
Chapter 10

On my way back to my room I ran into Chloe, she seemed angry but who knows why at this point 

"You better stay away from him" she hissed 

"What?" I ask just trying to get back to my room

"Ace, stay away from him. He is mine" she said plain and simple

"You can have him, it seems he chose you anyway," I say sourly as I continue walking to my room. I didn't want to be trapped inside this house with either of them, now Chloe hates me and Ace, well who knows what Ace wants at this point. But I don't care, I have other things to worry about. 

I instead walk to Nico's room not wanting to be alone and I wasn't sure were Milo was so Nico was the next best option 

"Hey," I said as I slowly open the door lightly tapping my knuckles on the wooden door

"Hey, how's Chloe treating you?" He asked putting the book he was reading down beside him, as if he already knew what happened 

"She told me to stay away from Ace and that he was hers" I explained, he let out a deep sigh before talking 

"I'm not surprised, she's absolutely crazy. She's been obsessed with Ace ever since she first saw him, every time he had a girlfriend she'd threaten them so that she could have him. I told him that she wasn't good for him but he didn't listen. He saw a hurt girl who needed help and he thought that he could help her, her father was abusive and her mom ran out on them when she was born and Ace thought he could help her through everything life threw at her. But that didn't end up happening. One day he was at her house when Chloe's dad hit her, it pissed Ace off so much Ace punched him, he didn't stop until he was unresponsive, Chloe tried to get Ace off of him but he ended up accidentally hitting her instead" Nico explained, 

I had heard that Ace hit Chloe but of course, she played the victim, her story was that he showed up to her house and hit her, as well as raped her. Ace was known as a predator for as long as I can remember, everyone was scared of him and didn't want to talk to him, I can't believe Chloe would do something like that. 

"That's terrible," I said quietly 

"Ever since then Ace has felt like he needed to make it up to her, so if he feels like she needs him, she'll become his new priority. No matter what. She is a manipulative psychopath who makes him stay with her through twisting the truth and making him feel like shit" Nico said, his voice was rough with anger, I could tell Nico hated seeing Ace in that type of situation and I couldn't blame him, I hated seeing Ace in that situation too

My heart ached for both of them, this was a shitty situation that we just have to work through one day at a time. I wrap my arms around Nico's neck hugging him tightly, I let go after a few seconds and left his room. I couldn't stay inside any longer I needed to get outside, I walk into my room and put a black long-sleeved shirt on as well as blue skinny jeans, I tie up my boots throwing my denim jacket on as I hop down the stairs my gun tucked securely into the back of my jeans with my knife tied to my upper thigh. 

The air was cold as it was late September, I walked down the steps deciding it would be best to take a quick walk into the woods and do some exploring. I walk through the thick trees, fog clung to my glasses making me stop and clean them every once in a while, the trees were tall with many high branches to hide on if a Lurker were to stop by. Lucky for me I'm very good at climbing trees, It was something I used to love doing as a child. I'd climb up to a sturdy branch sitting there for hours reading one of my many books

I walked for what seemed like fifteen minutes before I heard a twig snap behind me, I spun around with my knife held out in front of me, I held my knife so tightly my knuckles turned a ghostly shade of white.

I looked around me only to find nothing, I was alone. Until I saw Milo's familiar onyx eyes looking into mine as he walked out from behind a tree with his hands above his head

"Woah there, it's just me," he said whilst chuckling, I drop my hands sliding my knife back into its holder on my thigh 

"What the hell? You scared me half to death" I whisper yelled 

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you," Milo said. A bright smile plastered on his face, I couldn't help but smile. His smile was known for being contagious along with his happiness, that's just the kind of person he was. 

I shook my head at him as I smiled harder, he walked towards me with a thick fur-lined plaid jacket and a white shirt with blue skinny jeans as well as a similar pair of boots, his large arms engulfed me in a warming hug. We stood there not moving for what seemed like ten minutes but was most likely only two. 

I felt safe in Milo's arms like I didn't have to worry about Lurkers or those men coming to take me away, it was just us. Slowly he let go of me but only to stay inches away from my face. I could feel his warm breath on my face as I looked into his eyes, his eyes almost looked pitch black as if they were void of any colour. 

Was he teasing me again? Oh god, he must know what effect he has on me to be doing something like this, none the less I wasn't complaining. I've had a crush on Milo for years although I thought I hid it well enough, 

"You know Zac, I've always thought you were kinda cute," Milo said softly, he slowly moved closer pressing his lips softly into mine as sparks became present throughout my body 

He slowly pulled away and unlike Ace, he didn't leave immediately, Milo smiled down at me filling me with happiness 

"Why don't you let me join you on your walk," Milo said sweetly, I nodded, he took my small hand in his as we walked, as we continued our walk we talked about life laughing at how stupid we used to be 

"Hey, I heard about your mom's death and I'm really sorry," Milo said, my mom had died four years ago and I still wasn't used to people saying that

"It's Okay, it happened a while ago," I say looking down at my feet as I walk

"No, it's not Okay. I knew she was gone and how it affected you and I didn't say anything" he said stepping in front of me, stopping me from walking and forcing me to face him

"I promise Milo it's Okay," I say placing the palm of my hand on his cheek slowly caressing it

"I know how much she meant to you. It must have been terrible to lose her" he continued 

"She was an amazing woman, I strive to be like her each day in her memory. She gave me a necklace before she died and I still have it and cherish it with everything in my body" I say, tears stinging my eyes at the memory of my mother who died of brain cancer   

"I know this might not be the best time to say this but, I've had a crush on you for years now. I've just never been able to actually tell you without chickening out" Milo explained chuckling slightly 

"I like you too, Milo," I say smiling brightly

"I think we should take things slow, really enjoy each other's time, I want to spend more time with you before making anything official" Milo explained, I couldn't blame him as I had heard rumours about his most recent relationship, apparently it didn't end well but it wasn't my place to pry so I agreed with taking it slow

He smiles back as he leans down and places a gentle yet loving kiss on my lips, I wrap my arms around his neck as he lifts me up spinning me around a few times, I can't help but laugh as he playfully lets us both fall to the ground. 

I roll onto my back as I slowly stop laughing, we lay there for a while looking up at the sky enjoying each other's company or at least we were until we heard a gurgle behind us. I jumped to my feet as fast as I could and what I saw horrified me, a horde of about twenty Lurkers were heading straight for us. 

"Shit," I say helping Milo to his feet, he got up quickly and we ran back towards the house 

"Wait, we can't go back," Milo said stopping me 

"Why the hell not?" I ask 

"They'll follow us, putting everyone else in danger," he said, damn it he was right 

"Okay. Well, then what do you suggest we do?" I ask looking back at the swarm of Lurkers slowly but surely catching up to us 

"Follow me I saw a cabin not far from here," Milo said as he took my hand and led the way, I ran behind him as fast as I could. 

There was a small cabin just up ahead, Milo let go of my hand and ran ahead to make sure the door was unlocked, he swung the door open waiting for me to run into the cabin. 

Once I enter the cabin Milo slams the door shut and pushes the couch against the door keeping it shut

"We need a place to hide" I explained, Milo nodded heading up a small set of stairs to find a place to hide. He came back downstairs and lifted me up bridal style and ran upstairs with me in his arms. 

He takes me to a bedroom closing the door behind him and walking towards the walk-in closet, he walks inside the closet and sets me down on the wooden floor turning around closing the door and placing blankets on the floor to cover the crack between the floor and the bottom of the door. 

Leaving us consumed in absolute darkness, left in the void of loneliness and emptiness.

_______________________________________________Follow @lekxieauthor_official (me) on Instagram for updates and possibly some sneak peeks into future chapters