It drives me insane!

The building was huge, with a magnificent interior, people in elegant dresses went to and fro the hallways, Mirha watched in fascination as she followed Hadi into a spacious office, decorated with luxurious furnishings.

A smart young man sat behind the mahogany desk and Mirha immediately noticed the resemblance he had with Hadi, dressed in a black suit, he was good looking himself.

"Sit." He motioned the two of them to the chairs and closed the lid of his laptop.

"Where's Dad?" Hadi asked  as he pulled the chair and sat down, only after Mirha had done the same.

"In a meeting with the council." He replied and looked at Mirha. "I'm Owais, deputy director of the company. Let me remind you before we begin that technically you were supposed to be an internee, but since we're not hiring anybody at the moment, and you're here on Hadi's request-"

"Hey, you don't need to be blunt!" Hadi snapped.

Mirha glanced at him before fixing his gaze back on his brother, who fluidly ignored Hadi as if there had been no disruption made.

"You're here as an employee, which means the first three months you would be on probation. I'll give you three warnings, usually we do with just one, but since you have no former experience and you haven't even graduated, you're bound to make mistakes. Now, you'd be working under Fahad Jibran, who is the assistant to the deputy director, who works under me. Understand?"

Mirha nodded.

"What you would be required to do, is very minor, like reading the propositions from a file, reminding Fahad the deadlines, laying the outlines of presentations he would have to make, and lastly, keeping track of the office's progress. Understood?"

"Yes." Mirha nodded, yet again.

"One final thing, Hadi is not your employer, he doesn't even work here, in fact, so you better not obey him."

"Oh, for heaven's sake-" Hadi began but was cut short rather rudely.

"That'll be it." Owais said with a tight-lipped smile and opened the lid of his laptop.

Taking her cue, Mirha stood up, but Hadi caught her by the wrist, regarding his brother with an intense stare.

"What is your problem?" He asked in an icy-cold voice.

Owais looked up from the screen and arched his eyebrows. "Oh, you're interested?" He said, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"Owais for the last time-"

"I got a call from the Canadian minister, Hadi, he turned our proposal down because we couldn't provide them with the necessary documents on time because of the stupid fire. They said they needed those documents to present to the council before the election campaign started and before the acting government could have taken charge. And until we redesign them, it'll be too late. Do you care about that?"

"I would have had it been my fault."

"You would have to change this attitude, Hadi. This is not going to help you end up anywhere substantial. All this I don't give a fuck, and I only help, I only care if I get something out of it," he shook his head, "have pity on yourself. Learn to respect people, and for the sake of God, give a little attention to what's happening around you."

"Hold in there for a minute. Learn to respect people? Where did that come from?"

"Amna Ashfaq resigned."

"Who the hell is she?"

"The one you called a whore? Only because she bumped into you!" He said. "She filed a case of harassment against you and resigned, we lost an employee and a contract all thanks to you. The former because you can't even fucking respect a woman."

"Fuck off, Owais." Hadi said and got up, sending the chair backwards. Still gripping Mirha's hand, he strode out of the room. 

"Hadi," Mirha said softly, and when he didn't respond, she repeated a little louder. "Hadi?"

"What?" He halted, and turned around.

"You're hurting me."

"Shit." He said, letting go of her. "I'm so freaking sorry."

"It's okay." She mumbled.

"Are you alright?"


"I'm sorry."

Mirha shook her head. "Sometimes, you say things you shouldn't. You shouldn't have said what you did to the woman, and you shouldn't have said what you did to your brother. I asked you not to use that word."

"I know."

"But it's okay. You can always change. You can always apologize." She grinned, and Hadi's heart was taken up by a sudden desire to kiss her, "Promise me Hadi-"

"I promise-" he interjected, his voice hoarse, as he took a step closer to her.

"You did that again. You promised even though you don't know what I want. Hadi, look-

"Stop taking my name, okay! It drives me insane!"

"What?" She said. "Hadi what are you doing?"

"What are you doing?" He said and then added softly, "what are you doing to me, Mirha?"

"What?" Mirha squeaked, suddenly out of breath.

Hadi noticed the trace of fear that passed her face. He had to contain himself before he went too far. Heaving in a long, shaky breath, he sighed. "Nothing. I just - I promise I'd talk to my brother later."

"Thank you." She grinned, her face betraying the actual feelings blowing in a tornado in her heart.


Mirha was going to the lecture hall for her class with professor Tabassum, when a girl, she immediately recognized as Hadi's cousin, called out to her.

She turned around and saw her standing by the pillar with some of her friends, and waved at her to come over.

"You coming right?" Sasha asked once Mirha reached her.

"Where?" She asked, confused.

"At the party, duh."

Mirha smiled politely. "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Don't tell me Hadi didn't mention it to you?"

"Um, no? Though he did say he had a surprise."

"Did he now?" Her eyes gleamed. "Very well, honey, in order to give you that surprise you need to be at the party we're having at one of our friends' house. Ma'az actually. It's on Saturday. We'll take you with us, so be ready by nine, yeah?"

"Um, okay."

"Great. Hadi must have forgotten to tell you that, but he really wants you there. It's for the surprise he mentioned."


"Bye." She said with a movement of her fingers.
