident ghost."

"These were technically illegal during this period. However, the venerable judges quite often indulged in this from time to time. They also accepted this was an 'Honorable thing to do.'"

"Sometimes letters of apology were received and often accepted. In the case of Higginbottom, he never accepted any."

"Informal duels often took place in this very room. Those 'Russian Mafia' may well have sparked a memory in this ghost?"

"Here I go again ascribing consciousness to the specter ."

"This seems to be the case here." Pamela Parsons added.

"Yes Pamela, indeed!"

Then the professor got into the 'meat'.

"All these duels involved honour. The records show this, the letters and newspaper account we have found so far, that these all related to affairs of the heart.

"Ah, the young ladies!" Detective Chief Inspector Higgins exclaimed.

He was there with his two 'apprentices'. They were fully involved in any interaction they could get with their beloveds. Yes, the Bull was now ostensibly an extension of his office back at the Police Station. He had his laptop there and a pile of 'case papers', as did his two 'understudies.' They feverishly typed up reports and discussed ongoing 'cases' in between having the odd pint.

I had picked up on this and had my laptop there too. This was for filling out lesson plans plus bringing along students' folders and books for marking homework. Isabella looked askance at all of this. Typical lazy men, she was thinking to herself, which maybe was fairly close to the truth.

"Yes, Detective Chief Inspector." the professor replied.

"This could be a rival lover, a gentleman who had questioned the honour of any of the ladies. Yes, many were of a certain profession shall we say, but he did not like any inappropriate comments being made against any of them. Plus husbands."

"Husbands?" Percy had just woken up with that comment.

"Yes, Major, husbands!"

"And he got away with this?" Percy continued.

"He certainly did. The law courts then and magistrates always seemed to find mitigating circumstances. Even though he was often caught in flagrante delicto. His 'luck' did run out eventually. This was one of the many reasons for his hanging. So that is where he got the name 'Slippery Jake' from, his ability to escape the law?"

The professor added something critical and very relevant to the present.

"He was very protective of the barmaids and the landlady at the time. There were also many 'love children.'"

"With all of them?" I added.

"Could well be. As Amelia points out, a lot of records were destroyed, but we have enough to go on. Birth certificates are very interesting from that period. This is something for the Ph.D. students to get 'their teeth' into."

"Yes, very much." Dr. Amelia Smith interjected.

Professor Hudson continued. " Our 'ghost' very 'protective' towards the Public House, or Inn as it was then."

"Records show that he often gave out 'summary justice' with his rapier, to any miscreants, groups or individuals causing any excessive disturbances within the Inn. This could be the nonpayment for drinks, mistreating customers, especially, ladies and excessive lewd and drunken behaviour. Reflect on the ghost's recent behaviour here and I think you can see the same pattern repeating itself here recently just as he was in life."

"So he put it about a bit?" The Detective Chief Inspector added cheekily.

"More than just a bit!" Replied the professor laughing.

The second half of the meeting very much concerned with Pamela Parsons. She had some very important information.

"To get to the point. I have been approached by two Hollywood producers who see a potential in a 'Slippery Jake' movie."

We all produced a collective gasp at this.

"Plus, I am toying with the idea of producing a documentary for the BBC on our ghost. 'Slippery Jake Productions' would be involved as part of the production team. Like me, I know you are all very busy people."

Majors Percy and Humphrey looked a bit sheepish at this, as they were both retired.

"Gentlemen, I noticed your responses. Obviously, you too are both now retired, but we would all welcome your worldly wisdom."

"Thank you madam", came a reply for Percy. "We will endeavour to do our best."

"As for Hollywood and other movie outlets, we have no direct 'copyright' over our ghost. However, we do control a lot of the information. Plus coming back to the very pertinent comment regarding the ghost you made previously professor, we need to respect the memory of the Right Hon Jake Horatio Higginbottom, as well as everyone currently working in the pub plus anyone else for that matter."

"I have asked story outlines to be sent to me regarding any movie from HBO, Netflix, etc. There have already been some. Our ghost had been reported quite extensively in the States, Fox, CNN, etc. There seems to be an appetite for 'him' out there. There are hints even of a new 'Pirates of the Caribbean' franchise. Actors are already being sounded out for the possible role of 'Slippery Jake'. A new Johnny Depp even, I kid you not ladies and gentlemen. I have already had a number of inquiries. Plus, thanks Sandra and Kevin for the web site and FaceBook page. You two quickly update everything."

"Yes, we will get the professor's findings up very quickly and will add all this. Plus the more interesting TV/Movie proposition." Sandra added.

"Skype me later and we will discuss this." Was Pamela's reply.

"So we could have a family-friendly production, a full-on horror flic, or even an old 'Carry On'?"

"The late great Sid James would have made a brilliant Slippery Jake." The Detective Chief Inspector added half-joking.

Pamela laughed a bit. "This is pretty much the range I have been getting already. This is my world, but I will involve all of you. I have a legal team looking at what rights we would have and if we could all get paid."

Smiles all round with this.

"I can't guarantee all of this. 'Slippery Productions' would have to be credited on any movie for starters."

Half laughing again she went on. "Old Slippery would have loved all this notoriety."

Dr. Smith and Professor Hudson nodded at these remarks.

Professor Hudson then added, "The records clearly show he loved publicity. He was pretty vain. Given this apparent consciousness, this ghost has, I wonder how long before he becomes aware of his new notoriety?."

"A very moot point, we will wait and see." Dr. Amelia Smith added.

Isabella then observed. "Pamela is this all going to be too much for you, given all the work you must have at the BBC?"

"Thanks, Isabella for your concern. I can cope and as I said the web site does make things a lot easier. Also, Dr. Smith and Professor Hudson thank you for forwarding any new finds."

They both nodded smiling. "We will both keep you appraised, as and when we have updates'" Came the response from Dr. Smith.

Carrying on Pamela added.

"I will discuss all of this with you first and send you all the information, However, if I feel that any of the Hollywood proposals are inappropriate I will send you all the details. Some already are pretty 'iffy'."

"Our documentary on the BBC will be an altogether different matter. I have outlined some proposals which I will discuss with you all the next time we meet. I thought we had enough to discuss today as it was."

With that, the meeting wound up. The Majors stayed on. They would leave just before their wives' WI meeting finished. The 'detectives' had to move on as all of us did.

Isabella gave me a reassuring look as we left.

"Love this is all starting to sound exciting. Luckily, we have Pamela Parsons."

"Yes love, she certainly has her head screwed on."

Isabella drove back. She really enjoyed driving 'Haku'. The end of another week. Again Isabella had no scheduled shifts, but she could be called in at any time. We did have a pretty pleasant and relaxing weekend though.

A brief note on Slippery's cape, three-cornered hat, and the rapier sword. There was also a small whetstone. The Old Ghost wanted to make sure his rapier blade was as sharp as possible at all times. A shoulder red velvet cape plus the Highwayman's original dueling blade and hat were kept securely locked in an old oak trunk in the pub's basement, directly below 'Slippery's chair' along with the whetstone.

With the cellar restorations, it was felt that this trunk and 'his chair' should not be moved. Any attempt to move it or even examine either item led to Slippery really getting very upset.

What was really strange was both these real objects could somehow appear being used and worn by the ghost? Slippery Jake liked to use his original rapier blade in any violent manifestations. Of course, he had to wear his beloved three-cornered hat. How otherwise would he produce the extravagant twirling of his hat as he bowed? How these objects could be moved from out of the trunk was also a total mystery.

Also the 'real' was seamlessly combined with the ghostly. He had appeared in a pair of 'ghostly' blue and orange striped pantaloons/trousers. Although there could be some variations of these. There was the 'ghostly' pale blue or sometimes red, full-breasted jacket with enormous lapels. Also, the totally over the top, seemingly silk, white cravat. With his reappearances to the Bull, Old Slippery has been puzzled by one thing. Why does everybody dress up like peasants in the 21st century with all those blue jeans?

He really did not like men wearing blue jeans. Well, tight-fitting jeans for young ladies did interest him a lot.

Chapter Ten: 'Slippery Returns'. An Unwelcome Visitor To The Pub and The 'Stork' Arrives'.

The next Friday afternoon came round quickly enough. The weather was equally grim, that perpetual leaden gray sky that never seemed to want to go away.

We were a bit low on numbers. The 'detectives' would come a bit later. Pamela Parsons and the 'academics' were all pretty busy. They sent their apologies. Sandra and Kevin as well were missing. They too had college work to catch up with. The 'Majors' were there though. Percy and Humphrey were like added fixtures to the furniture in the Bull Lounge. Their good wives were on some earnest mission of some sort. This could be why their respective marriages had lasted so long. They all knew their respective 'perfect imperfections' all too well. Given they were all now retired too, going to the Bull most weekday afternoons seemed a useful avoidance strategy.

Isabella and I were nowhere near that yet. She relished meeting up with me after work here in the Lounge Bar Restaurant, which she hoped to do soon.

Things were pretty normal in the Bull's Lounge Bar as well. The regular customers had all comeback. Local officer workers etc were regularly booking tables again in the pub's restaurants.

All the barmaids and Sven were back. The extra staff could be found at any time. Beryl and Sid called on their daughters' restaurant for further staff. They knew that these people would be vetted and trusted.

So I settled back and took a sip of the Bull's very fine real ale. Humphrey and Percy remarked on the latest developments that were sent to them on the 'Slippery Jake' web page.

They had kept abreast of computer and cell/mobile phone developments. This way they had an added window onto the world as well as their trusted Daily Telegraph and BBC television.

"I can't say I am happy with some of these film proposals young David. The television documentary looks fine though."

"I am inclined to agree.", I replied.

We had all sent back our thoughts and comments to Pamela. All in all, this was proceeding quite nicely. There was no rush in any of this. We wanted to get things right, all of us.

It was about now that Slippery reappeared. Maybe he had spent enough time on his 'naughty step'. Maybe he was quite a sensitive ghostie after all? The stimulus of course was Lina cleaning 'Old Slippery's Chair'. He came into view, dressed to the 'nines'. He was wearing a full red jacket and rich red breeches along with a flamboyant waistcoat. Yes, his hat, red cape, and trusted sword were actual items, that mysteriously transported from his trunk directly below him in the pub's cellar when he required them. But for all the rest? Just what kind of vast wardrobe was being kept in the depths of Hell? This appeared to be for his delectation. This was all totally inexplicable. Hardly eternal torture for an aesthete dandy like Old Slippery. He had totally devoted his life to his pleasures.

'Dressing up' was very much part of this. This was just what he was doing now. Was he being allowed some slack for the potential services he was about to render?

People at their dining tables started to get restless. Some were looking pensively across at the Old Ghost. A number had seen Slippery Jake before, but newcomers were new to him. Plus everybody had remembered recent events in the Bull Pub.

Sid came from around the bar. He reassured people that there was nothing to worry about. He then bowed towards Slippery touching his forehead. The Resident Ghost reciprocated by standing up, bowing, and giving an extravagant twirl of his pretty large three-cornered hat. This was his actual hat.

There were gasps all round. Slippery continued to sit in his chair. He seemed contented to simply look around him. Yes, he was especially interested in the barmaids, and Sven. He also picked out any ladies in the Lounge Bar that took his interest. He had that same lascivious sneer. His vast libido seemed pretty intact in the afterlife.

"Ah the Old Slippery is back, drooling over the young ladies," Percy remarked.

"And the occasional young man," Humphrey added.

"Yes, he does seem to 'bat on both sides.' Nothing wrong with that. I will send a comment across to the web page on this matter."

"He does look rather pukka!" Percy interjected.

We all settled back and continued sipping our beers. There was no hurry. It was about then that I noticed a rather disheveled gentleman sitting in a corner watching everything very closely.

I gave Percy a nudge and nodded in the direction of this fellow.

"Who is he, Percy? I think I have seen him here before."

"I am not sure, but yes, he was very much around when the other reporters were here. He seemed to want to remain hidden. He looks a very unsavoury character to me. The Detective Chief Inspector will know who he is. He seems to be hiding from our ghost as well."

We continued to monitor this individual for a while. He seemed to be making notes in his notebook. He ordered the odd pint. He also ordered a basic hamburger with chips (french fries), for his meal.

I went up to the bar and got in another round. For me, that was half a pint, unless Isabella turned up soon. However, getting her to drive back was more than a bit cheeky especially after the long hours she always put in. I had a word with Sid quietly.

"Ah, a freelance hack. Sends salacious copy across to the 'red top' press and any other dodgy outlets. He is no trouble as such, but he does lower the 'tone' of the place. He is just waiting for another 'incident' here."

With that, I sat down. On cue, the Detective Chief Inspector came in with his two apprentices. They had had a lot of work to clear up, including some serious robberies where there was ABH (actual bodily harm). Big beaming smiles came over the faces of Lina and Magda. They soon went over to our table and drinks were ordered.

I raised the question of the gentleman in the corner with the Detective Chief Inspector.

"Ah, Mr. Sealers, or 'Sealers the Snake'. A slimy freelance reporter on the lookout for anything juicy. I did use him for a while as a snout, an informer. He is far from reliable. Most of what he writes is made up, well pretty well all of it. It is always sensational. He gets by because papers and the rest need to fill up space every day. He was having a high old time when ' Old Slippery' went 'ape' with the 'Ruskies'. Things must be quiet out there or he has lost his imaginative juices. He loves sordid stuff like Judges with Call Girls. Half the time he makes it up. Avoid eye contact with him. I guess he knows I am here."

With that I noticed the ghost looking inquisitively in the direction of the reporter. Old Slippery did not seem happy. The Detective Chief Inspector gave the ghost a look as if to say 'back off ' for now.

"Better Slippery chooses the right moment. But if he does try anything, then the 'Snake' will really plaster everything all over the media. Need to nail that s***. Will give this some thought."

With this, the Detective Chief Inspector nodded across to Old Slippery. It was bizarre but these two were starting to develop a good understanding. Justin, his trainee

detective noted:

"He seems to 'read' people really well."

"He does my son. Maybe he can read our 'souls'. He would make a great detective."

The Detective Chief Inspector had made an important point.

With this Isabella came in beaming.

"I have some very important news love, we are going to have a baby."

I sat back in my chair with a strange feeling of elation. This had been overheard. There were congratulations all round.

Magda came over and added:

"Poo poo cleaning for you now Paul!"

This produced a laugh from everyone. Magda looked across at James with a certain look in her eyes. This is where she wanted to be soon too. This did not escape Beryl either. This was inevitable she thought. Both Sid and herself had to do some long term planning soon.

What was stranger, or maybe not given recent developments, was Old Slippery's reaction.

He looked hard at Isabella and down to her tummy. He sat back with a wide smile on his face. This seemed very paternal.

This did not escape everybody else either.

James then commented.

"Is there nothing that ghost doesn't notice?"

"Nothing!" Came the Detective Chief Inspectors reply!

With this Isabella and I went home. A whole new chapter had opened in my life. If all went well I would soon be a father. Isabella was beaming.