Tim questioned when gulping. "I wasn't totally sure.... buuuuuut.. yeah" Sayori had her arms calmed, when Myles popped out in surprise. "I told Myles to stay at home and that somebody will visit him and take care of him." Tim outspoke. "Good for him, we don't want him in any trouble" Without any further regrets. the three of them entered but in surprise, before entering completely, Myles bursted at them when launched and grabbed Ayuka and smashed his face between her breasts, with a heated up shock, the four of them together, disappeared as they begun to slowly fall through the portal, Tim's clothes and Ginken were now officially outside his body and with them falling, a new era, began.


After arrival to the Zero World. Ready to take on the C.A.C. the four of our heroes prepare. who knows what lies ahead!

[Present time]

|Zero World - Hinomaru Area - Wednesday, 4:30 p.m.|

While falling through the air because of the portal, the several heroes continued moving at high speed, with Myles screaming he dugged his face directly between Ayuka's breasts, trying to pull him off, she kept shaking him forward, in a sudden moment, the four of them crashed all the way to the bottom of the ground, with dust surpassing in the air, they were awaited by somebody. After the dust dispersed, each of them landed in a weird position, luckly for Sayori, who landed perfectly. Ayuka was laying with her back on the floor, while Myles continued being squeezed into her breasts. ("These boobs, they are so soft.") Quickly after his dirty thoughts, Ayuka threw him off while embarrassed.. "Honestly. landing could of have been at least a bit more soothing." Scratching his bottom while on the floor, Tim finally stood up. "What. the Hell is up with you, who are you?" A boy questioned while standing in front of the others. Tim and the others quickly faced forward, before them stood a boy with brown, curly hair and icy blue eyes. Tim looked at his 'changed' clothes from confusion. "Why. am I wearing this, I swear I wore my casual outfit before falling." "Zero World is like a seperate universe of a person, so their looks sometimes change and they are given more fitting clothes." Ayuka explained, the boy in front of them seemed unamused. "Hello! Would you consider an explanation and tell me just what the hell is going on?" The four of them looked forward. "Oh sorry, we're from Planet Earth, we came here to take on the C.A.C. that Will be held this week." Tim slightly spoke. "Not we! Only you're entering." Ayuka quickly processed with a sighing Tim besides her. "So, you're intruders?!" The boy readied his hands, however, Ayuka slowly stepped ahead. "No, don't worry! I'm a Member of Coldblood Phoenix's clan! They are with me." She showed him a badge once the boy became confused. "Huh, so how exactly have you arrived to this world?" "We've opened up a portal.... my name is Ayuka Kirashito, that right here is Tim Shinkaku and on the other side of him, that's Sayori Fujimoto." "You know, each of us can introduce ourselves on our own" "And that right there. That's Myles." The boy who seemed rather confused quickly, however he accepted the introduction and proceeded. "I see. My name is Codey Katorishi! I have also come here to take on the C.A.C... hoping to be accepted to one of the Clans nice to meet you!" Codey proceeded with a gentle smile when making a slight wave. "Codey Katorishi why do you look familliar to someone?" Tim wondered, he was thinking the Demons who he saw at the end. "Don't you think, he's very simmilar to the Demon Leader, Sayori?" Without any wordy, Sayoi gave a gentle nod. "Seriously, do not compare me to Demons I am a human, you strangers." "We're not strangers if we've introduced ourselves" "Anyways! Myles! I told you to stay at home!" Tim quickly shouted after turning around and picking up Myles by his clothes. "Awh, come on... give me a chance to see the world. I can take care of myself." Myles sighed when crossing his arms and looking away, Tim's eye flinching with annoyed expression, quickly provided a sigh. "Anyways, you seem to be from this world, right? Do you think you could bring us to C.A.C.?" Tim questioned after the arrival. "Yeah, sorry, but I was lost and even I have no idea of where to go... can your friend from Clan help us?" Asked Codey when rolling his eyes. "Sure, I'll take care of the guiding." The four others followed Ayuka. "So, what exactly made you come to take on the C.A.C. challenge?" Tim followed up genuinly with a question. "Like I said, I want to be accepted to one of the Clans and trained to become a perfect fighter and you?" "No other reason, Ayuka forced me into such thing!" "Excuse you. I didn't force you, you just gotta take the spot instead of Giovanni, and if you want to do that, you have to be trained to become a proper duelist. Don't worry, you'll come across many opponents.." "Speaking about that I want to ask you something, Ayuka." She faced back at Tim. "You said something about Zero Dimension, can you explain what that is?" "I guess it is time for such introduction"

ZERO DIMENSION is a field of battle created from two of the duelist's aura, it provides different rules which opens up a dimension, the rules are rather simple, both of the duelists are given a free shield of a high amount of health, these ZERO SHIELDS are unseen by human, however, it protects you from taking any serious damage, of course, just like dimension, the shield is created from the human's aura. When in dueling dimension and/or as people call it Zero Dimension, you must fight and win, it Will dedicate you a score on victory, the fights you participate in Will harm you inside of the body, for example, you'll get hit and feel the pain, however it is constructed so you cannot cut a person in half, this dimenions allows duelists to duel, one against another and even in team fights. The lines around the floor created from sparkles is the layout of the field, you get knocked outside of it, you lose. After every victory or lose, the Zero Dimension shatters, however, the bad part is, when entering in it for the first time, you cannot age, you're stuck at natural age and your looks will be locked to what they were when entering the world. that's why many people decide to avoid such fights, but to be accepted into C.A.C... it is required to fight in Zero Dimension.

"What! So you mean to tell me... that, you throw away your aging just to fight?" Tim questioned in serious look. "Yeah. luckly for me... I never fought in that dimension, so I aged. I believe, Sayori hasn't fought in it as well, and I bet you, Codey hasn't fought either right?" Codey agreed on never fighting inside of such dimension. "But!! If you cannot age... doesn't this mean, you cannot get married or something?" Tim asked with a gulp. "Not exactly, you may be younger in reality, but naturally your age raises, for example, your 16, so if you were to fight in it, you'd be stuck at 16, but. after a few real life years, even though you're still 16 in reality, you're older naturally, which means, if you just show a person your ID.... they'll accept it and count you as an adult" Explained Ayuka. "Oh, I see. so.... that's not really such a big problem then.. but not aging and staying the same forever it's rather strange." "Is that really true. I thought, it only declined your agin in Zero World.. not every where.." Codey answered with confusion. "That's incorrect, the aging is counted throughout every planet or universe. so, you're fine... you can still work and you can still provide money. you may also have a family, no matter the age.... but I wouldn't recommend having a family with the person who hasn't been aged the same as yourself or at least near." "Why are we talking about 'family' again?" Myles questioned. "Forget it, you'll figure it out soon enough. so, remember, you will be unable to age any longer after taking on the C.A.C.. sorry, but that's the only side effect" Tim immediately became unamused. "Even if so, it would feel strange, being old 70 years but have the looks of a 16 year old." Tim spoke with flinching expression. Before finishing, somebody came stomping in front of them. "Stop right there I believe you're going to take on C.A.C... if that is what you want, there is only one final thing preventing you, the ones who will fight in C.A.C. must fight me... my name is Inara.." Everyone around, became surprised, luckly for Codey. he fought before the others, so he was not needed to accept the fight. "You mean I have to duel you?"

To be continue...


>>Name: Codey Katorishi

Age: 15

Height: 170cm

Gender: Male

Hair Colour: Brown

Eye Colour: Icy Blue<<



- Codey Katorishi
