- Mistakes: I know you've probably been finding many more mistakes throughout reading than the start, but currently I am focusing on writing, when the story is complete I will go through it and fix the tiny mistakes I've made! Hopefully this won't ruin the reading and if it does, please let me know)

"So, basically, the key to using these techniques are you and my Ginken. I see." Carissa gave a calm nod. Suddenly Tim dissipated from that dimension and Carissa became quite surprised, somehow, Tim's senses reached through his body outward, when detecting a strange movement behind him. "Who's there?!" Tim returned to the real world while standing in front of the rock he sat on and watching behind the rock. Sayori sighed and stepped from behind. "Sayori, what. what are you doing here?" Her face seemed to be upset. "I'm sorry. I didn't expect I would become somewhat friendly with you however. I must kill you. Pyro Ginkenians demolished my town and killed my parents I can't allow another one to live.... every Pyro Releasing user. must be executed!"


|Tokyo City - Furō Street - Wednesday, 10:45 p.m.|

"So.... Pyro Releasers killed your family and ruined your home....?" "Now that you know, it's better to just behead you sorry, I really didn't want to do this, but a rule to kill every Pyro Releaser, it's a duty for me..." "And what if you don't do such thing?" "Then I have betrayed my trust in my homeland." Sayori corrected her words with a serious look. "You'd rather kill a friend, then lose trust of your homeland. that's a hard decision that everyone would make.... I cannot judge you either, but- if you do want to execute me, then you'll have to work for it.... I don't mean to throw my life away just for my friends who cannot protect themselves, sorry Sayori, but I have had some trust and I still see some of it, in your mind." Tim unstabbed the sword from the ground and giving a hard swing to the right, strething it out, once the orange flames bursted around his body, the temperature heated up and the fire lighted up the area a little. Sayori immediately grabbed her daggers in both of her hands when in a sudden instant, Tim's fire covered the view of him and her, surrounding and covering his body, when such thing happened, a white kimono waved from him, Sayori gave out her surprise. ("Is that a kimono.....?") Sayori though wonderously in her mind. "What are those clothes even?" "This is an Aura Outfit, it uses both clothes of physical body such as a human and a Soul... it's somewhat of a combination. it's the final stage of a proper Soul Caller." Tim and Sayori became heavily surprised once Gintoki came stepping from the stairs. "And for you Sayori, you really want to kill somebody who rescued you?" "Seems you've noticed. but that's right, I'm planning to wipe out every user whose Manipulation is based of Pyro. don't even try to stop me." "Don't worry, I am not planning on stopping, if Tim fights you, he'll be at least able to show what he learned however, if either of you die, I do not intend on helping you out, not like I'll be able to... being Ginkenian or a Soul Caller.. their first priority is, to fight until death, if they need the sacrifice themselves for the good, they do it...." "Don't worry Gintoki, I'm not planning on killing her. but if she insists to kill me, so be it... however, allowing myself to die is not an option, I've already gave myself a promise besides, Sayori's feelings are also my problem, I do not care" Tim put up a straight stance and readied his sword while giving Sayori a surprise heart beat.

Sayori ran against Tim in quick production. With a sober reaction, her body bounced into the air in a reversible flip as she kicked down from the air toward Tims back, Tim reacted quickly and disappeared from the spot as Sayoris foot hit the ground. "What? Vanishing Dash? He already knows how to use it ?!" Sayori thought while looking around, trying to sense Tim's aura.

Tim quickly appeared behind her and swung his sword against her body, luckily she sensed the wind behind her back and bounced forward, however quickly bounced Tims sword with her dagger higher with the reverse approach. Tim slid his right foot forward on the ground as he disappeared again, she quickly jumped into the air, but without expectation Tim appeared in the air, swinging his sword over Sayori when he 'accidentally' (He meant to miss the attack), missed the attack, they both disappeared from the air, but Tim was momentarily faster than her, and during the landing, he appeared behind Sayori and grabbed her hand and then spun it forward, while spinning, she dropped her dagger into a throw as Tim ducked and retreated to the flying dagger. He quickly took a step forward, and appeared before Sayori and with a serious look, he was ducked before her, she looked towards him past her breasts. Tim swung quickly from the ground into the air as Sayori quickly crossed her dagger before her swing and defended herself. Anyway, in the touch, the fire spread, and exploded and pushed Sayori back. Due to the force and pressure, she urgently had to slide back to keep her balance. Tim stood straight and watched her with a serious look. "What was the point of that attack? You missed?" "Not exactly, I just told you at the beginning I do not have any intention of killing you" Sayori's eyes shook in annoyance while she ignorantly shouted. "Quit being a pushover and fight for real!" She angrly called. "As I said I won't do it properly.." Sayori gave a sigh and quickly the two of them continued their fight.

Sayori and Tim began to disappear and reappear through the desert as their attacks rustled through the wind forces. Tim swung quickly at Sayori, but with a vanishing slip, she bounced into the air over his sword, and flipped over him with a high raised leg, which she then swung toward Tim's head, Tim used his sword and defended the attack, and with force repulsed Sayori into the air, he prepared a spiritual fire that blew behind his back at the end of the sharp sword. Sayori made the next turn and used Vanishing Dash and appeared behind Tim with her leg raised to the side and was a few inches in the air, kicking sideways in a right swing when she hit him in the shoulder, bouncing Tim to the side as she quickly kneeled close to him on his left side, Tim added the next attack in hopes on hitting her, however, she grabbed his arm, flipped it over her shoulder, but Tim quickly drew his sword and stabbed it to the ground before falling, this time his legs reached her shoulder as she was wrapped around by his feet, his pose was almost in mid-air lying. Sayori was in an awkward position when Tim quickly used his left leg while he was leaned against the sword and her shoulder. He kicked Sayori in the cheek, and bounced her aside, he spun on his sword as he shot fire that exploded in the air. Tim then straightened up in the air and had his sword raised high above his head, Sayori scratched her cheek when she spotted Tim.

Tim's face was brightly serious as he looked down at Sayori with his eyes. Quickly and unread, the fire of ghosts quickly grew around the sword and extended beyond in a longer form, the fire glowing high in the air as Tim cautiously began to gather fire and heat. The fire, glistening, shaking, and waving behind his sword, lengthened once more, adding pressure to Tim's sword. Tim swung over his head, obliquely toward the ground. "Firestorm Gesture!" The fire waved advanced, however, on swing it was fired towards the ground. The attack was in the form of an 'X' as it flew advanced towards Sayori. It grew from the added energy when Sayori noticed that the attack was somehow too quick for her reaction. The last thing she noticed was the fire gleaming in her eyes. Tims sleeves burned when the X-shaped attack exploded and spread in the shape of a ring. The fire that was spreading increased and rose .... Even the sand was surrounded by fire. The next time Sayori looked, she was surrounded by the fire. With a cautious look around, she gulped while feeling heavy heat, reaching around her. Tim landed on the floor when, balancing his stance. "Listen to me Sayori! You think you Will lose your population in your town but even so, you don't have to throw away your friends, they aren't dust. understand this" Tim calmly explained once swinging his sword backwards, the fire dissipated, as well as his Ginken completely became lost in his aura. "Friends? You really think, we're friends?" Sayori seriously asked while still prepared for an attack. "Yes, we're friends, don't you dare think we're not, if I wouldn't be your friend, would I get to know you so well, would you have trusted me this much?" Once Tim answered, Sayori's eyes shook. ("If. he wasn't my friend would. would I tell him the reason.. I....") Sayori made a rather upset face. "Listen to yourself, I know you don't wish to lose your homeland's trust, but, you can prove them, that not every Pyro Releaser isn't your or their's enemy. You have to calm down and work your way to gain trust of them I understand why they are afraid of Pyro Releasers, and I'm aware of why they told you to get rid of them however, that is not for them to decide, you are the one who decides what you Will do, how you Will act and who will be your friend! You were born to make friends, to live, to find a job someday, to promote your relationships isn't that what you've been thinking.?" Sayori's eyes were upsettingly shaking. "All we have to do is stop this duel and I'll help you gain trust. from your homeland, but currently you're set in for a proper mission, delay it and give them a proper successful mission, by allying with others. I won't go as far as to kill you, nor will I deal any proper damage to you, because I know, that you have feelings, a ratio that allows you to pick choices on your own. don't you think, it's all a nonesense, fighting, I know you want to avenge the ones who died, but do that to the ones who have actually done it.... if you've noticed I avoided to release the burning attack at you, instead all I did was to cell you in so you can hear me out." As Tim explained, the others listened too. "So, don't you think, me helping you would be much more appreciative?" "..." "I....I suppose you're right.." Sayori gave a precious smile and withdrew her daggers. "Making friends is really what I'm after.. thank you Tim... can you. forgive me?" She asked with a worried expression. "You're joking?" She became immediately stressed. "Of course I can forgive you, I didn't have any intention to NOT forgive you!" Sayori took a sigh. "What else would I have expected." "Now, now, Tim, I think you had just about enough of training. I think, you should take a week of a short break,!" Gintoki explained when nearing closer. "Uh, right." "And by the way, one of the Turbulent Fiends, seems to have been taken care by someone." The words coming from Gintoki made everyone surprised. "Hah! That's perfect!" Zai called, but even his cheery acent was not enough to keep Tim and Sayori surprised

To be continue...
