Ying Yue usually stayed at home in her past life because she had no friends in the neighbourhood but a lot of bullies.

But today she put on her sweater took her little blue moon shaped handbag, grabbing a nice blue hat on the way from the rack and putting on her head. She stepped out of the house with full confidence.

She looked utterly adorable. Enjoying the view around her and skipping lightly she reached her destination; Hayami Cafe. It was one of her favourite cafes, the dangos they made here were her favourite especially the triple colored dango stick. It was not to expensive either but gave a cozy and comfy feeling.

Today she ordered a strawberry milkshake and sat by the window taking small sips and enjoying the  view of passing cars.

She was suddenly caught in the conversation of the two neighbourhood ladies who were talking about their daughters. The lady 1 was telling the other how she wanted her daughter to get admitted in the B grade private college and how her daughter was capable but her english was not good and that was a requirement for entering.



"That is too bad. You should put her in short language course. Did they put her application on hold?"


"Yes, I am also thinking about enrolling her but I have seen their fees and it was too expensive for us. Currently her application is on hold."


"Don't worry get her to learn from someone so she atleast gets in after that she can improve later."


"You are right, let's hope I find someone for tutoring her for a month."


"I have a same problem with my daughter who is going to london but can't pass her english speaking test."


"I guess we are both in a bind then."

Ying Yue didn't want to seem like a gift horse in the mouth but this was a good opportunity knocking on her door. She was multilingual speaking english, chinese, japanese, korean, arabian, french,  spanish, turkish, arabian and german. It was drilled into her brain at her father's house in the previous life, it was a skill needed of her if she ever wanted to handle her dad's transactions overseas but nothing like that ever happened in her first life. ...