The Xenomorph

Looking at the creature which was bigger than him, the doctor yelled out for the guards and tried to run. Before he could turn around though the creature in front of him grabbed him and opened its mouth revealing its sharp set of teeth and inside its mouth was another set of teeth which spring out like a spring digging straight into the doctor's head killing him.

When the second mouth retracted if you look carefully you could see some of the doctors brain still on the second mouth. Now that Jake had semi-matured he was no longer afraid of the people in this establishment but he will always be vigilant.

Staying in the same location would be bad so Jake, now xenomorph moved away from the corpse of the doctor and headed towards the back door that he had originally came in when he was a facehugger.

When Jake had opened the door and left outside it. The main door to the room opened shortly after and a group of inmates came in to chill and smoke, soon they spotted the doctors corpse and then you could hear one of the people present scream. Most of the people present went to get help either by getting a guard or by any other means.

A few minutes later and guards could be seen arriving and closed of the room while some asked those that had discovered the doctors body to answer some questions. "Is that how you found the body?" asked one of the guards to the group of people that found the body. "yes that's how we found the body none of use wanted to touch it, I did see however that the doctor was running through the halls like a madman though but that's the last time I found him." replied the most calm individual of the group.

The guard thanked the inmate for his time and left, whilst walking away another guard came up to him and told the him that the cctv had been checked. When they had finished talking the guard eyes opened with shock as he had just watched a short video of a creature kill the doctor and that it was either still in this very room or it was in the back room which was going to be used as a prison expansion and that no one had reported that they saw a giant creature running around the halls.

Walking away from the door and outside the room, he begun to use his radio to call various guards from different area's of the prison and to bring some guns with them. While all this was going on Jake was singing various songs in his mind. The guards had gathered a few hours later in the hallway just outside the room and were discussing what they thought they were doing here. Minutes later and the guard that ordered the guards here had arrived and started telling the guards what they were doing, when the other guards were about to leave because they didn't believe them the guard named Tom displayed a video of the doctor running around the room searching for something until he stopped in the corner to tear down the barricades revealing the a strange creature and then the doctor falling.

All of the guards were shocked, while most were hoping for a good fight and a few were scared for there lives and the last couple wanted to leave but had to stay as they knew that if they ran away then they would be killed by the higher ups of the prison.

When all the guards were ready and prepped to enter the room they entered, wanting to kill this creature who was clearly dangerous. Jake who was oblivious to all of their talking, was in the midst of laying a egg sack housing a Facehugger. Just before the guards entered they were given a good speech about how that if they were to die here, this creature could escape and kill others so they needed to kill it here and now.

Entering the room the guards found it to be really wet, dark and cold. Trying to not trip over each others feet, the guards made their way towards a unsuspecting Jake who had now laid an egg and it was ready to open any minute. Couple seconds later Jake was aware of the hostiles of the room and decided to hide in a corner and wait until they pass him. After waiting for the slow moving group of guards to get to him, he decided to move a bit closer to get a surprise attack on them.

Walking through the cave, water was dripping down from the ceiling and fell in to small puddle below splashing which scared some guards as they were most likely on high alert. Soon after they reached the place where Jake was hiding and continued on. When they had passed Jake moved towards the person at the back of the group.

Sneaking up on them Jake grabbed the person at back of the group and dragging him away while the guard was screaming at the same time the rest of the guards turned around to see him being dragged away by the creature and started shooting the creature attacking them.

Shooting the creature in front of them caused it's blood to to splatter everywhere while also landing on the guards face causing his face to get corroded away by its blood. When Tom saw the creature stop he thought it was dead so he ordered his team to stop shooting and to see if the creature was dead but when then the creature began moving again he became mortified so he ordered his men to begin shooting the hell out of the thing.

Jake was starting to get annoyed at the guards as they were constantly shooting at him and he needed to run and heal. The egg that he had laid was deeper in the cave so if someone was unfortunate enough to get a facehugger attached to them Jake would be happy as he would have a new member of the family.

Jake who was now bleeding like crazy with his acidic blood affecting the surroundings ran, leaving everyone behind and he promised in his heart that he would take the most joy in killing them later. Watching the creature in front of them run away from them the guards felt glad it decided to run while others let out a sigh of relief. After that they went to check up on the guard that got attacked, Checking on him they discovered that he was close to death and that his death would be painful which made a gun shot quicker and less painful.

Jake reached the entrance to the room with the chair and entered the room he went to find a good hiding spot but his blood made it harder to do so as it was messing up his surroundings. Hoping for the best Jake just sat in a corner of the room until his injuries started to heal and then move to somewhere better.

Tom had ordered his men to go back and message the persons family that he was soon going to pass away. Tom chose to go back a little later than the others as he wanted to make sure that no one got snuck up on again. Staying still for more than 10 seconds he started to leave but when he heard something he deciding to inspect what it was, what he found was a big egg shaped thing on the ground and seconds later as if on cue, he was watching the egg like thing open up to reveal a facehugger and that was it before nothing but darkness.