...Austin POV...
It is good to be back after a lovely time away with Summer. The joy in her eyes brings nothing but warmth to my heart. It is very obvious, even though the Knightleys have the wealth they have, that Summer went through a tough time, well, especially when she came back home. But she not only took the verbal abuse from most of her family, but she also refused to live on their money either. She, in fact, still does not want any part of it at all. That is what admires me the most about her. And these few days on our honeymoon just made me love her even more.
Summer is close to the end of her second trimester, and I am going, to be honest, the girl is about to fall over. I have refrained from making any fat belly jokes, for I have stopped counting the number of shoes that have come my way. Just the other day, I had to dodge a glass that nearly came my way.