No! This Aura Symbolism! It's... it's impossible! How could a mere teenager kid like him have such capabilities!?") The girl wondered inside of her own mind, when covering the cut with a palm. Giovanni proceeding with a smile spectated, once a shoe was heard stepping from the covered smoke. Slowly disposing and covering, a primary white with black additions, a trench coat waved, white hair shading in smoke waved when Tim stepped outside. "Hehe...." Giovanni proceeded with a smile. Tim, facing the Demon seriously and intimidatingly watched, a white like feathered cloth waved from the handle of the sword, the birth of a new warrior...


"Is.... this really possible? A human such as him is able to hold a Ginken without a problem. No, it is impossible! No ordinary human could have topped above the limits of a Ginken! And my senses of power! It rose beyond any expectations! This world, why have I've arrived to such prohibited era! Damn it all!" The wake up of the brand new warrior drastically increased majority of one's power. Smoke that was slowly disorted around the area, slowly dispersed. Terrified of a shock, the one Demon standing before Tim, tapped his feet back. Seeing a confined sword to Tim's aura, appreciately surprised the area. Slowly reaching above the shoulder, Tim leaned an even longer sword over his shoulders when persueding, a sharp sword, glanced in the sunlight. ("How can this be, it almost seems like an exhibit of a something!") The female, quietly observing behind the wall, produced her moments to appreciate the area's change of pressure. A particle reaching from the sun, supressed in Tim's eyelight. "Answer me child! How are you capable of wielding such an incredible weapon!" The Demon fearing of his opponent asked, sweating down-throat. Giovanni, still harmed faced ahead. ("That's a phenomonom. I have never seen a human whose weapon changed drastically after obtaining it... and I cannot declare any more senses of my Ginken in my Aura Symbolism.... it's faint and gone, it's connected to him..... Shinkaku Tim, just who are you really?") Giovanni questionable on the floor, wonderously spectated. "That sword... it's unlike any other sword-based Ginkens! It has a length of a longsword... but has a shape of a knife.... tell me, what the hell is it!" Demon loudly exposed his shock in anger. Tim, slightly moved the sword, hilting it ahead. "You know..... whatever a Ginken is.... it definetly has skills to control a beginner... what a whacky situation." Tim raided and raised his sword over his head, quickly stretching, pointing the sword's front tip directly at the Demon one-handedly. "But, to dispose of your body, I believe, such weapon that's produced at greater quality, will surely be handy of taking you out- tsch... disposing my powers to a mere weapon.... having no control over it... disgusts me... how can I call that a victory for me, if the sword moves my body by itself... but, if this is what I must do. Then I'll let it control me, only to rudely defeat you." Tim cautiously explained. Tim approached with his right foot back and bowed to back. He stepped forward with his left as he suddenly grabbed the sword in both hands. The demon quickly pushed to the side as he shook his running face with a fearful look. The tongue he had was shaking and waving at the speed. With a tremendous feeling through his veins, Tim quickly moved forward and ran towards the Demon. Without a cheeky look, Tim's body moved instinctively. He leaped into the air and toward the wall as the sword rested behind his back, the Demon slid across the ground and jumped into the air toward Tim, who was holding on to the wall with his left and bare hand. Watching the Demon blink in his eyes, Tim's body bounced off the other wall, the fledh blade from the Demon stabbed and crashed into the edge of the wall as he turned his back and blinked with his tongue, in an instant, Tim appeared above him and surprised the Demon, with both hands raised above his head and holding the sword he quickly fell towards the Demon and swung down, however, in a sudden startling look, Demon dropped down the wall, and bounced towards the ground. After losing his balance, the Demon fell against the wall, grounded. With the sword that Tim stabbed through the wall, he slid down the wall and with speed piereced down it, creating an obstructive line of crack in the wall. "Hahahaha! That's what you get! Sticking the sword into the wall! What a stupid mistake you've made! Honestly kid! What were you thinking coming to such event without any skill onto who to cut!" Tim looked behind with a half-head twist, while giving Demon a serious look, without recovering or unleashing any other movements. Facing back forward at the wall hevkeept his eyes away from Demon, Tim shook the sword, rather gently.

Using that sudden opportunity, the Demon launched himself directly at the back of Tim. "You're a gone! And gone for good! You worthless, piece of gradiuated trash!" Demon crazly shouted, once aiming for Tim's back-neck. Mean the time, the female became surprised and filled away the surprisement. ("I thought so... even with a Ginken! That guy is unable to produce a full quality of masterpiece!") The girl thought carefully when snubbing her finger under her nose with a sweat drop.

[Meanwhile, away from the fight]

|Tokyo City - Sekai Street, Sekai Wallmart - Saturday, 12:48 p.m.|

Tooru facing down at her phone's screen noticed that she tried to call Tim confusingly. "Man.... just who does he think he is... not answering my -7- phone calls.... it's been like this since the day started. God! I'm going to end up facing myself in berserk mode." Sighing quietly, Tooru accepted a surprised look. "What's going on over there?" Quickly by daylight, Tooru ran towards the crowded people when hipping her way past the bodies. "Sorry!! Oof, sorry! Excuse me!" Pushing her way to the front, Tooru noticed what seemed a police team. "What happened here?" "There was this secondary event of raid, something crumbled through the glass.... it seemed like a crazy person." "Yeah, and that person seemed as if they were running away from something, either way, what I saw, there was no sign of anybody else chasing it." Crowd of people exposed several acquainted events. "Was it a break in?" Tooru carefully but quietly asked the woman besides her, who had crossed arms. "It didn't seem like a break in because the person immediately ran out, we haven't gained any reason of why though." Woman spoke with a fix of her necklace. "I see..." ("Hm...running from something?") "But, what happened then, you said that person ran, have somebody recieved an order or instinct of chasing it down?" Tooru polietly asked, giving a trippy face. "Look! All I saw was a boy, probably from High School, running after the abducted kid.... from there onward... all I saw was this group of 'police management' researching on some clues of where that person escaped to.... however, why are you this interested into this recall?" "Oh! I'm sorry! It's just that..... I want to ask, how did the High School student look?" Woman gave a careful sincere look. "Couldn't tell... I am just sure he had his hair dyed white..." The woman's words gave Tooru chills down her spine, quickly recieving cautious courage, Tooru sprinted from the crowd. "Hey! Girl! Where are you going?!" The woman called, whose arm reached aside, rest of the people faced the runner in confused and consecutive faces "To find them!" "Girl! You crazy?! What if that person is a serial killer!!!??" The woman outgave her last words, but in ignores, Tooru rushed behind the corner. ("Is it actually... she spoke about a child abducted.... it gives me this idea that, that 'chasing' person might as well be Tim... it's a possible expectation... and white hair....dyed... I'm one step closer...that could explain why Tim never answered my phone calls, argh! Stupid me... focus on finding him, there will be no hopes of finding him if this delightful annoyance keeps flowing up and down my brain! Hoping that he's alright at least!") Tooru thought carefully with a sprinty movement throughout streets as she began her search.

|Tokyo City - Mainichi no kimochi High School Yard - Saturday, 13:01 p.m.|

"Man, what a tastey meal! Chapple, agree with me!" Carissa, tretching her body with her arms rising, she spoke. "Why's that? But, if I must, then I-" Before finishing his sentence, a huge television changed channel, Chapple coughed when dropping his pie onto the floor. "Whoa...what's going on-" Wondering of the sudden channel change, she produced a look. "This just in! Today at Sekai Street wallmart, there was a confidental outrage, people have spotted an unknown silouhette of a human, who berserked its way through the heavy glass of the wallmart, with expectations it seemed as if that person on the loose have been running from something, without any further evidence, the cameras of the wallmart also spotted an abduction of a young boy...." The photo of camera zoomed onto the moving target with a youngster being grabbed by demon, there was another person standing on the left with whitened hair. ("What? That body, it looks so familliar *The person who was approved to be male and a friend of that youngster chased after that silouhette and hasn't been spotted ever since that moment....* to me... but I just can't get the perfect view of the boy, damn it... it gives me these vibes that it could possibly be Tim... but-") Before settling her ensurement, the image finally became high quality, Tim's body.... standing in shock while looking at the sides... revealed to be him. "No way!!!" Carissa, loud and cleary shouted with a shock....

To be continue...