The Egg

Some where underneath a prison called Black Tomb on a planet named Talso lies an Egg which looks like it has been there for many years. Surrounding the Egg are lots of Bones, which look like it came from a lot of people.

After many years of the egg laying there doing nothing started to open up revealing a gooey substance which no one would want to touch. The world on top of it has no idea of the impending doom which comes from this one egg and what it is about to bring.

Planet earth - 12 hours before the egg started hatching in a different universe

Jake is 24 years old and tomorrow is his 25th birthday. Jake currently is walking home after a long boring day at work while thinking what to have for dinner tonight. He earns enough but he likes to save his money rather that spend it. He was quite jealous of others that could just spend money and buy the latest things but Jake couldn't as he has a big habit of saving, this habit came around when his mother always took his money and would hid it and then give it to him when he needed something like new clothes or food.

10 minutes away from his house there is a fish and chip shop so usually he would buy a large chips with fish to enjoy at home but he didn't feel like having it tonight. When Jake got home he was greeted by his dog jax which him and his ex girlfriend named. Jake loved his dog but it was getting old and he wouldn't be surprised if he passed away soon well surprised that his dog died but knew it was going happen.

After playing with the dog for an hour Jake went to get a shower and go to bed as he wasn't hungry. After finishing his shower he went to bed and slept.

5 hours until egg started hatching

Jake woke up earlier than usual as he had a bad feeling but decided to ignore and walk the dog for a bit to cool his head. After 10 minutes Jake came downstairs with Jax and went to the local park where most people walk there dogs. After walking the dog for an hour Jake went back home during his walk back home he saw a car coming towards him, he was midway crossing the road so sped up to get across. Turning around after he had got to the other side of the road he saw his dog struggling to catch up to him because of his old age and his run he had just done. Running back into the road to get his dog he found that he was to late to save the dog so he dived to try and save his dog from getting run over, pushing the dog out the way he noticed he was in the path for the car to hit him.

After getting hit by the car jake couldn't feel anything but looked towards his dog and saw it barking at him while laughing in his head jake passed away.

When jake woke up he was confused and looked around and was in what looked to be a very bright white room with 3 chairs. Walking towards the chairs Jake spotted that one of the chairs has someone sitting in it. "w-where am I? who are y-you?" Jake asked nervously. "You would be in what is called heaven or hell and I am what you would call God and as for why you are here well I have taken an interest in you." the man answered while smiling at Jake.

"what do you mean heaven am i dead? what about my dog? What do you mean your interested in me? what about my life?" Jake asked back to the guy proclaiming to be God. "Well you are dead and by interested I mean bored, so I'm gonna reincarnated you in another world to entertain me as for your so called life well forget it, so make peace with the fact you won't see your dog again." God said with a slight grin and frown.

"how can I forget my dog and what entertainment, I don't even know what to do for fun." Jake questioned while looking on the verge of tears. "I will reincarnate you alone with whatever 3 wishes you ask for. And no you can not go to your original world. You could use a wish to remove your memories if you want." God answered back with a look that you would want to punch.

Jake felt like punching this God in the face as he was being told to forget his dog. How can he forget about his dog. "Ok. My first wish is to have a system to help me like those novels I used to read but don't give it a personality. My second wish is to become a Queen Xenomorph. My last wish is to be able to take my dog with me to this new world." While having a straight face Jake asked his wishes.

God who was astonished at the wishes now looked like he wanted to laugh but at the same time wanted to be angry. "Well then they are some interesting wishes, the first and second wishes I can do but the third is a bit more complicated. I suppose I can try but your dog will either look the same or completely different. Also your dog will be somewhere else and will be nowhere near you." God said while getting up off his chair to leave.

"Go through that door then you will be in your new world, try to entertain me, you don't want to know what happened to the last 4 people who failed to do so." god said as he summoned a door, leaving Jake by himself.

Walking towards the door God said to go through Jake was a little worried on what he would find in his new world and how he would find his dog. Walking through the door he seemed to vanish from his spot and was now in a pitch black place and was feeling like he was swimming.

A few minute later Jake got bored of this pitch black room and started to feel like leaving. As he was thinking this the roof of his enclosure opened up to reveal light. Jake crawled out of his enclosure and found that he was surrounded by walls. Jake thought that he was in a cave and that he needed to get out of here.

Crawling for what felt like years did Jake realise that he was never going to get out and decided to look around instead. After 30 minutes of searching did Jake find a door or something that resembled a door. Crawling up to the door Jake tried to push the door and after 5 minutes did he finally open a gap wide enough for him.

Finally on the other side of the door, Jake noticed what looked to be a chair in the middle of a dark room and another door in the far corner of the room. Crawling over to the room did Jake finally hear voices. "So when are you getting out of this hellhole?" said a person on the other side of the door. "probably within a week as long as I don't do anything. anyway i need to finish checking to make sure there are no damages in this room and then I will get out, this room gives me the creeps." answered the other guy that was talking.

"alright ill see you in a bit" the first guy said as he was walking away. Jake who was just inside the room hid as the door he was next to opened revealing a white male with a green mohawk. Jake who was driven by instinct went towards the guy who had just walked into the room. After crawling towards him Jake jumped up to his face. After a few seconds did the Jake (face hugger) fall off his face and the guy who he attached to had fallen over and passed out.