20. C.A.C. BEGINS!

The dust flew sideways as the wind quickly appeared in a sudden gust, Inara was caught in an explosive environment when her body was bounced back, her shield shattered as she flew back quickly, through the air, landing on the ground, with her back as she abruptly abounds back into the air, rolling in the air reversed due to force. Her shoulder slammed into the ground as she suddenly began to roll across the floor across the line of the court, as her sword slid sideways, at the end she found herself on the floor covered in scratches. The wind continued, but after a while it calmed down quickly. The spectators were surprised, when gust and dust cycloned around them, after the clean up, they finally dropped their arms and finally saw clearly again. Tim's hands were in a dead shake, while he was confused, the lines disappeared as the field finally disappeared too. "What. did he just do? Was that his Ginken's signature move?" Ayuka confusingly asked when still seeing Tim. He was breathing extremely hard when taking a sip of wind. "Seraphic Penetrate. That is his Ginken's signature move."


|Zero World - Hinomaru Area - Wednesday, 5:05 p.m.|

Myles blinking heavily and extremely fast, looked at Tim. "Excuse me, sir, Tim! But, how the hell did you just do that massive beam explosion, have you lost your brains!" Myles rushed towards Tim when quickly started to kick Tim in the back knee. "Hey! Hey! That hurts! Quit it! Myles! I swear, I won't buy you anymore ice cream, quit it! Stop!!!!" "Who cares about ice cream! Currently I am stuck in this weird world!" "It's not my fault you squeezed Ayuka's chest that tight that you ended with us!" Hearing to them arguing, Ayuka's eye flinched. "He did, what?" Ayuka and Codey exchanged their looks. "Forget it... that little squirrle is just a born perverted." Codey continued on listening to such conversation of confusion, once his eyes quickly became faint, he was unable to move. ("So... that's the signature move of Nensho! This Will be a sassy situation, however, if we are able to get that Ginken, we'll truly reach the heights of the great unknown!") Something, without Codey knowing, though in his mind it seemed as if he was a spying actor without any idea. "Hey! Codey. hello" Quickly snapping out of it, Codey became concerned. ("What just happened. it felt as if I blacked out....") "What happened, you seemed to have gotten, substantially faint for a sec." "I... I did, man.... that happens multiple times, but I have not been given a clue of why" He snopped his face forward. Inara who was defeated quickly stood up. "I... I'm sorry, that was not my doing I should of have just dropped out while I had the chance." Embarrassed and ashamed, Tim scratched the back of his head. "You won fair and square besides, I underestimated you. my bad as well." "No! No, you got the wrong idea, I did nothing, I was just a pummeling bag, Nensho was doing all the fighting!" "You or it. You are both still binded. and on what it seemed, the Ginken returned to its owner. it's a bit strange, it controls you, but this Ginken seems to have somewhat of a bond to you. seems like it's getting a slow use to you. well, anyways. sorry for the messed up event. but, I suppose I should tell you, what awaits you in C.A.C."

C.A.C. is a yearly dueling event in which the duelists go through several dueling strategies, some events in C.A.C. are strategy based and some are pretty much dueling, bunch of people duel to rank up to higher spots, there will be clan leaders spectating, and they will be the one to decide if you are worthy to join their clan or not. One problematic thing about C.A.C. is that, not many duelists are accepted, but if you somehow succeed and prove yourself to them, you'll be gladly accepted. Same goes for you Codey. I haven't seen you fight yet, but know that there are 3 duels guranteed which the two of you will have to go through. Expecting from yearly events, the challenge has 3 events, I cannot tell what it includes, but you may know they aren't really easy

"Kind of reminds me of a yearls tournament that Planet Earth has in different sports. I say yearls, because I honestly do not follow up, but I know the sport tournaments are somewhat week based." Tim explained while scratching his right sided cheek. "I suppose so, but the rules will be told with the event so right now, we should go, the events begin in 30 minutes. I'll lead you to the arena." "30!? You wanted to duel me! And now we ended up on a time course?!" "Don't worry, it's really close, we'll be there in less than 20 minutes." Immediately after her explanation, the six of them ran for the arena of where the C.A.C. was held.

|Zero World - Hinomaru Area, C.A.C. Arena - Wednesday, 5:20 p.m.|

After their arrival, they were seperated into spectating and participating group, with Tim and Codey being the only two who were partaking, the rest of them were sitting around the arena. Standing in the middle of the arena, somebody came walking from the hallway at the top, it seemed to be a male announcer and a judge who held a microphone. "I thought you said the C.A.C. would being at 5:30 pm. they began 10 minutes sooner" "Sorry, alright. Sometimes I just missjudge the clock, not like it matters, we made it in time." Inara spoke with her arms crossed and her head faced away. "Why must I sit here, this will be boring!" Loudly and annoyingly, Myles shouted. ("This isn't a joke, there is exactly hundred participants. what the hell?") Tim wondered while looking around, surrounded by multiple people. The announcer quickly cleaned his throat and reached for his microphone. "Welcome to the yearly C.A.C.! Clan Challenge! I will be your host, Rez Katorishi! I'd like to know that all of you are here to win, but just so you know, we have decided that hi years events will be different, there will only be one event but all of you will be able to participate. Of course, the event isn't really easy to see your strength and capabilities, we've judged together that this event will only focus on dueling! You'll be given a set up leaderboard in which you'll be able to see your opponent." Rez quickly sweeped with his finger once a holographic icon appeared floating in the air. Hearing people 'woahing' in the back made Tim and Codey a bit stressed. ("So many people I'm no good with so many people") Shy Codey quickly looked at the announcer. While Rez continued the explanation, he took a notice of Tim and Codey, with a hiding smile, he creeped in. "I will explain the rules after this meeting of clan captains or as you may call them, leaders of a specific group! We'll start from 1 all the way to 8!" Rez called. "Now! Does anyone have an questions left?" Questioned Rez, looking around. Nobody dared to spoke. "Good! Then let's proceed! Here we'll show you the captains! First one! Is a male genius, whose name is known as Hide Kakawashi! He is the leader of the Approved Baxions Clan also numbered as the first clan leader in this world!" A man with a rather thin body, came stepping forward, fixing his glasses as his green hair waved. "Know one thing, I only pick the ones who are the most smart! Do not even thing about joining my clan, if you do not have any logic!" The duelistst became a bit surprised. "He seems so Young.... and I heard that these people have been leaders for more than 100 years talking about logic, that guy is literally around our age!"

>>Name: Hide Kakawashi

Age: 25

Height: 176cm

Gender: Male

Hair Colour: Green

Eye Colour: Light Brown<<

"The next clan leader, who goes with the name of Haku Hakiyama! Leader of the second clan whose clan is known under the name of Yellow Disasters Clan, he is one heck of a guy!" "You people want a beat up, if you want to join my clan, you better work your asses down a ton! Show me that you're capable of fighting and surviving without any help!" Haku was potentially one of the stubbornly loud guys leader, quite build up from legs to shoulders."

>>Name: Haku Hakiyama

Age: 30

Height: 189cm

Gender: Male

Hair Colour: Brown

Eye Colour: Brown<<

He sat up on the opposite side of Hide, sitting down with crossed arms. "Furthermore! We have our beloved and most populated clan, leader, Kauri Mashikato! The clan leader and a captain of Storm Warriors Clan, third clan in this world." A girl with short and purple hair walked ahead, having the right side of her eye covered, because of the hair. "Not exactly I only pick the ones who are capable of fighting correctly it is not the most populated clan" "Now, now! A few jokes won't end up in a screw up." Smiled Rez after introducing Kauri, she sat next to Hide, who fixed his glasses again.

>>Name: Kauri Mashikato

Age: 23

Height: 173cm

Gender: Female

Hair Colour: Purple (Short)

Eye Colour: Cyan<<

"Proceeding! The clan, where the most skilled assassins stay! Disorted Samurais Clan, with a beautiful samurai girl! Nuuju Imigato!" A girl, with long red hair walked in front. "Thank you for such compliment, Rez Katorishi. however. duelists. remember that fighting isn't only on how you achieve victory, it's to keep yourselves aware of what fighting truly means." Nuuju proceeded to sit down besides Haku. "You sure always, make a discourage to us..." She sighed after Haku spoke to her.

>>Name: Nuuju Imigato

Age: 20

Height: 168cm

Gender: Female

Hair Colour: Red

Eye Colour: Green

"Moving to our next captain! Shion Hishikaru! From Divisional Angel Clan, our gorgeous and the most loveable person in such world." A girl with white long hair and silver eyes walked forward. Duelists immediately became obsessed with her body. "Just look at her. beautiful and she has a bigger breast size! You can't ask for a better wife!" One of the male duelists spoke. "I wish I was like here, awww" A female called. "I suppose, I'll introduce myself as well! I'm thankful that all of you have decided to enter to such contest! Like Rez spoke, I am Shion Hishikaru! Please, I'd love to see you fight in all out power!" Smiled Shion, female and male duelists fell in love with her immediately, after giving them the most pretty smile, and cute closed eyes, blushy cheeks. Unamused once again, Tim sighed. ("She sure has the looks, but does she have the power?")

>>Name: Shion Hishikaru

Age: 20

Height: 168cm

Gender: Female

Hair Colour: White

Eye Colour: Silver<<

"Moving ahead!" Shion sat down, next to Kauri as Rez proceeded with the next captain. "One of the most dealy captains! Named Rentarou Fujikawa! From the Demonical Slicer Clan,!" Rentarou walked outside, with blood red eyes and crimson hair colour, without any speech given, he sat down as the people around him already became terrified. "Well...Uh... I guess. we'll move ahead."

>>Name: Rentarou Fujikawa

Age: 30

Height: 190cm

Gender: Male

Hair Colour: Crimson Red

Eye Colour: Blood Red<<

"Continuing our introduction.. we'll say hello to the next clan captain! Amagari Amamoto! Reaching the highest score in C.A.C. scoring system. and then not right after becoming a clan leader! Coming from Warriors of the Dawn Clan,...." Amagari came stepping outside. "Well then, I see you're all looking great today! I hope you show me just what your Ginkens are capable of! I'm excited!" Amagari called with a slight clap, after sitting on the opposite side of the seats.

>>Name: Amagari Amamoto

Age: 27

Height: 178cm

Gender: Male

Hair Colour: Orange

Eye Colour: Light Blue<<

"And lastely! A clan in which only 5% of the true participants have been accepted to! Alexis Shikeirou! From the Coldblood Phoenixs Clan, the most skilled captain. Alexis walked from the corner of the wall when facing down at the duelists. "I'm glad to be involved in such entertaining event! As a captain leader, I propose my thoughts to the ones who are truly capable of fighting! Give it everything you have. and good luck to all of you." Alexis gave her final glance towards Tim, who seemed to be rather serious.

>>Name: Alexis Shikeirou

Age: 22

Height: 175cm

Gender: Female

Hair Colour: Blue

Eye Colour: Orange<<

"And now, that you have met all of the 8 captains! I shall as well introduce the rules to this years event!" Finally coming to the end, the C.A.C. rules were starting to be spread. "You'll be participating in a one on one combat! Each of you will fight a different opponent. The rules to such dueling is the same as to the normal Zero Dimension duel! You get knocked out, you lose! You are disarmed for more than 5 seconds, you lose. You're thrown behind the line, you lose! Your shield breaks, you lose! The only way of achieving victory is, that you do not lose! Meaning, you must defeat your opponents no matter the cost!! If you somehow continue the fight and almost kill the opponentm you will be disqualified. Captains will be scoring your fighting and at the end, they'll vote for who they want! Now! Let the C.A.C. begin!"

To be continue



- Hide Kakawashi (Approved Baxions - Clan 1)

- Haku Hakiyama (Yellow Disasters - Clan 2)

- Kauri Mashikato (Storm Warriors - Clan 3)

- Nuuju Imigato (Disorted Samurais - Clan 4)

- Shion Hishikaru (Divisional Angels - Clan 5)

- Rentarou Fujikawa (Demonical Slicers - Clan 6)

- Amagari Amamoto (Warriors of the Dawn - Clan 7)

- Alexis Shikeirou (Coldbloox Phoenixs - Clan 8)
