Chapter 19.

By Aaron.

Yesterday was chaos, Lina did not speak to me except for the essentials, I know I made a mistake but I hardly saw her and when I did I forgot everything, I forget everything when I am with her, everything goes to the background, But I will no longer try to say everything at the right time, as soon as there is talk of making a change that harms us both.

So I get up before she speaks to the reception to order breakfast in the room, some divorced eggs, and refried beans, some pancakes with honey, a coffee for me and a lemon tea for her. I know that he takes the juices at lunch, not at breakfast, so everything is ready, I hang up, I fix my clothes, and without making much noise I bathe, I go out and dress, I put on my lotion, I finish buttoning my shirt, I listen some moans, as if something did not seem to her, being careful not to make noise I approach very slowly until I sit next to her, feeling me embraces me and smiles, I don't know if she is dreaming or pretending to be asleep so I decide to wake her up with Love, I slowly approach her cheeks, I distribute kisses up to the neck when I find myself there, she lets out small laughs I smiled when I knew that I was pretending to sleep, from there I moved to her ears and whispered: "Not that you were asleep, trickster." - She gives me the best gift so far which is to see her beautiful eyes, with that shine that no one else has.

I was asleep. - yawn.- but your smell woke me up, I heard you asked for breakfast, so it was listening to divorced eggs and it made me hungry.- if my little girl will be eaten.

- It's good that you say it and they shouldn't take too long.- When I say that I try to stop and say I try because he won't let me, he hugs me by the neck and gives me many kisses on the mouth, for each kiss he says "forgive me ", I separate her with affection.- I have nothing to forgive you beautiful, on the contrary, forgive me, make a hasty decision, it is not only me now, we are both, until the opposite happens.

- Lose, but I was taken by surprise, and I did not know how to react, how good we have many years together to accommodate us that we are no longer alone, we are now a married couple.

I'm going to answer them when they knock on the door, so I get out of that hug to open, when I do so I meet a young man in his twenties, who as he passes by, greets him, makes sure that the order is correct (all this while still seeing MY WOMAN ) We thank him, I walk him to the door, give him a tip and without waiting for an answer I close the door in his face, so that he learns not to see other people's women.

- What was that, Mr. Valverde? Is it jealousy? - Lina says with a mocking smile on her lips.

- If my heart is jealousy, because the only one who can see you like that is me, you only listened to me. - she laughs, gets up and approaches me she kisses me on the lips first tenderly and little by little more passionate, when I go to Surrounding her waist escapes from me to have breakfast, "but not for much my love, not for long" I repeat in my mind.

With no more time to lose, we eat between talks and jokes, and because one or another naughty provocations, I love to see her angry, although not like yesterday, I don't even let him hug her at night, that will not be repeated anymore, everything absolutely everything is I will tell, there will be no secrets.

Or at least that's what I thought was wrong.

By Lina.

It's been a month since our honeymoon, I've felt weird with nausea, dizziness and a little sick to my stomach, I don't know what it could be, maybe the food but I don't think I'm used to chili, things with fat, so it's weird , unless the roast was past, since the red chili is very delicate, so I decide to go to a private doctor to find out what I have, Aaron decides to go with me, so without wasting time we got into a taxi giving the address of the Hospital San José, not far from our hotel.

We arrived, we thanked the taxi driver, Aaron paid him, we arrived at the emergency room, because I could not make an appointment, we waited fifteen minutes in which I did not feel bad, thank God, a nurse approaches us saying that Dr. Jaramillo, who is a Mr. in his fifties, he very kindly asked me what was wrong, I told him my symptoms, he very kindly asked the nurse to draw my blood for some studies, which do not take more than an hour so we will wait for them. Aaron went out to an Oxxo1 to buy me some juice and some cookies, recommended by the doctor.

Seeing him arrive he pats me while I eat what he brought me, thirty minutes have passed of which we are talking about whether a pregnancy is likely, I hope not (not because I do not want children but because it is too early) but if so, so whatever, it will be very well received. Aaron is happy telling me what he would do with his son, if he were a boy he would play soccer, he would take him to games, they would make roast beef, among other things and if he were a girl he would tell him that he does not have permission to have boyfriends until he is fifty years old. Which makes me laugh, he is very excited, he is very happy so much that he has promised me that it will only be this baby and two others, but he is crazy, how will that be, it must be because he does not have them.

I'm about to answer him and calm him down a bit, when the nurse comes out to tell us that Dr. Jaramillo is waiting for us, we set off as the nurse gave us the pass, the doctor greets us with a smile and I feel that I already know the answer .

- Well, Valverde gentlemen, the studies say that he has a stomach infection, the pregnancy tests were negative. - Upon hearing that, Aaron stops smiling, the brightness in his eyes is lost, and his face does not express anything that is not concern. So I take her hand to give her comfort.

- Thank you doctor, have a good day, see you later.

- Yes ma'am, see you soon remember to take the medicine and take care of yourself.

We thank the nurse and the lady from the pharmacy who paid for the consultation and the medicines. When I go out hugging my love, he gives it back to me with a small smile, I know he was expecting a child, but it will be when it has to be, we walk two streets we see a paletearía we go in and ask for snow, I ask for a chocolate basket Ferrero Roche, with vanilla ice cream and mamey. Aaron on the other hand ordered strawberries with cream, chocolate with mint and pistachios. We sit at a table to eat the snow, I am watching the street and the passing of the cars when Aaron says something that left me impressed.

- Sorry, what did you say?

- That we should not give up, we are just starting the baby factory, so my love, get ready because for Valentine's Day I want the surprise of a new member. - Or God help.

So we continue talking about whether there will be children soon or not, he is so stubborn that I am afraid, I think his "prophecy" will come true.

By Maria José

Since I saw Mr. Valverde in my work, I could not believe it, I was looking for them for two years and had no answers, the grandmother told me to be patient, that he was an angel, like his brothers, however not He could tell me the same about his father, I thought he was exaggerating but when I met him at the wedding I could see that he was not wrong, but I just want to know one thing. Why did they recognize me? What will they not remember me? Is a sister so unimportant? A sister who has been looking for them since she was a child, I was only five years old when my father took me away from them, my mother did nothing to stop him and I am sure that my brothers, if they had done it, especially Aaron with me was the best brother He always pampered me and took me wherever I wanted, but what happened that when he saw me I was not a little known to him, not even a little, maybe it was just a dream all those good moments we spent as brothers, just that.

That day in the temple, my father approached hahaha MY FATHER, that man who instead of loving me and giving me protection turned his back on me and I have no idea what I did to make him behave like that, but that no longer interests me What I want is to get closer to my mother and give her many kisses, hugs and tell her how much I love her, that I forgive her for not having defended myself from that man. One day it will be the one that I stand in front of them and ask for an explanation, on the other hand I will demand it from that man since he does not deserve consideration even though he is my father he does not deserve anything from me, that was very clear to me that day when I He ran as if I were a despicable being, especially because he told me undesirable daughter, that it was a mistake that I was born, that mother insisted on having me and he left her but only on the condition that at five years old I left with My grandmother, she would raise me and give the necessary studies, it was like that, in fact, the grandmother left me half of her inheritance, that man does not expect that, he believes that everything will be only Aaron's since the others did not want anything, for That in his insistence on the wedding, he wanted to grow his company, but how wrong.

Soon family, soon we will be together as it always should be, soon sir we will see each other's faces. Soon.