She was pure

Resting his back against the wall, Hadi closed his eyes for a moment, opening them at the sound of his friends jumping up to settle themselves on the fence wall, chatting among themselves with the energy of early morning renewed vibrancy.

He wondered what happened between Leila and Rafay after the argument they had outside the English class. To be honest he wouldn't have minded in the least the two getting together, though Sasha had commented it to be gross. Rafay seemed a little put down casting frequent glances in Leila's direction, to which she either tried to be oblivious or in fact really was, Hadi wasn't sure.

Ma'az would definitely end up getting arranged married, and he didn't seem to mind that at all, being all nerdy and more focused on his studies and getting a scholarship in the institute of London science and technology.

Hadi didn't want to settle abroad and wished to work as a beginner in the Artifical Intelligence Board of Modernity, striving toward further advancement in the field of technology and gaining more insight into the computer and its accessories.

Taking frequent trips to foreign companies and acquiring assistance and further diplomas to strengthen his degree would be a better idea for he was eager to get into the professional field as an employe.

"Earth to Hadi!" Leila sang, shoulders hunched up hands gripping the edge of the wall and legs swinging.

At the mention of his name, he looked at Leila and shrugged slightly. "Thinking."

Sasha scoffed. "You think?"

"More than you do." Hadi muttered retorting back.

"Haha." She rolled her eyes.

"Something wrong?" Putting a hand on his shoulder, Bilal asked peering into his eyes. He was standng next to him, leaning a shoulder against the pillar.

"No. Just wondering about life once we get out of here."

Bilal snorted providing Hadi with a smack on his head.

"Oh suck it up, Hadi," Sasha protested, "I'm not in the mood to get depressed right now."

"What's so upsetting?" Rafay raised his eyebrows, looking up at them. He was propped on the floor, cross legged, with Ma'az beside him.

"Come on dude, who knows when we'd be getting together like this again." Ma'az said.

"Imagine seeing your ugly face after a couple of years." Bilal grinned, with an air of dramatics as he placed a hand on his chest and said, "What a relief, honestly."

Rafay laughed. "What do you think about yourself? Appearing after years with a dolled up bride by your side. The tiger turned into a mouse."

Bilal turned a dark shade of scarlet. "Watch it asshole, or I'm going to dump you down into the gutter."

Hadi let out a soft laugh. "I think that's exactly what's going to happen. He'd probably fall in love with his cousin from Yorkshire who sends her a bouquet every year Eid."

Ma'az snickered. "You bet."

"So romantic." Leila mused.

"Shut it, guys." Bilal hissed in quirt fury, hands bunched up in a fist by his side.

Rafay snorted. "Look at him all flushed crimson, more of tigress than a tiger, really."

Noticing his locked jaw and pursed lips, Hadi punched him on the arm. "Dude, we're just joking why all-"

"Well fuck Hadi, I don't like these kinds of jokes." He snarled taking everyone by surprise.

"Shit." Rafay muttered.

"Fine." Raising his hands in surrender, Hadi said. "Cool down now, it's not like we're literally focring you into marrying your cousin. No reason to get all heated up."

"When are you getting me the girl?" His voice shook, unable to contain all the anger surging in.

Hadi stared at his friend as he clenched his jaw. Thankfully Sasha spoke up saving him from having to  reply, for he didn't know what to say. The truth was Hadi would never ever want to do something to her, not to Mirha. Though he wasn't sure what being half drunk and the spur of the moment would have brought out of him - maybe he would abduct a girl just for the thrill. He didn't want to see that part of himself, if he was capable of such atrocities. Afraid that in fact he was, Hadi felt sick to the stomach. Why did he ever made that promise, giving Bilal a hope and a yearning of lust soon to be fulfilled. Why was Mirha so fucking innocent to have come to remove the clogging in his conscience he once had?

"End of the year, honey." She cooed. "You'd have to wait until then."

"Look there she is!" Leila said suddenly as she pointed towards the garden.

Following her gaze, Hadi saw Mirha perched up on a fence wall a book opened on her laps, as she bit down on a half eaten banana, on the far end of the garden only visible from the gaps in the tree branches.

"She is such a loner, poor girl." Leila tsked.

"Pfft. No one so annoying could ever have a friend." Sasha scoffed.

Hadi wasn't yet able to defend her in front of his friends, though he did wonder with a subtle solemnity why Mirha had no friends.


"Hi." Mriha chirped with a half raised hand, a grin splitting her mouth. She had been waiting for him for almost half an hour, worrying if he wouldn't turn up at all.

"Hey?" Pulling out the chair he looked at her eyebrows raised in confusion, a ghost of a smile fighting to make its way across his face. "You look happy today."

"No reason." She shrugged as she saw Hadi sit down. "You're late though."

"Yeah, sorry got caught up with an assignment due today." 

"Oh, so it's done?"

"Just submitted it to the professor." 

Mirha nodded. "If I take too much of-"

"No it's fine." Hadi cut her off with a faint smile.

She grinned back. "You know what?"


"My English professor said I'm improving." She said all giddy and excited, eyes twinkling.

Hadi couldn't help but give a soft chuckle. "That's why you're unusually happy?"

"Mhm." She hummed with an energetic nod. 

"Mirha, honestly? Sorry to break it to you but that's not that big of an achievement."

"That is!" She pressed. "Professor Mark said I'm improving! How's that not an achievement?! He was the one who so rudely told me to drop out of studies if I can't cope up. Actually I was thinking about getting you a another box of sweet. It's a good news after all."

"Why, I didn't help you with English."

Mirha shrugged. "But you were there. Plus there's not anyone else who I'd share it with. My grandfather said one should always celebrate and take a sweet if something happened that made you happy." She said. "I'm thinking about giving one to professor Mark as well, what do you think?"

"Sure." Hadi smiled though it seemed forced, as if he had something going on in his mind, something that worried him. 

"It's done then." Mirha grinned and sensing his unease steered away from the topic. "Anyways, let's get back to Algorithms." She said and opened the book.

"Hey," he said after a pause. Mirha looked up. "Do you want the notes for English? I can get them out from Ma'az for you."

"No, it's okay." She gave a sight shake of her head. "If I'm improving, I'm sure I can do better myself too."

He smiled. "Good. I'm glad you said that." 

Mirha beamed. "Thank you." She bit down on her lower lip. "You know what?"

"What?" Hadi arched an eyebrow, amused by the fact that she wouldn't proceed until he'd say that. 

"I pray for you all the time. There's not much I can do for you in return, except that." Hadi's smile wavered. "But I'm sure whatever you want you'll get everything for helping me out. You'd make a good professor in place of Professor Arif, you know."

Something clawed in his heart overwhelming him with the guilt of what he intended to do. What did she know? Stupid girl, trusting him with her mind and heart on all grounds. What was he even doing here, sitting with her knowing that the longer he stayed the more mental trouble he'd be setting himself in. Fuck, Hadi. 

Why couldn't he just simply tell Bilal that he can't do what he'd promised. That he was wrong in calling her a makeshift pious hoe. That she was pious, she was pure. And that he just couldn't play with something so pure and ruin it for all eternity. Why was it so fucking difficult?
