
Chapter 5

The wind hit my tear-stained cheeks as I ran, my feet pounded as they hit the pavement beneath me, I could hear Ace's footsteps getting closer. He was gaining on me, and that's when I heard it. The sound that will forever be in my nightmares, a high pitched shriek came from my left side. 

I recognized that shriek it sounded like the rest of the people who turned after taking Hype, how many of these things were there?

"Zac it's not safe out here, just come back!" Ace yelled as he chased after me, I needed to get to my apartment and soon. My legs burned as I continued running, my pace slowed as I grew tired, It didn't take Ace long to catch up to me

"Where are you going?" Ace asked as he grabbed my arm, turning me to face him. Ace was athletic; he may not have played a sport but you could tell he exercised. He hadn't even broken a sweat while I could barely catch my breath 

"Let go of me, I want to go home" I protested as I tried to get free from his stronghold

"Then I'm coming with you, it's not safe anymore" He explained letting go of my arm, I nodded knowing he was probably going to come with me even if I had said no. Nico pulled up beside us, Ace gestured for me to get in and I obliged. As we drove I told the boys about Xander and his non-existent pulse. They seemed just as confused and worried as I was. We all got out of the car and I made my way to the front door, the building looked dead. 

The big glass windows were dusty, I guess the owner forgot to call in the cleaners. There was no one at the front desk which was unusual. The owner liked to sit behind the desk and hand out candies to the kids who live in the building. I walked to the big metal door that led to the staircase, since I lived on the second floor I found it useless to take the elevator, I cringed as the heavy metal door dragged across the cement floor making a horrific scraping sound that would make your ears bleed.    

We all walked up the stairs in uncomfortable silence, when we got to my floor everything seemed off the hallways were dead, empty, and bare with no one in sight. The muted walls were as dull as always but this time there was a sense of vacancy, the air seemed heavy and still as if no one had been here for years. 

"Are you sure this is the right place?" Nico questioned from behind me, his voice seemed brittle

"Yes I'm sure," I said as I grabbed my keys and unlocked my door, my apartment was dark and filled me with dread. Old pictures of Ali and I hung on the light grey walls of my living room, seeing them only filled me with anger. Most of them were from trips we went on, Ali loved to travel. She wanted to see the world. I did my best to ignore them and walked to my bedroom with Ace and Nico close behind, 

"What's the plan?" I ask them as I took a seat on the edge of my bed

"That's what we need to figure out," Nico said, as pissed as I was still scared and I still don't know how this thing works or spreads

"You said you have a cabin," I added looking at Ace. Ace had his arms crossed over his chest, he looked deep in though his brows were scrunched up as he looked at his feet his head snapped towards me when I was done talking. 

"Yea, it's outside of the city it's on private property my great grandfather had bought before he died, it's not far only about an hour car ride from here" Ace concluded, it didn't sound half bad in fact it sounded pleasant 

"Okay let me just pack some of my things," I said as I got up and went to my closet, I picked up my medium-sized duffle bag and put some clothes inside, the clothes weren't my main concern I left my closet and went into my living room and took some of the pictures off the muted grey walls. 

I picked up one from about a year ago, Ali had convinced me to go to a local museum with her and we had the bright idea to take a picture with one of the lion statues that sat in front of the museum. The lion was laying down so Ali got on top as if she was riding it and I stood beside it, Ali looked so happy in that picture her blonde hair shone in the sun making it look like honey and her icy blue eyes were as beautiful as ever. My bright red hair stood out and always caught people's eye and it was no different in this picture, Ali always liked to say my eyes looked like emeralds shining in the sun but that my big glasses always took away that effect. I didn't care as I needed my glasses to see and without them, I was almost completely blind, I mentally laughed at all the memories we had made that day as I carefully placed the picture in my duffle bag. 

I saw another picture of me and my mother on the small bookshelf I had. I smiled as I moved towards where it sat. People always liked to comment on how we looked identical. They always used to say I was her mini-me, everyone said that it was crazy how similar we looked, the same unruly red hair, the same deep green eyes, the same pale skin, hell we even had similar glasses. I placed the picture along with my mother's necklace she had given me 4 years prior in my bag. I turn around to be met with both boys watching me, most likely waiting for me to hurry up.

"Okay, I'm ready. Let's go" 

When we got back out into the hallway it seemed different this time, the air was cold my heart felt like it was about to beat out of my chest, something felt off but I wasn't sure what.

When we were all in the hallway I turned to my door to lock it, when I turned back around something at the end of the hall caught my attention it looked like a person. I looked towards the end of the hall only to be met with the silhouette of a small child, she was only four years old. I recognized her, I babysat her. She lived with her twenty-four-year-old single mom in apartment 216 

"Casey?" I said only loud enough for her to hear me, Ace and Nico must not have seen her until I started talking to her

"Casey? Where's your mom?" I questioned, she raised her arm pointing towards her apartment door 

"She's inside, she's acting strange and she bit me" Casey explained I nodded 

"Why don't you come with me and we can check on your mom together?" I ask trying not to scare her away, she was in her pyjamas with a small brown teddy bear in her hands she always carried around that damn bear. Her long black hair was braided in two simple french braids, her big round dark brown eyes looked back at me, she was filled with innocence. Her left shoulder was bleeding, but it wasn't regular blood this was darker. It almost looked black.

She nodded happily with a big beautiful smile on her small round face, she ran towards me and hugged my legs. I crouched down to be on the same level as her making it easier to see her shoulder. I moved her shirt to try and get a better look at her shoulder and I instantly regretted it, there was a chunk of skin missing from her shoulder, her muscles and nerves were completely exposed making it so you can see the bone, it looked as if they were rotting.  

"Who are they?" She asked looking behind me at Nico and Ace 

"They're friends of mine," I say not wanting to explain the situation to a four-year-old 

"Hi, I'm Nicholas and this big guy is Ace," Nico said to her while giving her the warmest smile he could muster up, so his real name is Nicholas. It was weird to see him be so warm, Casey waved at the boys and took my hand leading me towards her apartment, 

"Okay, I'll go in first Nico you watch Casey," I said wanting to keep her out of harm's way, I left my duffle bag with Nico seeing as it may slow me down, Nico nodded and Casey took his hand with her teddy bear in her other hand, I place my hand on the doorknob not knowing what to expect, I look towards Ace and he nods showing me that he's ready to follow me in.

"Hello? Miss Harris?" I called walking into the small apartment I could tell Ace was behind me from the warmth coming from his large body, I heard the floorboards creak and immediately froze. I didn't have time to process what happened before I was pushed to the floor by someone, I looked above me to be met with black eyes. Miss Harris had taken Hype, she screamed in my face lucky for me Miss Harris was a petite woman who only stood at about 5'3" so it was quite easy to push her off me. But before I pushed her off I put my hands to her thought to attempt to find a pulse, but just like with Xander she didn't have a pulse, so they're dead. 

I got to my feet quickly and ran towards the door. I heard her footsteps not far behind, I didn't see Ace but when I got outside the door I saw Casey and Nico. When I exited the door and heard a thud only moments after I looked behind me to see Ace at the door with a frying pan in hand and Miss Harris lying on the floor. So that's where he went

"Mommy?" A small voice said from behind me, I turned around quickly and picked up Casey laying her head on my shoulder, she shouldn't have to see this.

"Your mommy is sick right now," I say, not knowing how else to explain the situation. At that moment Miss Harris sat up and lunged at me, I squeezed my eyes shut turning my body to make sure Casey didn't get hurt, a deafening sound echoed through the halls. I couldn't hear anything other than a faint ringing in my ears I wasn't sure what made that sound but it wasn't something I wanted to hear again. I slowly open my eyes to see Nico standing in front of me. His shoulder-length charcoal hair looked knotted. I looked around to see Ace looking at Nico, Ace's eyes were wide. I moved to see what was happening only to be met with a horrific scene that made my stomach churn.

Miss Harris laid sprawled out on the floor with a single bullet wound on her forehead, Nico had shot Miss Harris. 

"Oh, shit," I said, my voice laced with complete shock.  

"What happens now?" Ace asked looking at me, I knew we couldn't take Casey with us but it didn't make it any easier. I put Casey on the floor and try not to make her upset, as Ace went into Miss Harris's apartment grabbing a blanket draping it over her body. At the least Casey shouldn't have to see her mother like that.

"Casey, I'm sorry. I have to go" I said in a shaky voice as I held back the need to cry 

"Take me with you," she said excitedly, I shake my head, I could tell her eyes were changing and not in a good way

"You can't come with us. You need to stay here" I say barely above a whisper, Casey nodded enthusiastically not knowing what was going to happen to her. I stand up, not being able to bear looking into her innocent eyes as black goo leaked from her shoulder. I take my glasses and place them in my duffle bag as I lift it onto my shoulder, at least now all I can see is just her figure so I didn't feel any worse then I already did.

I don't need to look back to know that Ace and Nico were following me, they dare not speak knowing that I was already pushing my limits. When we got to the grass out front I fell to my knees and pounded my fists into the ground as the tears escaped my eyes and streamed down my cheeks. 

Once I stopped pounding my sore throbbing fists into the grass I felt a hand on my back. I turn and see a very blurry Ace looking back at me. I wrap my arms around his neck as I continue to cry into his shoulder. He rubbed my back attempting to calm me down but it did very little to actually calm me down, once I gain enough energy to keep myself together I pry myself off him and wipe my eyes 

"What now?" I ask shakily 

"I don't know" Ace answered softly 

"Let's check the radio. Maybe someone has news about this whole thing" Nico offers, I slowly get up from the ground and we all walk to the car, I put my bag in the trunk and make my way to Nico's door.

He turns on the radio only to be met with deafening static

"Try FM" Ace chimes in, Nico nodded and pressed another button only to get even more static 

"Damn it!" Ace yelled making me jump "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" he whispered only wanting me to hear him as he placed a hand on my lower back sending small tingles up my spine

"If Anyone can hear this you are in grave danger... Stay…. Inside…..the dead…. Are walking…." someone on the radio said through all the static sadly that was the only thing that was said before the station cut out.

"What the hell," I said confused and slightly angry 

"The dead are walking" Nico repeated "Zac was right'' He continued as he turned to look at me apologetically, or at least that's what I assume since his voice showed that he was at least trying to apologize in some form or fashion. It sucks being blind but I knew I'd end up wrecking my glasses if I didn't put them away, I needed to make sure they lasted as long as possible

"We need to get out of here," Ace said, going to the other side of the car and getting into the passenger seat, not wanting to disagree or be alone, I got in the car. 

"What do we call these things?" I questioned looking out the car window whilst simultaneously being blinded even more by the bright sun

"I don't know, Zombies," Nico said, it was the first time someone had said it, it didn't feel right calling those things a zombie it made me feel like I was crazy

"We can't call them that, It makes me feel weird," I said 

"Okay, then what do you suggest we call them?" Ace asked, I thought about it for a moment and there was only one thing I could think of that didn't sound like the word zombie yet still fit

"How about we call them Lurkers, you know cause they lurk around," I said slightly proud of my idea 

"Lurkers, It has a nice ring to it," Nico said in agreeance 

"You guys sound like you're testing pet names" Ace butted in ruining the moment, what a party pooper. I shook my head at him as I looked out the window as the sun descended into the sky, the sky was beautiful. It had turned a light shade of rose pink with a little bit of a soft yellow tint. We didn't know where we would end up, we knew we didn't have enough gas to get us to Ace's cabin but we could get part of the way there. 

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