
Chapter 7

I was jolted awake by pounding at the front door 

The room was filled with light from the sun that shone through the small window beside the bed. 

I got up from the bed adjusting my shirt as my large sweatpants hung loosely from my small hips. I grabbed my glasses and put them on the bridge of my nose. I opened the door slowly to see a tired Nico looking at me from beside a different door. 

I walked into the small kitchen to see Ace shirtless and looking through the cupboards, Nico stood beside me. Three more powerful knocks on the door made me jump, I could feel Nico place a hand on my back trying to reassure me

Ace turned to see us standing in the entrance

"Who's there?" Ace yelled using his most powerful voice 

"Police open up" A man yelled back 

"There are no police anymore" Nico yelled intruding into the conversation 

Ace looked at Nico questioningly as I lightly slapped his arm. Ace walked up to us with a serious look on his face

"Zac go hide I have a bad feeling about this. Nico and I will take care of this. I don't want you getting hurt" Ace said as he turned to Nico and nodded, they seemed to be having a silent conversation 

Nico didn't waste any time guiding me to the laundry room and handed me something 

heavy did he just hand me a gun?

"Here, take this. Don't use it unless you have to" Nico said as he showed me how to use it

I nod, as he hugs me and turns to leave. I hide beside the large washer hoping that I don't have to shoot anybody. Could I shoot someone? 

I heard the front door open as I felt my heartbeat increase 

"We're looking for someone, do you mind if we search the property" I heard a man with a husky voice say 

"Maybe we can help. Who are you looking for?" Nico asked politely 

"His name is Zachary Abbot" husky answered

Shit, that's my name. Why are they looking for me? I didn't do anything illegal. I don't even know these people. 

"I'm sorry we don't know who that is" Ace replied apologetically 

"Do you mind if we search the property just to be sure?" Husky asked again

"There's no need we have no idea who you're talking about" Nico interpreted 

"We need to search the property just to be sure," another man said being impatient and slightly angry

I didn't hear the rest of the conversation before a fight broke out in the kitchen, fuck who is fighting who? Is Ace Okay? Is Nico Okay? Shit, what the hell is going on out there?

The next thing I heard made my heart stop, I heard the sound of a gun go off. It was deafening, I don't know if I'd ever get used to that sound. 

I could hear heavy footsteps come up to the laundry room door as a shadow became visible from under the door, the door swung open hitting the wall beside it and I was immediately blinded by a bright light 

Did these guys bring flashlights?

"Look what we have here," husky said in a teasing tone

"Where's my friends?" I said the worry seeping through my voice as I shook with fear, it felt as if I was paralyzed 

"Don't worry about it, we took good care of them. Now, why don't you come with us?"

The man continued, he was tall at least 6'3" his dark brown hair was slicked back, he wore all black with two pistols strapped to his hips. Who were these people? There's no way they're police. 

"I'm not going anywhere with you!" I yelled still with my knees against my chest sitting beside the washer, that seemed to anger the man.

He walked towards me menacingly. He grabbed my arm attempting to pick me up, I squirmed trying to get free from his hold. My heart was racing as I could only imagine what these guys wanted to do to me. 

His grip tightened as I began to lose feeling in my right arm. That's when I remembered that Nico gave me a small pistol. I took the pistol out of the back of my pants and shot the man in the head. As I pulled the trigger I backed up until my back collided with the wall as my ears rang and my heart felt like it had stopped. 

His body fell to the floor as blood escaped the back of his head and my mind went crazy with different scenarios about Ace and Nico. I left the laundry room seeing Nico lay unconscious on the hallway floor. 

I sat beside him and checked his pulse, he was completely unconscious with some blood coming from his hairline but luckily his pulse was strong. 

Knowing that Nico was Okay I got up and walked to the kitchen to find Ace. 

Ace was on the floor leaning on the cupboard with a man laying on the floor with a bullet wound in his head,  

"Oh god are you Okay?" I say as I run up to Ace

"Yea, I'm Okay it's just a flesh wound" He replies, I look to where his hand is held against his side to see deep red blood oozing from a wound. 

My first instinct was to take off my shirt to apply pressure to his wound. The cold air clung to my warm skin sending shivers down my spine

"Remove your hand so I can help you" I demanded, he slowly removed his hand from his side and I saw a big bullet hole in his left side, luckily the bullet had gone straight through

"I thought you said it was a flesh wound," I said concerned, I slowly placed my shirt over his wound trying not to hurt him

"It's nothing," he said through gritted teeth as he flinched in pain 

"My god your so stupid, what would have happened if they killed you?" I say as tears welled in my eyes 

"If they killed me they killed me" he replied 

"Don't say that! I can't lose you too," I said barely above a whisper as my voice broke. I had already lost Ali. I couldn't lose Ace or Nico too.

"Hey, I'm sorry. You won't lose me" he said pulling me in for a hug 

My skin erupted with sparks as his hand rubbed my bareback, it was calming. I cried softly into his shoulder as he rubbed my back, slowly he lifted his hand softly combing his fingers through my hair 

I slowly pulled away to see his face, he had tears in his eyes. Ace never showed this much emotion, but he was wide open to me. 

I wiped away his tears with my thumb and slowly caressed his cheek, his jade eyes glistened making it difficult to look away. His soft caramel skin had some small scarres that you could only notice if you were this close but it was still beautiful.

I couldn't help but feel like I was meant to be here, with him. Just me and him.

I could hear someone shuffling behind us and I turn around to see Nico starting to wake up, I look back to Ace and slowly get up leaving him to apply pressure to his wound

"Don't move too fast" I say, placing my hand behind Nico's head to prop his head up. I got up and grabbed a hand towel from the bathroom to clean the blood from Nico's head, the cut wasn't deep and he'd be okay over time. Luckily other than the cut on his hairline he was only left with bruises and scrapes nothing too bad. 

It didn't take long for Nico to get up and start moving, he helped me get Ace up and into his room for him to rest as Nico and I took the men's bodies and burned them in the backyard since we didn't know what else to do with them, the sight and smell were horrible But we made sure to take their guns and the keys to the big black SUV they had with them which was luckily full of gas which would come in extremely useful to us

Nico and I had decided we'd take turns watching Ace making sure he had what he needed and that he was comfortable seeing as he couldn't do much, we placed a flashlight in the center of the room so that we could see during the night. The first few days were quiet and uneventful, Ace focused on getting better and Nico and I were doing all we could to make it seem like there was no one living here so that we didn't have anything like this happen again 

"How are you feeling?" I ask slowly closing the bedroom door behind me

"Sore, but good" Ace replied 

I took a seat on the big wooden rocking chair that was facing the bed that Ace was currently residing in. Ace and I sat in silence for a while before Ace spoke up. 

"You're a good person Zac," he said 

"So are you, you know" I replied looking to Ace to see him smiling slightly "Get some sleep you big dummy," I said knowing that he probably needed it

He obliged and it didn't take long for him to start snoring softly, I sat with Ace for a few hours before Nico came in and let me get some sleep

I lay in bed looking at the ceiling. How could I have a crush on someone during the zombie fucking apocalypse? 

I roll over and try to get some sleep. 

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