Chapter 26.- "Scare".

By Lina.

Nazomi has lived with us for a week (the dog that Aaron gave me) her name means hope, precisely what I need right now, today I will finally go to university, Natt will come for me, she is four months pregnant and the truth They are not noticeable, he continues to wear his normal clothes, I hope I look the same, I was barely two months pregnant, which means that our children will go to school together and will grow up as brothers, it is something that excites us a lot.

I left the apartment for the first time since that day, today I decided to put on a bone-colored ruffled dress with a red jacket as well as my shoes, upon arriving at the reception I greet the doorman, he returns the greeting with a bit of surprise, under the stairs carefully so as not to trip, I feel shy and insecure, I feel that someone is watching me but I am sure they are just my ideas, it is not like someone took the time to be my shadow or yes? I walk to the corner of the street where Natt is with his driver Roberto, who is a very kind and responsible man of fifty years, I have grown fond of him in this short time. Natt dislikes bringing a driver but after what happened Carlos technically forced him.

We greet each other and go to the university, I see streets and streets go by, as do passers-by each in their world, some smile, cry, shout and the truth is I see them very happy, so happy that it moves me, I hope I can see myself inside like this of little, not only for me but for my family, for Nazomi.

We get to school just in time to buy a coffee before going to class, Natt orders a chamomile tea along with a slice of chocolate cake, I order a cappuccino with a blackberry pancake, we walk down the hall and see the building where our living room is located or that's what Natt says, the truth is that I don't know.

I enter the room a little self-conscious because half the room greets Natt and they tell him how beautiful she looks, she introduces me to her new friends who are Marina, Luz Elena, Rubí, Casandra, Rub��n, Humberto, Hugo, Felipe, Juan Antonio and Rebeca They are all very friendly and made me feel very comfortable as if I had known them for a lifetime. The Chemistry teacher enters, his class begins and I try to pay attention but something disturbs me on my left side, I feel as if someone since the beginning of class has not taken their eyes off me, so I sneakily turn and realize that a A man a few years older than me sees me with an intensity that makes me feel very uncomfortable, what I can see of him is his intense strong blue eyes, his white skin and short copper hair, I quickly stop seeing him and decide that I should catch up to owe no subjects.

By H.

There is a princess! You are mine you will always be mine, no matter you hide I will always find you, no matter you are pregnant we can raise him together, but your husband did not promise to leave him alive, that should have been me not that idiot, he does not know you like me, you never should Accept that contract that marriage will not doubt, I will take care of that, no matter the orders given, I no longer care about anything other than being with you.

I find myself in my room looking out into the street, waiting for her at some point to pass, this morning she looked beautiful, her smile is unique, it illuminates my mornings, it makes me forget everything, absolutely everything.

I think of everything we can do together for the not-so-distant future, plan very well ... when I receive a call from Zorro, this man or woman, whatever it is, I'm sick, they won't let me do things the way I want, they tell me not to touch to Aaron, with the desire that I have to get rid of him, to free my light from his clutches. I answer without further ado.


- Yes, sir.- I say when I answer.

- I see you are at your window.- but what? How did you know? - Don't ask how did I lose? For something I have this nickname, apart from checking with my own eyes that you carry out my orders to the letter. Did you think that I would not find out about your lack of will? You haven't followed orders, so before you kill yourself, tell me why didn't you do it?

- I thought it would be better to scare her and take her to the limit of her nerves, cause her to self-destruct. - I hear how she laughs.

- Hahaha you hope I believe you, you should have followed my orders, you must not believe what is more convenient, your duty is to follow my orders, or what have Miss Charlotte already forgotten? - If it will be bastard.

- No, sir ... I never forget that, but how do I know that she is okay? That she is still alive How do I know that I do not kill her?

- Hahahaha, there is a child! You should save your stupid comments and do what I tell you, if you do half of what I asked, we'll see if you've earned the right to see it. - just hang up, if it will be a bastard.

I only do it for you girl, because your father left you in my care, just for that because if not I would end up with you myself.

Everything that is happening is so disastrous, my life, the girl and I are all so complicated, but soon things will be as they should always be, with your death and my eternal happiness.

By Lina.

I finally finished my first day of school and outing for a month, Natt left ten minutes ago saying that she was exhausted, her feet and back hurt, I want to surprise my love, so I quickly save the wine so that It's cold when I get home from work. I am about to eat when I hear Nazomi cry for food, I mentally say to myself "don't turn around, don't turn around, don't get used to it" but it breaks my heart to listen to her so if I turn more and I find a very tender face with that look that grabs me soften me and that makes me forget my previous refusal.

- I'll just give you a piece, ok? - I feel crazy because the dog won't answer me.

I cut a piece of the breaded beef steak that I bought, I get up for her plate of food and I put the meat together with cooked vegetables, I see how my beautiful dog wags her tail just seeing what I will give her and she barks impatiently at me, she I accommodate him very well and I lend him his water so that he does not ask for more, although I suspect that he will.

When I finish eating, I serve ice cream on a plate with ice cream, sweets and milk caramel, I decorate it with gummies in three different ways, I add cream cheese at the end, it looks so delicious that instead of saving it and saying it is the only thing that I will eat, I take everything to the living room to watch a movie or series in peace with my baby.

I feel observed, I feel that they touch my forehead and that they whisper in my ear, but when I open my eyes it is nothing or nobody, apparently it was just a dream that felt very real, when I looked at the TV I see that it is turned off , but what? If I was watching a movie.

The curtains are closed everything is dark, I take my cell phone groping on the table, when I have it in my hands I turn it on to turn on the lamp, when I do it I walk to look for the switch when I find it I turn it on but nothing happens, puzzled I try several Sometimes but it doesn't work, I hear the door open, instinct or fear I run quietly behind the door with a baseball bat that Aaron has hanging next to the door, I feel my heart is racing, I hear his rhythm in my ears and I breathe slowly, I try to be calm but the nerves and negative thoughts assail me.

"What if it's H?" "My God, help me! Give me control of my emotions, that I do not commit something crazy ".

I see how the shadow approaches the switch, I hold my breath and just let go of a blow, I hit it two more times, I breathe heavily, almost gasping, when I realize what I have done, I let go of the bat in fear, I see that it does not move and is when I feel the most fear, "Good God, I killed someone!" I turn on the lamp to see it but before doing so the light comes, I look back and see my husband "oh God is Aaron, my husband!"

Seeing him quickly, I turn on the phone and call my brother, who is very happy to hear Natt's laughter in the background.


- Hello beautiful, the woman of my life.- I can hear Natt who wants to steal her cell phone.- hahaha, love is a lie, hello Lina.

- Carlos.- Escucho como sigue hablando y diciéndole a Natt lo mucho que la ama.- Carlos.- sigue escuchándome.- CARLOS.- Escucho como se queda callada en este momento.- Carlos, creo que sí. quedar viuda.

- ¿¡qué!? ¿De dónde sacas eso? ¿Que pasó?

Le cuento todo lo que pasó, y escucho la risa de mi hermano, "MI HERMANO" del otro lado, pero lo que le pasa, no es que se ría, es algo serio.

- De qué te ríes, Elos, no veo lo gracioso que es.

- ¡Hay perdón! Es que me lo imagino todo y ahí haya yai mi barriga !, lo siento en un momento me voy.- y sin mas cuelga.