Chapter 4

Lina narrates

In the course, neither of them said anything on the way to my house, I could tell that Aaron wanted to say something to me, but he just turned around, saw me, opened his mouth and closed it again, gave me a smile and kept looking at the street.

We are getting to the house and I can see that Carlos and the twins have already arrived.

We park, I'm ready to get off when I feel a hand grab my elbow, then I turn and see Aaron a few inches from my face, oh my God, option one is to tell me something, option two is to kiss me or option three is self-reflection, I was looking at my options when I feel his lips on mine, without deepening the kiss because that is what a kiss is, delicate, slow and without any rush but a kiss after all.

He is kissing me Aaron is kissing me, I come out of my shock and I answer the kiss in the same calm way and without deepening, unfortunately we had to separate due to lack of air, because God because we human beings have to breathe, we separate slowly, we unite Our foreheads, with heavy breathing, I decide to finally open my eyes after I return to my normal breathing, the first thing I see is a pair of blue eyes with an indescribable brightness.

- Lina I have to talk to you about something important, tomorrow I'll pick you up at school, let's have a coffee and I'll explain everything to you. - He says with hope in his beautiful eyes I love them.

- Yes, of course, no problem- she smiled sincerely and somewhat confused that she will want to tell me that she cannot wait any longer to tell me and because she opens me up kissed she has no right but it is not that I have been begging, because I don't know what is wrong But when I'm with him, I forget everything and everyone.

We decided to go downstairs after this short conversation, nobody says anything, I take out my keys to open the door, we pass we turn right and I find Carlos in the living room walking from one side to the other, he does not realize that we already arrive until he cuts the call he sits down and sighs loudly, I make him. I wave to Aaron not to make noise and scare him, he nods, we start to walk quietly, I decide to speak very close to his ear, I do that and he jumps around and smiles at me (dick don't scare him).

"Little Lina, you really think you were going to scare me, if you're as stealthy as a storm," he says with a mocking smile, Aaron laughs and I glare at them.

"Okay, I'm not good at scaring, but changing the subject where the twins are because I'm starving." I tell them with an innocent smile.

- They are in their room should not be long, by the way go up for your things, your bags are ready, you go for them because they have already taken place and then we go to my apartment, so that they settle while the pizza arrives ok, or do we decide when we arrive?

- Okay, I'll go get my things and what to eat will be decided arriving at your apartment.- I speak as I go up the stairs to get to my bedroom, I see the suitcases I grab them and I'm about to leave my bedroom when I feel someone grab the suitcases, I jump from the impression I turn around and I find a smiling Aaron, he is perhaps making fun of me, then he stretches the suitcases a little for me to let go of them, I had not realized how tightly he had them until I let them go. Smile, he tells me that he puts them down while I go to the bedroom for the pair of devils.

I nod and without further ado he leaves my bedroom, a few seconds later I imitate his action, I walk two more doors running into the open door and asking to watch the twins fight over who will take Sasha their little, beautiful and chubby freishpool dog of barely two months, they give me tenderness to see in the way they look to see who wins, without realizing it I was leaning against the door frame, observing the scene, they do not realize my presence, until I release a I sigh, frightening them and letting go of poor Sasha, who fortunately falls on the bed, if not, I don't even want to think about what would have happened.

Seeing them in a bad way I tell them- For God's sake girls, poor animal or that it was a stuffed animal to play that way with her, but hey, Zenda you take Sasha and your Ashley help me with the small backpacks and I will take the suitcases ok .

- Okay- they answer in unison with a small smile, Zenda walks victoriously to the steps, there she stops to hold on well and will go down with small jumps, while Ashley and I go down normal.

God, how badly can a couple of six-year-old girls need, it doesn't have to be much or yes.

Finally we go down and I can see Ashley hanging from Aaron's neck, while Zenda on Elos's back playing rocking horse. He smiled inside when he saw the four of them smile together playing. I decide to walk quietly so as not to interrupt, but it doesn't work since without even realizing it I fall to the sitting floor, BUT WHAT MOTHERS, Holy child of atocha, I thought I had already gone down all the steps that I was wrong.

I decide to open my eyes finding four pairs of eyes observing me with caution, I relax my face since it made me want to cry, because unfortunately I had a bruise on my bottom, today in the morning when I collided with Camilo, they bring me to the present some loud and happy laughter, I look up and my brothers are making fun and my blue eye has a smile on its face and by its expression I know that it wants to laugh, instead of crying I release the laugh accompanying my brothers and Aaron decides to laugh with us, My blue eye comes to help me but I check that if today is not my day since I do not know how but we fall again and as I said it is not my day, I open my eyes that I did not know were closed meeting a very smiling blue water , a few inches from my lips and without knowing why I do it, I kiss him slowly without any hurry, he responds the same immediately, the time passes, making the kiss more and more demanding, much to my regret I can no longer breathe forcing myself to I stand my forehead one with Aaron's, who like me has agitated breathing, we meet each other's eyes and we smile but a throat clearing takes us out of our bubble, we both turn around and find my brothers smiling, I blush and try get up but Aaron prevents me by tightening his grip on my waist which I had not realized until now, I turn to see him with a slightly frown and he steals a peck kiss, he winks at me releasing me and helping me to stand up. I blush because even standing he grabs my waist, sticking me to his body and all under the watchful eye of my brothers.

No one says anything we all go out grabbing the suitcases and putting them in the cars, I return to close the house well, I walk to the car of my blue eye, to go to Carlos's apartment, I go up and fasten my seat belt I see how my brother goes by on our side sending a look at the blue eye, it nods and starts on the opposite side, I feel a hand intertwine with mine, I turn around and Aaron smiles at me the same, it takes me out of my thoughts to realize that he was saying something to me and I can't even find.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" I say with a friendly smile, he smiles back at me, to look back to the front.

- I told you that, we already arrived for the pizzas, I will return immediately, Carlos had already ordered them, so they are ready, and they offer you something else.

"No, thank you very much here, I'll wait for you." He nods with a smile on his face, getting out of the car.

Getting off him, I think about the reason why he kissed me, that is, it is obvious that he likes me but he would not have kissed me, and I am not going to deny that I like him, I loved the kiss but after not seeing each other seen for so long, see each other and then After two weeks kissing seems very early, I think I feel something more for him, I thought that feeling would have disappeared over time, apparently I'm wrong.

From being innocent, immature children (whenever there was opportunity we were bothering each other) good heavens, when did we get so big?

I look out the window, and I find a sensual Aaron, talking on the phone, his back so shapely and wide, you can see that he exercises, he turns around giving me a smile, he wets his panties, I return the smile, and then continue with his conversation.

My cell phone rings with the characteristic tone for Maria, I did not remember that we had to do teamwork at four o'clock, I don't wait any longer and I answer.

- Lina, why don't you answer, I've called you three times- God, in my subconscious I hadn't realized it, DAMN Aaron because you're so sexy- Lina you're still there.

- Yes, what were you saying?

-That tomorrow we are going to meet at Nat's house, to start Mr. Rodríguez's work.

- All right what time.

- At half past four, since Irina and Natt will go to the center, to pick up I don't know what, by the way you accompany me to the cyber tomorrow leaving classes.

I'm sorry I can't, Aaron invited me to have a coffee after school.

- Oh my God, Aaron, your brother's friend, Aaron Scott's Greek god, your childhood crush, don't stain because there's no problem go to your date with him, and at Nat's house you tell us, okay.

- Okay, I'll tell you there - I hear the pilot door open I turn and there he is as sensual as a Greek god - well Maria, see you tomorrow, greetings to your family bye.

- Okay, I understand it has just arrived and that is why you say goodbye, until tomorrow rest, on your part bye.

I hang up and pay attention to a very smiling Aaron. The road is very short, we ate, my brother and my blue eye, locked themselves in the office to talk about I don't know what. I am very tired so I change my clothes for my pajamas, to sleep since yesterday I did not sleep well, I lie down and think about the kiss this afternoon, without a doubt the best of all my life, I close my eyes and let myself be guided by unconsciousness.