Saying My Goodbyes


As I stand here, every part of my heart that still has some sort of feeling left for Summer, screams do not do this. But then we come to that part that is just so tired of being hurt that this is saying that this is the only way that this shall be.

So it is with a heavy and somewhat bruised heart that I find myself packing some of my belongings in a suitcase, the very suitcase that I came here with only but over a year ago. It feels sad to leave my life here behind like this, but I shall build a new life back in the city, back in the city where I belong.

While I am packing, I am packing a part of me away. I cannot help but think of how this is going to affect Summer when she finally wakes up. Will she be just as devastated that I am gone as what I am in leaving? This is a thought that I will not entertain. They say that guilt is a bitter pill to swallow. The last thing I need now is to feel this.