Chapter 23

Chapter Twenty Three:

Very Profound Topics Are Discussed

Moving into gloomy November did not deter the redoubtable members of the committee. Everybody was there. A strict agenda had been decided upon and circulated to everyone online prior to the meeting by Pamela Parsons. This had been agreed upon by everybody. Hopefully, now there would be no distractions by eavesdroppers in the Lounge Bar. Old Slippery had taken up his seat on the opposite side of the room. Marigold and Percival the two pub cats, had taken up position either side of him like sentinels, taking up the role of Anubis, the jackal-headed Egyptian God of Death. They had long lost any fear of the specter.

Pamela Parsons along with Professor Hudson duly introduced Professor Alistair McCullough professor of Astrophysics at Oxford University. He replied saying that he was very grateful for the invitation.

They then got straight down to business.

The agenda was set. The Detective Chief Inspector would have, as usual, a pivotal role in acting as a link between the committee and Old Slippery.

The ghost himself seemed to understand this. He sat in his Regency Chair stroking his goatee beard which had now reappeared.

Composed and ready to do business.

Modern science was really throwing up some amazing observations. Professor Alistair McCullough stated that the known universe was apparently flying apart at an increasingly faster speed. There were problems with calculating how fast this really was. Dark matter was all that was holding the universe together. However, dark matter was yet to be properly detected.

The good professor carried on.

What was the true nature of Black Holes? He stated there was evidence of parallel universes. A strange alien object had moved through the solar system, coated in inexplicable organic material. A source of mysterious radio waves has been discovered in deep space. There is a hunt for neutron ghost particles. Half our body anatomy comes from matter beyond the solar system. Gravitational waves have been detected. Most scientists can not explain consciousness. Plus there is something about Schrodingers cat.

As for animals, cats and dogs can see spirits as has been witnessed here by Merrigold and Percival, the two pub cats, along with Archie the little Scottie dog. They knew when Old Slippery was around, long before any humans could.

Dolphins can talk to each other.

There was much much more. The better science got in detection, the stranger everything was becoming.

There was much to discuss. The problem was where to start? The general consensus was to work through Pamela Parsons's list. Questions would then be directed at Slippery Jake via the good Detective Chief Inspector.

The first question had come from Professor Alistair McCullough.

"So is time and space infinite?"

The reply from Old Slippery via the Chief Inspector was:

"It passes all understanding"

"More questions will be asked, every time you think you are close to a solution, there will be another question. This is how it is and will always be."

"This is especially true in science."

"The religious representatives reflect different facets of a diamond. Each one of your beliefs holds some truth. However, like science, the real truth will allude you. You only see a facet. However, you must keep trying all of you."

This came as a revelation to everyone. It was clear that there was a vast amount yet to learn and understand. Possibly there will never be a point when humanity fully comprehends the Great Why?

This did not prevent a slue of very technical questions being fired at Old Slippery via the Detective Chief Inspector. These were both scientific and religious. Old Slippery had an answer for everyone, even though his answers left everyone even more puzzled. There was a considerable knowledge being ferried to and fro via the ghost. The Detective Chief Inspector diligently reported all of this back even though he had little idea what any of this was about.

Kevin and Sandra were also recording everything. This would all be mulled over by those concerned in greater detail later. There were also no obvious snoopers or interlopers amongst the Lounge Bar customers, although a number seemed to be taking a keen interest in the proceedings. Some had a pretty good idea of what was being said as well.

Sid was more than happy with these proceedings. All these intellectuals went for more exotic beverages and cuisine. This meant the pub's profit margins were nicely up.

The range of topics was duly amazing. Had the Universe always existed through a succession of 'Big Bangs? What was the true nature of 'Multiverses? Is long-distance inter-space travel possible and can you travel faster than light? The list went on and on. Old Slippery's replies appeared ambiguous at times. There was always an element of truth there. The gauntlet seemed to be continually thrown back at the committee. However, new lines of inquiry were also been opened up.

The focus now went back to Old Slippery himself.