"Yeah, that's right, and there is no reason to hide it. As expected, Tim Shinkaku is being wanted down by a group of people, the only goal is because of his new abilities." Explained Gintoki. "Huh..... since when does Tim have any special abilities and he'd tell us if he had! How do you know this much about him anyway and who are you precisely?" Questioned Tooru a bit annoyed.


|Tokyo City - Furō Street - Thursday, 9:35 a.m.|

"S....Soul callers?" Forgetfully and indescribly Tooru followed up with a confused question, flown to their faces. "Soul Callers, I'm sure you have never heard about it, in fact. Soul Callers are a human species, we are able to use a Soul of our Ginken, that grows beneath the rest. Soul Calling is a technique that us, possess. This ability or as I said, technique acts as a communication to our Soul. Of course, I believe you're unaware of the Ginken, but your friend, Shinkaku Tim has one, it's a weapon, controled through a body, their power is still unimaginable, however, Soul Calling gives us the ability to release specific attacks that come from Ginken and not our bodies. The Soul in a Ginken acts like reactor and unlocks potential of Ginkens power. Some people communicate with their Soul as a memory. or as a seperate body inside of their mind, once the Souls are connected to a Ginken, they are given unlockable powers that are only unlocked from human and a soul binding together. Throughout training and unlockables, people and souls become more likely to appear on the outsidie world and not in the Ginken's Dimension, and yes. Ginken Dimension is a totally seperated area than Zero Dimension, those dimensions of Ginken are more less likely to be shown in a proper reality. I of course have that ability, to communicate with my Soul. At first, once we heard about Shinkaku Tim, we'd planned on helping him, so we can unlock his Soul Calling, we wanted to find him alone, that changed. Now, that there are new enemies on the spotlight, we need to act fast and in a hurry, however without any clue of where Shinkaku Tim is.... we're still figuring out, thanks to Fujisaki and his searching, we're nearing on where Shinkaku Tim has gone to. Currentlly we're somewhat certain that your friend has been sent to Zero Dimension." Explained Gintoki while sitting on sofa and leaned back. Tooru, Chapple and Rachel became confused. "What, how can that be possible. and oftenly. I saw Tim act normally, was he just acting or does he actually have some magnificent abilities?" Tooru asked with a step ahead and a leanding hand. "That's not exactly how it went, a few days ago, Tim came in contact with one of the Ginkenians, by the name Giovanni. The Ginken that once was held by Giovanni was linked up to his body. For a time being, Tim has become a Ginkenian himself, but he doesn't have a perfect control over his Ginken, however, we've seen that one of the Souls that was dramatically close to Tim as a friend, died, we've witnessed, once his friend was eaten by a Demon. And I'm certain, you know who I am talking about." "Um.... who are you talking about?" Rachel furiously but confusingly asked. "Think. one of the girls with darker blue hair and sky blue eyes. was the prey." With an intimidating explanation, the rest of the students, Rachel, Tooru and Chappel immediately foresaw who he thought. "Wait. are.... are you saying. Carissa. that it... it was her who got killed by this creature called Demon? Why did nobody tell us about such thing?!" Tooru asked, loudly and in a shock. "I suppose that might have been the person. And why nobody spoke to you about it... was pretty much to keep you away from any trouble currently, Tim's friends are being targeted by the enemy group, and you three are as well on the wanted list." Shocked away, the three students quickly procedured back. "Us.... why us?" "You noticed. The spell didn't work on you, it means you have some sort of a Soul Symbolism that many average people do not, you may not possess any crazy abilities, but just, being in contact with Tim and connected to him as in a relationship of friendship, you have something not every human does followed up we, or should I say, I forgot to mention about Ayuka Kirashito, she is a Ginkenian, just like Tim, currently she doesn't have a Ginken because it was taken by that exact group that's hunting Tim and the rest of you down." "Ayuka. she. she's a Ginkenian too?" Gintoki nodded after Tooru asked a precise question. "Excuse us, can we have more evidence and reacting photos or explanation on who these people are?" Chapple asked seriously while stepping to the front. "Issa, give me the photos." "Why should I give it? Damn." She picked the photos and gave it to Gintoki, slapping the photos on the table, he became serious. "The group of people who are hunting down you and Tim, they go by the race and name of 'Turbulent Fiends'. Unlike normal enemies of ours, Fiends are also another go-to-hunt enemy, there is a total of 5 of them. As you know, Fiend is an evil spirit inside of a Demon, right? After the Demons are killed, their Soul is strangled outwards, these Fiends usually are sent to Hell, but some of them were able to escape the Gate of Hell, reason of why. Because, Fiends have fused with a Humanoid body. It's exactly opposite of us, people die, their Soul is lost. however, a human soul cannot be returned to a human unlike Fiends, there is a technique that many people use, we call it Eradication. Once an 'eradication' is linked to a human that had a fiend inside, the evil spirit of them, returns immediately to Hell. But this group of people that you have just witnessed.. these people wanted power, they've used and linked up with Fiends to cause destruction and hunt. Demons do attack them, but are easily thrown away by these human fiends." The photo whipped up a sligh steam once shown to other people. "That's. that's terrible. who knew something like this existed." Tooru hyped down a throttle. "What we need right now. is to contact Tim, we need his help, he is currently unable to protect himself without a proper controlation training. His Ginkens easily interfiers with his work out in a battle so we're here to train him, to teach him everything he needs to know as a Ginkenian, and because his Ginken has a very close Soul, he can even become a Soul Caller, that's a rare chance but a find can be shown. Finally, I have one question, have you come in contact with him at any time, did he answer your calls?" Gintoki asked when looking at them, with a settled shake, they exposed their no. "We tried, but he is just not getting linked to our calls." "I see.. then, it might actually be... that Shinkaku Tim, really is in Zero Dimension." Soul Callers and the three students faced him. "But... what would he be doing there?" Rachel conductivly asked with a swifting call. Gintoki leaned back onto the sofa's leaner. "It's a possibilty that he might be competing in a C.A.C. challenge, known as Clan Acceptance Challenge." Explained Gintoki. "Clan Acceptance Challenge? What's that?" Chappel asked. "It's a yearly dueling test, conducting a three way line of challenges, Ayuka Kirashito may or may not have asked him to do it, she believes that C.A.C. is a good test to train his powers. so, if possible, we would like him to come here as soon as possible. Issa, give me the Zero Watch." The students looked once becoming confused. "Seriously, stop ordering me around, damn!" "Calm down, already, Issa." Nagisa called when playing his video game. Red mark, objecting anger appeared on Issa's forehead, once throwing the Zero Watch towards Gintoki. "Here. we'd like one of you to wear this wrist watch. Link up with Zero Dimension's registration and then search for Tim Shinkaku, it should find his profile and if that doesn't work, search for Ayuka Kirashito." "Excuse us... why her." "It's obvious, if Shinkaku hasn't come across a Zero Watch yet, he won't be able to answer and his profile Will not be found, however, Ayuka already has that watch and is registered" Explained Gintoki, quietly with a careful spawnfilled look. Rachel reached for the wrist watch and put it on. "Hey! Nobody said that you Will wear it!!" Tooru and Chapple loudly shouted while pointing from behind Rachel. "Welcome to Zero Advertisement, researchment, mapment and callment option, proceed with registration, please insert your name and the rest of the template." Three of them became surprised. "Alright then" A holographic keyplate appeared glowing from the watch's screen. "Well, this certainly is some high quality of electronic." Rachel begun typing down her profile, once finally reaching something. "Would you like to add a profile icon?" Rachel quickly just swiped the hand to the left when closing it. "Thank you, please proceed to find your first linking." Rachel searched for Tim's full name but unable to find it, she quickly decided to search for Ayuka's. "You've searched name: Ayuka Kirashito, here is what we were able to find." An icon of Ayuka's face appeared when Rachel gave a smile and tapped on the name. "What would you like to do with this link?" Rachel noticed a microphone icon. "Go ahead, say it loudly, it's a high quality technology, so whatever you say it Will understand." Rachel nodded once Tooru and Chapple faced the screen hanging down their necks on the shoulder of Rachel. "I would like to call her." "This will take just a second." It quickly loaded up. "How would you like to call her?" There was an option with camera or microphone, she gazed her courage and decided to pick camera. "Please wait while we're trying to connect you to Zero Department."

|Zero World - Hinomaru Area, C.A.C. Arena - Thursday, 9:33 a.m.|

An immersive wind bursted, Tim and Ayuka became surprised but before getting surprised once, the second surprise arrived, Tim faced towards Ayuka's wrist watch. "What's up?" "I got a call, from a girl called, Rachel Futiga." Tim's eyes became surprised while confused down his expression. "Rachel..???"

>>Name: Rachel Futiga

Age: 16

Height: 169cm

Gender: Female

Hair Colour: Brown

Eye Colour: Orange<<

Codey somehow defended the strong punch, but how was he able to do it? "How, did you not get blown from the field's line?" Codey breathing extraordinarly in a heavy swift thoughts, made him soaked of sweat. "How... did Rachel get a connection?"

Codey's duel still appears to be ongoing, however, Codey's irrational thoughts from the hit bestowed around the area, while barely standing, he continues fighting, on Planet Earth in Tokyo City, Tim's friends were rewarded with a Wrist Watch for an easier connection while seperated between two Dimensions. The current task of achieving is on the way. Soul Callers hopefully will connect to Tim's bodyline, will he finish the C.A.C. or will he rush to Tokyo?

To be continue



- Rachel Futiga
