Chapter 36.- "Dark boy"

Two days ago it was Aaron's birthday and today is his surprise party. His surprise gift finally arrived. I hope you like it since it took me a bit to choose it. The truth is that I am anxious about the party that will be at night, so much so that I could not sleep. I had the opportunity to see Aaron sleep in reviewing his features, his sleep gestures and I thought how beautiful my girl would be if she looked like him.

It is incredible that there is only one week left… One week and I will have it with me, one week and finally we will be the family that I have always loved, maybe before time but we will be happy, of that I am sure.

- Lina.- Marijo takes me out of my thoughts.

- Yes. - I tell him at the same time that I drink the tea that the waiter brought him not more than five minutes ago.

- I was telling you that my mother has planned the best baby shower for you. - It is true that we are already late on that holiday.

- It's true, thanks for helping me so much Marijo.- I take her hand as a token of appreciation.

- You should not thank anything, on the contrary, thank you for accepting me as well as your sister-in-law, thank you for being my friend and for helping my brother in everything, thank you Lina.

He says it with tears in his eyes, which infects me because his words touched sensitive fibers in my being.

- There is nothing to be thankful for, you are part of his family, therefore you are my family now and it is the least I can do for you, my heart.

When I tell her that, I see a tear down her cheek, she secretly (or at least tries) wipes it or tries because others follow her, what was one becomes a river of tears.

Marijo did not stop crying on the contrary, apparently she is venting about everything that has happened since her childhood until now, I stop to hug her and comfort her, after a few minutes she separates from me to tell me how well it makes her talk to me , I'm about to tell him it's time to go when I feel my cell phone vibrate.


- Okay.

- Hello Lina.- My sister Ashley answers.- My mother says that the cake and the jumper have arrived, are they coming?

Zenda is heard crying for wanting to be the one to talk to me.

- We're coming sweetheart, thanks for letting me know.

- Oki goodbye. - and without more hangs up. What a girl!

End of call.

- Marijo it's time to go, come sweetheart let's buy your brother's gift.- I make a sign to the waiter to pay.

Just nod and try to smile.

- Of course it's about time, what do you think he likes the most? No more good What do you need? A cell phone, slippers, ties or wallets. - He says it at the same time the waiter arrives with the bill.

When we finished paying and grabbing our things we walked towards the exit. When Don Jose sees us, he opens the door of the truck for us.

- Don Jose take us to the mall please.

- Sure ma'am.

All the way Marijo was looking out the window, the traffic is horrible and I am starting to feel discomfort in my lower back, they are like cramps that start in the back and end on the tip of my feet, I can only try to breathe because I I'm starting to feel annoyed and uncomfortable.

When I get to the mall, I no longer feel any pain, which relieves me. We went to Liverpool to check men's clothing, although the truth is Aaron has a lot of clothes, shoes, ties, what he needs is ... because the truth is that he lacks nothing.

- Lina, do you like this shirt?

Holy God! He shows me a shirt with palm tree figures in phosphorescent colors, I don't think so.

- Mmhh she doesn't like these colors.- When she hears that, she changes it for one of stripes in pastel color.- That one is pretty, if I like it.

- Okay this will be, do you have a watch?

- The truth only has one, I think it was your grandfather's something like that.

- That's incredible, now it will have another. - he takes me by the hand and at a slow pace we go to the accessories department to choose one.

We are going through the baby area and I see a beautiful dress in aqua green.

- there is that beautiful!

Hearing me stops automatically.

- Yes, it is beautiful.

- I'll take it.- I'm looking for it in sizes from 0- 3 months.- Now let's go.

"You don't want some shoes," he says, showing me some beige huaraches and black closed shoes.

- No, your mommy made her some white shoes with those she'll look beautiful.- just nodded and without wasting time we continued walking.

- Do you think he likes the shirt?

- Of course, if my heart is the intention that counts and you have a very good intention.

"I hope so." He lets out a sigh. "Because the truth was I had no idea what to give him.

- Don't worry, Aaron is not interested in material things, he is only interested in good intentions and what a gift represents. - I say hugging her by the shoulders.

- Thanks Lina.

When we finish saying that, we see some very beautiful wallets and watches, some in gold, others in silver, others in black, brown and gray. There different brands such as Rolex, Cartier, Tag Heuer, Hublot among others. I saw a rolex in black with silver it looked beautiful, I show it to Marijo but he denies.

- No that no.- I point to a gold one, I show him another one in gray but I get the same answer.

A very kind young man approached us to help us in choosing a watch, but he only gave negative comments to everyone.

- I think I know what you're looking for.

The young man comments as he turns his back to us to take out a blue watch with touches of gold and quartz, the truth is beautiful.

- Yes, that's what I was looking for. - he says with a smile on his lips.

Uff well we found it.

- Give it to me please. - the young man nods as he puts it in a gift box in black with silver and large letters that say "happy birthday."

We appreciate your help and patience when we meet at the checkout to pay, he just wishes us a good day and leaves.

- Now if Lina let's go to rest between here at night.- I just nod, since my feet feel a little swollen.

We left the store but we ran into a young man our age, I managed to hold on to the door and not receive the impact but I cannot say the same about Marijo because she fell silent on her butt and the boy ended up on top of her. Uu that must have hurt.

By Marijo.

But what the fuck? There is pain! Who was? I slowly open my eyes to see who is responsible for "this fall", God! I feel as if a train has run over me and the worst of all is that the person in charge is still on top of me.

I'm about to tell him to remove when he looks up. A light brown look with a light brown complexion and beautiful freckles.

- Excuse me. - he gets up suddenly. - I'm really sorry, he was distracted.

- Do not worry.- I try to get up but I feel pain in my back and my cheeks are a little sore, seeing that I cannot get up, she offers me her hand.- Thank you.- I say to him when I accept his hand.

- I'm really sorry ... I'm really sorry it was not my intention ... I .- His face turns pale suddenly as if he had seen a ghost.

How strange, everything was "fine" and suddenly this, good God! Lina. I turn to see if it is but I only see other people and children, God! Where could it be?

- Buuu.- I jump in fright.- Who are you looking for?

A very happy Lina asks.

"You scared me," I tell him the obvious.

- Hahaha they were so comfortable on the floor that I did not want to interrupt so I went for a snow. Did we take so long?! - By the way have your snow I hope you like it is chocolate with cream cheese and blackberry.

- Thanks, Emmh we're going.- just nods.

We walked to the parking lot or, well, Lina walks, since I acted automatically so I kept reliving the "meeting" with my brunette over and over again. Wait, I said "my" yes of course, what things do you think? Mari José, focus on what Lina is saying.

By Lina.

Hahaha they tackled Marijo very ugly hahaha just remembering I would like to laugh out loud but I must not put up with it. We are already in the truck on the way to my in-laws' house.

- And tell me Marijo.- I have no answer.- Marijo, did you like the boy? - Nothing.- Marijo! - I speak a little louder.

- Yes.- she shouts it scared.

- Jajajjaja pillina What's her name?

- Who?

I can see his confused face.

- The brunette who knocked you down.

- I don't know about this one.

- How can you not know? Didn't you ask him?

- No, the truth is that I do not ask everyone who tackles me their name.

- Haha, you're right, but changing the subject, are you sore?

- Wow, what a change eh! - I laugh a little, when what I want is to laugh.- but answering your question, if I am a little sore but with a little fresh foot it goes away.

I am about to answer but I see that we have already arrived at the house, Marijo says goodbye quickly although with each movement I can see his gestures of pain.

- Goodbye, thank you for joining me and for the snow. - When she closes the door, she trips over a step and falls to her knees.

- Ouch what a pain, are you okay? Do you need help? - I say to him when trying to open the door and I say try because I see how he shakes his head.

- No, no thanks, I'm fine. - I see how he tries to get up but he can't.

- Hahaha there is little sister! What will you become of Renata? - Ricardo says to her as he helps her to stand up.

- Hahaha What will you become of Renata? Slimy.- Renata says to him at the same time that she hits him on the shoulder.

- Hello Lina.- Renata greets me with a kiss on the cheek.

- Hello.- she smiled and greeted Ricardo, he just greeted me with his hand.- Well, I'm leaving.

- Yes until the night.- I say goodbye to the three.

As the truck moves forward now if I can laugh a little or at least try to restrain myself when I realize that Don José sees me in the rear view mirror. However I can see that he has a smile on his mouth, I accidentally let out a laugh and he follows me. This is the whole trip home laughing and talking about trivial things.