Miss Qadeer

Her program was ready. The agent she had approached was beyond excited. And it was all on him, that she was giving a presentation to the people in front of her, explaining to them her project, telling them of its significance, its uses, and all that it entails. It was the auction, held to determine who could invest more to launch the next big thing in the world market.

Mirha was nervous, anxious as she walked away from the podium after finishing her presentation, her agent now taking the place. She went down the stage, standing at the corner of it, as she saw volunteers raising the bids. She waited with bated breath, as it grew higher and higher until it finally came to a halt at 500k.

All eyes came back to the last bidder after a few moments' silence when nobody else stood up.

And when her agent was about to close the deal, there came a voice, a voice all too familiar to her ears. A voice she had stayed hidden from all through the last six years.

"I offer a million dollars." Everybody turned in their seats.

Mirha thought her heart had stopped beating, or maybe it was racing so fast, her mind couldn't catch up. She couldn't believe her eyes, couldn't believe all those seven years she'd travelled, the goal she'd chased, would bring her here, to this room, to this person, who wasn't even looking at her. He had his eyes trained on Mohib, as if there was nothing else in the world he could be more interested in.

"Are you quite sure, sir?" Mohib asked, wide eyed, unable to contain the excitement coursing through his bones.

"I am." He stood up from his chair, clasping the button of his coat.

"One million dollars, everybody. Is that final?" He said over the mic.

Silence had descended.

"So the deal is closed. Your name sir?"

"Hadi Maher."

A chill went down Mirha's spine. She didn't want to do this. If only there was a way to back out, to run away.

"A million dollars by Hadi Maher." Mohib announced to the hall. "Thank you everyone." He walked off the stage going for Hadi, as the rest slowly rose to their feet ready to file out. There was a commotion, people whispering and talking incessantly among themselves. Mirha stayed where she was, not really able to go to him, her heart beating furiously against her ribcage. Staring at a blind spot, flashes from past swam past the forefront of her vision. The night she had walked away from Hadi, the night she had vowed herself to forget him, to forget what he did to her.

"Hey, Qadeer!"


She looked up, and turned in the direction of Mohib, who was standing next to Hadi. 

"I wouldn't mind taking the credit for that program, you know. You are needed here, for heaven's sake!" Mohib scowled.

She swallowed, and nodded, starting towards them. Curling her fingers into fists, she willed her heart to calm down. Why was she shaking?

"The program is really impressive, Miss Qadeer." Hadi was saying, there was not a shred of recognition in his eyes, nor in his voice. Mirha wondered if he had really forgotten her. It'd be a actually great if he did. "The presentation convinced me. One million might not seem enough to you after all the effort you must have put into it, but once we launch it out, a few deals in you'll be making huge profit. I assure you that."

If it was easy for him, it could be easy for her too. So she raised her chin, and squared her shoulders.  "Thank you. It would be better if you run it for yourself though."



Nothing had gone according to plan for Hadi. Whatever he'd thought for himself, he wasn't able to achieve. Circumstances didn't give him the chance. He joined a software firm instead, after majoring in Software Architecture, where he worked as Program Director, closing deals with private developers and launching it through the company, making it a merchandise of their own.

Everything happens for a reason. Every small situation is linked with the one that is yet to come. This is what they call destiny.
