An Unfortunate Mistake

As the ambulance gets to the hospital, we find Doctor Wilson is already waiting for us on the steps. But the moment that Summer sees the wheelchair, she changes her mind.

"I will not go in there if you put me in that thing. I can walk!"

"Princess, you are still very weak; please, you won't be able to walk so far."

"No, Austin, I say no wheelchair."

I nod to Doctor Wilson that very reluctantly pushes it away. He comes and helps them to help her out of the ambulance. The instant he sees how pale her face is looking, he is immediately concerned.

"Let's get you to a bed; I need to do more tests."

"No tests!"

If I thought that coming to the hospital mean that they can do tests, it seems that I have completely misunderstood the concept of why we are here.

"Summer, please, remember how we said they must see what is wrong?"


"Now, Princess, they need to do tests to see what has changed from the last time we were here."