Chapter 1.

Hash another damn day in which I have to get up early, and just thinking about what I have to do makes me lazy and I don't even remember what day it is and the sheets combined with the fatigue I have from not being able to sleep doesn't help much. I try to remember what I have to do today, ONE take a shower, TWO fix myself since I have to go to school, THREE pack lunch for my mother and myself, FOUR try to reach the five-thirty in the morning.

I was between the world of sub consciousness and reality thinking about fucking school and sleeping when I hear my mother get up and say.


Uuuuuffff okay I give up I think I win the routine again.

Great 5 minutes before the Anatomy teacher closed the door and started taking roll call, the bad thing is that the infant teacher is not like the chemistry teacher who is a love, and the best teacher I have ever had. As it is that I could hope if in my 20 years of life, I have not known anything other than treating people of all kinds, (to my bad luck) they have been more hypocritical people than anything else but hey what can I do to them. I try to climb the stairs as fast as I can, but exercise was never my thing, that's why I'm with little slices, GOD I would like to leave the food but I love it more if it's pizza or some backpacks or not, I already know a drowned cake, I LOVE CAKES DROWNED, I come out of my thoughts when I hear the cries of the anatomy teacher and I know that he is angrily scolding Luis and Rebeca again for doing "Vulgarities" in class instead of paying attention to how wonderful the human body is.

Finally, I see the door is still open, and I'm going to ask permission to pass when a voice behind me scares me saying.

-Master Infante we can go through- and by that sleepy tone I know that Maria is my best friend apart from Irina and Natalia, who I can see that they are maliciously watching Rebeca and Luis because of the scolding of every Monday first thing.

After a few minutes, what makes me eternal, the teacher gives us permission to pass, repeating that it is the third time in the cycle that we are late, that a fourth will not allow us to pass and we will lose his class that for his point of view is the most important of the entire career of gynecology. Maria and I, holding back our laughter, went to take a seat, next to Irina and Natalia.

Finally, after a somewhat busy morning, my brother Elos (as I say to annoy him, when his name is Carlos Gabriel), waits for me recharged in his jeep to take me back home, making sure that I don't go around like a good brother that he must care for, spoil, and defend his little, adored, and defenseless little sister that according to my adored little brother I am.

He is entertaining calling on the phone with God who knows who, he does not even realize that I am about ten steps from him, with all the joy I feel I end the distance that separates us. When they realize that I am going with him, he smiles at me from ear to ear with his smile that in Natalia's vocabulary is to eat him, diag.! By God he is my older brother, I do not deny it, and the condemned man is handsome, with his body of a Greek god according to Irina.

And best of all, he has a good job, in a company of one of his best friends, since childhood I don't remember his name, he totally works as vice president, in one of the most recognized companies in the country.

Elos takes me out of my thoughts by putting an arm around my shoulders so that I can ruffle my hair, I hate him doing that and he knows it, but as a good brother who loves to bother his sister, he ignores me. I was thinking about everything my brother has done to me over time when he takes me out of my thoughts...

- Dwarf, how long ago? , What did not see you? I missed you Lina.-she says hugging me and giving me a kiss on the cheek.

- Me too, Elos, because I don't understand why you greet me as if we hadn't seen each other in years, if we met a month ago, on Dad's birthday.-

I say reciprocating the hug.

- You are right dwarf and I apologize for that but things in the company are going more than well and there is a lot of work, but go up, we talk along the way.- He opens the door on the passenger side, I go up and I hope he gets on seat to go.

I plan to get some sleep, do my homework which is not much and have dinner as a family that I can imagine we will all be.

- And tell me dwarf a boyfriend out there, or are you breaking hearts like in high school.

- There is no one, I am still single for a long time, do not worry, you will not have anyone to torture. - I say with a sad face.

- It's a shame I wanted to make the unhappy that you have a boyfriend suffer- He tells me with an innocent face, the one that our mother no longer believes in him.

In the remaining time we joke, and he tells me that he is still single and that his soul friend Aaron Scott is the friend who is the new president of The Company Evangelic.

We are arriving when he receives a call from dad asking if he had picked me up at the University, we finally got home under a rush to the front door, I open the door and meet my sisters in the living room, I greet them asking where our parents are They say that in the kitchen, I go on my way I hear my parents laugh and a thick voice that makes me shudder, I get to the door, I push it and I find a robust man, black hair, on the other side of the counter, wears a Gray Oxford suit, white shirt with three buttons unbuttoned and no tie. Giving a relaxed and confident expression, I can't walk thinking of who it could be since I don't recognize him, in that he looks up and I get lost in the Atlantic Ocean, God I feel my heart as if it were to get out of my rib cage, my breathing slow or by God that Adonis I have in front of me, I feel that my hands are sweating, my knees are shaking and I cannot remove my husband until.....

- Lina, daughter that is good that they have already arrived, we were waiting for them to eat your brother where he is. - says my mother who comes over to greet me with a kiss and hug like my father.

"Daughter, how was school, I hope you haven't had any problems?" Said my father.

- Not of course there was no problem, Gabriel is with Zenda and Ashley, separating them from one of their many fights of the day as always. - I answered without stopping seeing those blue eyes that I loved so much.

- Go Lina, yes you have grown up I am Aaron, your brother's friend since children, it is a pleasure to see you again. - says the blue eye standing up and hugging me, God is very tall like one ninety or so, he smells delicious and his muscles that feel good your muscles, or holy mother I'm thinking Elizabeth for god turn him down to the feverish.

I mentally say to myself in that Aaron alias blue eye, he lets me go and I miss feeling it again how strange it is the first time, since Enrique my ex, although it is not the same since with Quique it was only to love but with Aaron I do not know, it is something that I cannot explain, I finally decide to speak..

- How about Aaron are you more.... ammhh mature, to the Aaron that I remember from twelve years, how you have been. - I say with a friendly but at the same time flirtatious smile, and he answers me the same, something in his eyes darkens I can't figure out what it is, but as before I extreme until my legs were shaking again, my heart was racing, or holy Christ what is this ...

- Well, very well beautiful, you have also matured, you are more of a lady, nothing to do with the five-year-old girl I remember, are you still the same ....-

- Crybaby, capricious, angry and immature that fifteen years ago nothing has changed- my dear little brother intrudes, note the sarcasm, entering the kitchen with Zenda and Ashley, one from each side of my brother so as not to fight. - Aaron I thought you were going to arrive for dinner since you told me, that you had a meeting at two in the afternoon, ooohhh is that you could not bear the idea of ​​waiting six hours to see me, I know that I am irresistible but man, to leave one An important meeting like this, I had no idea of ​​the great appreciation you have for me until now, I say to leave a meeting, that important, I'm sorry Aaron but I already told you that I am heterosexual, I cannot return your affection.- he said my brother and oh god I did not know that Aaron was gay, but when I saw his wtf face, and that he is very red, I sense that it is a joke of Elos who when he sees his face and everyone's face explodes in laughter, that proves that if it's a joke.

- Good heavens man, don't say that, don't make me look bad in front of your family, especially Lina, who will think I'm homosexual, you know I'm not but my brother Ricardo does. - Everyone with that comment from Aaron laughed until we get tears, but I recap something he said "especially about Lina" because he would be interested in what I think about his sexuality, for me there would be no problem that he was gay, since I have several acquaintances who are and we get along great.

- Well enough of talking and joking, what do you think if we already sat down to eat, that I'm starving like several in this room ooohhh I'm wrong.- After all we answer no to my mother, we go to the dining room, to keep talking while we eat. We finish and Aaron says goodbye since unfortunately he had to leave due to an emergency, we said goodbye I thanked him for the food, I went up to my bedroom to do homework, talk to my friends, watch a movie and then go down to dinner, dinner was very quiet Saying good night I go up to my room, to prepare and sleep until tomorrow for a new day.