Chapter 31: Leslie

Chapter 31: Leslie

Evie runs over and sees Jaden unconscious and Xander barely moving as he struggles to stand up. She picks up Jaden "Xander are you okay?!"

Xander coughs as he stands up using his sword to keep himself up. "Ugh...yeah i should be fine, he has insane movement, i barely saw him." he says looking at Jake and Claire fighting him.

Evie looks over to Pravarasena fighting Bastet "We need to get past Bastet.." She thinks to herself "My barriers won't be able to protect against anyone right now…"

Pravarasena shoots a bolt of lightning at Bastet electrocuting her as she screams in pain. The area around him warps inward and outward as he drops next to Evie. Bastet drops to the ground after the shock stops. Smoke rises from her body as she lays there.

"Is she.." Evie says looking at Pravarasena

"Dead? No, she is unconscious at the moment, but I don't know when she'll be awake." Pravarasena says as he looks up, seeing Scott and Amon clashing in the air. "I'm taking her back to her home, i'll make sure to tell Scott to do the same with Amon."

"What?! What about the Demon right in front of us?!" She grabs Pravarasena by his shirt.

Pravarasena knocks her hand away "'s not my problem, unlike the rest of my members I actually care about what happens to my team." He walks over to Bastet picking her and her cube up "You should do the same, considering you're a leader."

"Lesile?!" She says thinking to herself as she glares at Pravarasena as he leaves, Xander puts his hand on her shoulder "Alright...we need to get Jaden into the infirmary, we need to get him somewhere more safe than here." She says to Xander.

Xander and Evie begin to head up the stairs, as they head to the infirmary, the hallway is completely destroyed with bodies and blood scattered everywhere. "Oh my god...he killed them that quickly?" Xander says with his blade ready.

"Be careful more people might be around that are under his control." Evie says as they run to the infirmary to see Leslie laying there motionless with a purple portal in front of him. The room is filled with dead nurses and doctors scattered everywhere. Evie's eyes widened with realization "Back at the church! I think I know where Giovanno came from!" She hands Jaden to Xander. "Take him to Claire's office, then go help Jake!"

Xander fumbles with Jaden "Uh alright!" he sits Jaden down and sheaths his blade "What are you goin-" he looks up and sees Evie with barrier around her running into the purple portal "EVIE!!"

Evie runs through as Xander's voice echoes behind her. She keeps running through this purple fog. "This…is the place that Leslie keeps his monsters? Is it a pocket dimension?" She continues to run through and stumbles upon a hellhound. She jumps back giving herself room, but notices that it's laying there docile and unprovoked. "So they really do only listen to Leslie…okay good."

She continues to run aimlessly seeing more and more creatures sitting, waiting for a command. She starts to call out his name, her voice echoing in this purple void. "Leslie!?"

She hears a faint laughter coming to her right as she turns. "Leslie!! It's me Evie!" She shouts running towards the noise. As she continues running she sees a light glowing in the distance "Does he have a light creature that he took in?"

The light grows brighter and brighter breaking through the purple fog. She stops for a second to catch her breath as she hears more laughter coming just beyond fog. "Everything has been quiet..could Leslie be here?" She walks through the fog and is blinded by the light, she covers her eyes with her hand as warmth washes over her. "Am I outside?"

Her eyes adjust and she looks and sees a small house, the sound of pattering footsteps can be heard from inside.

"Nimoy! Come check this out!" The voice says from inside.

"Nimoy" Evie says with confusion. She walks up and looks through one of the windows seeing a small child holding a chubby gray cat with three black stripes on his forehead, it also has one purple and one blue eye.

"Meow~" it says, wiggling itself out of the child's grasps walking around him. It has faint black outlines on his back as well similar to that of a spinal bone and ribs cage.

"Leslie?" Evie says looking at the kid, the kid and Nimoy look up, the fur on the back of the cat raises.

Leslie waves shyly "how do you know my name?" He asked hesitantly.

Evie gives a soft smile "I'm here to get you out of here! Giovanno is back! And we could use the back up!"

The moment she said Giovanno the cat gets in front of Leslie hissing at Evie, Leslie has a look of fear on his face from hearing that name "No!Don't Make me face him again!!" He says with tears filling his eyes. She hears footsteps around her coming from within the fog.

A towering unnatural beast exits the fog looking down at Evie. It's body and claws surging with electricity. A humanoid Mongrel comes stumbling out, growling as venom drips from its teeth.

Evie looks "Where were these monsters earlier?!" The Cat lets out a loud sound as the monsters charge at Evie. Evie runs towards the towering beast sliding between its legs. She pulls out her shotgun shooting it in the heels making it fall forward with a groan.

"Leslie! You have to come with us! We need your help! Your monsters can help fight against Giovanno!" She yells as she dodges the mongrel. She looks at the window and sees the cat glaring at her with aggression in his eyes "Meooooow!!" Nimoy says as the mongrel begins to become more aggressive, swiping and biting at her almost aimlessly.

"Spartan's shield!" She slams the shield into the mongrel face as it lets out a Yelp! "Leslie!" She says with a growl!

Leslie shakingly looks out the window "Why are you hurting my friends!? Leave me alone! My parents will be here any minute! And you'll be sorry!"

Evie has a moment of realization as she thinks to herself "He's not the Leslie I know….he's just a kid and to him…I'm some crazy woman screaming at him."

"Leslie..I'm sorry but they are attacking me and I'm just trying to talk, I promise I'm not here to hurt you or your friends." She slowly lays down her shotgun "See? I'm just here to talk." She says with a nervous smile as the Mongrel charges at her, and the Towering Beast reaches out to grab her.

Leslie looks at Nimoy "Alright Nimoy she stopped so you can too…" the cat just keeps staring at Evie with a quiet growl. The mongrel tackles Evie and tries biting her but is unable to break through her barrier yet. "Nimoy! Stop!" He yells. Nimoy gives a reluctant "Eow.." as the Mongrel stops trying to bite Evie and gets off of her. The towering beast retracts his hand slowly.

Leslie opens the window poking his head out "I really don't want to face Giovanno again…he tried to hurt me and he hurt some of my friends in here too…"

Evie takes a step towards him but the cat hisses and the monsters behind her moves quickly in front of her. "The cat…is controlling the monsters? He doesn't have the purple aura like the others…he just seems like a normal cat." She puts her hands up "Leslie, your friends on the outside are being hurt by him as well."

"Do I have more friends? All of my friends are here with Nimoy and me." He says, wiping tears from his eyes.

"No you have more!" Evie says desperately "I'm one of them! Then you have Jake, Jaden, and Xander!"

Leslie has a quick flash of his friends in front of him and he holds his head "I….I.."

"I'm getting through to him!" Evie thinks to herself as she continues "Yeah! Remember the training we did and we worked together! You and me! Helping out Xander to fight Travis! You used some of your hellhounds to help too!"

"More memories start to flood Leslies mind "My head hurts!" Nimoy takes notice of this and let's out a screech as the towering beast grabs Evie, squeezing her.

Evie's barrier starts to crack but she keeps going."New Orleans! You told me about how Jaden and you stole some of Xander's po-boy! We're your friends Leslie! Don't forget us!"

Leslie has more flashes seeing himself with his friends. "Nimoy…" he says with a strain in his voice. Nimoy rubs himself against Leslie comforting him.

Evie's barrier cracks even more as she begins to bend under the force of the beast. "Agh! L-Leslie! Th-The Church!"

With those words everything comes flashing back to Leslie to that moment of him putting that mound of flesh into the portal.

Leslie now back to his older self looks at Nimoy picking him up, the cat in reaction scratches Leslie but Leslie doesn't let him go. "It's okay Nimoy, you were just protecting me. Just like you've always been."

"Meow" Nimoy says as he rubs himself against Leslie. Nimoy begins to purr softly staring into Leslies eyes as he begins to slowly turn purple, and with every push of his paw he slowly goes into Leslie's chest with Leslie embracing Nimoy.

The monsters drop Evie to the ground and land, catching herself."Leslie?" She says looking at him as he glows this bright purple causing Evie to cover her eyes.

Leslie floats into the air as Nimoy leaves him body to float around Leslie giving him a soft smile "Until next…friend…the power you have been using now was mine…your power is to someone the power of those that you trust and those that trust you.."

Leslie stares at Nimoy "You could talk this entire time?….you jerk! Thanks for all of your help Nimoy!" He says with a tearful smile as Nimoy becomes a part of the purple void surrounding them.

A white doorway opens up as Evie goes flying through it, Leslie slowly walks through as well.

Evie flies out of the purple portal crashing into a wall, she looks as sees the portal wrap itself around Leslie. Evie looks at the monitor as it begins to beep once again.

The purple energy dispersed as Leslie slowly opened his eyes. Evie jumps up hugging him "You're alive!"

Xander appears behind them. "You're back already?! I just dropped Jaden off inside the office…"

Leslie gets up, he looks at Evie and Xander, his right eye is purple while the other remains grayish blue, his hair is now a dark purple. "I was using his ability…" he speaks showing his fangs

Evie and Xander look at him "What?" Evie says

"Your hair! Your eyes! And your ears! They're on top of your head now too! And you have a tail?!" Xander says shocked

Leslie perks up hearing that, his purple cat ears shooting straight up, and his tail wags "Huh..I'm guessing Nimoy fully became one with me...I never expected to become like a cat tho.."

"Fully became one? What are you talking about?" Evie says confused "I thought he was just in your little dimension."

" I don't have time to explain that but I can tell you this while we go to help Jake and Claire!" He hops off the bed dashing with swiftness

"Wow he's uh…he's fast!" Evie says struggling to keep up with him.

"Listen, Nimoy told me that the power I've been using the entire time wasn't my own…I was using his." Leslie says to them as they continue to run.

"The only way I can use other people's powers is through mutual trust and the willingness to lend me their powers." He says holding his hand out to Xander "Do you trust me?"

Xander grabs his hand as he effortlessly runs next to Leslie "Of course man! Even though you di-" purple energy surging from Xander to Leslie.

Xander shivers "I feel kinda violated…"

Leslie smirks as he zooms past them and back. "So it worked..all we need to do is wake Jaden up and I can do the same with him and heal everyone."

Xander starts to slow down a bit "Yeah..great" he says in a tired huff. "I think you took a good bit of my energy…"

They reach the office and Evie walks in first helping Jaden up who was laying on the desk "you know you could've put him somewhere more comfortable…" she says with a sigh putting him into the seat.

The building shakes as a huge explosion goes off in the direction of the arena "Alright Leslie do your new thing!" Evie says, watching the door.

"Right…" Leslie says, looking at Jaden.

Chapter 31 End>