- Mistakes: I know you've probably been finding many more mistakes throughout reading than the start, but currently I am focusing on writing, when the story is complete I will go through it and fix the tiny mistakes I've made! Hopefully this won't ruin the reading and if it does, please let me know)

To make sure that the Demon was no where to be found, he looked around and fortunately there was no sign of Demon. Codey, who was watching the fight, became interested. ("I haven't seen him use fire. was this what his training was about but who cares, at least he was able to defeat that Demon.") Codey wondered in his mind mind, when everything was quiet. "I know that burning his sparkles, wasn't really to kill it..... he still must be around, I did say I will try to keep him alive I can't just go there and tell them, he died. damn" Tim quickly followed his way towards the family and found them in an alleyway. They looked in fear. "W...where is... daddy?" Questioned Ima, while worried with Nick. "Your father I.... was trying to help him but, there isn't a way to change Demon back into a human...." Tim explained while annoyed of his words. Both of the siblings began crying. "But... if, if, daddy is.... what does that mean?" Wondered Ima, her mother was upset as well. "But don't worry, he was sent to a better world." But before even knowing, Tim's smile dissipated, a fire ray bursted in the air behind him, when the flames spread across the streetway, Tim quickly turned around, once his eyes shook. The Parential Demon whom was once normal height, grew to a titann, his veins of body were brightening through his body like lava, his body was burnt, however, still hard enough, his body was massive. Tim and Codey were shocked, on what enemy they saw.


|Tokyo City - Terzou Street - Tuesday, 12:08 p.m.|

The ones who were in sight of the titan Demon were shocked. "That's. it's a Grade 5 Demon! Do these Demons have special chain of how they transform! I don't understand it.... is it a Grade 5? His body is Demon-a-like, but his size is enormous and he is in a shape of a human... So titans can either be beasts or human shaped Demons!?" While Tim wondered, the body of gigantification before him released smoke throughout his mouth, it was breathing heavily once the Demon's eyes shook in in a creepy way. This time the Demon's flash blade changed to a hammer, it was heavy, rough and extremely powerful. Tim made disprogressive step backwards when holding his sword. "Stay back, don't let him find you!" Once Tim spoke, he sprinted past the Demon so that the Demon gave eyes on him instead, the Demon swung the hammer into the ground.

Due to its gravity, strength and power, this huge hammer set off a sincere attack on the ground. This blow released the cylinder from the energy that was Shōdō. Tim was surprised when he turned quickly, swung his sword in front of him, and aimed the end of the sword into the air. It shook its energy into the sword as it advanced to push Tim back in sincere speed. His soles slid on the floor, and his shoes almost burned because of the speed. Tims kimono was burned due to the hot energy of Shōdō. The force of this attack slammed Tim into the wall, the energy of Shōdō exploded and dissipated against him. Tim's body was injured in the crash as the titanic Demon walked towards Tim, Tim quickly grabbed the burning kimono and stripped it from his body, he was only in a black hadajuban and grabbed his sword stronger.

"Damn.. this guy is no joke!" Tim was covered in scratches once again, while keeping distance. "I can't just go rushing in or I'll end up dying. Even if I could, what would be the point, I'm not even sure if I can cut through his harder skin now. damn." Once Tim thought, Codey began thinking to help out. ("I don't know if I should help him I have to make sure that I'll be in any help..") Codey wondered while spectating from the rooftop in the distance.

Tim disappeared into Vanishing Dash as the Demon picked up his hammer and swung it to the ground. As he moved, Tim advanced and appeared in various places, trying to confuse this Demon. However, at the step that Tim took next, a huge force of Shōdō shot out of the ground in an instant. Tim was caught, covered by energy and blown up. This force that Tim felt on his skin was much hotter and stronger. Tim stumbled and fell towards the light pole. He landed at the top, and noticed that the Demon had added the next look to him. ("I can't get close. damn. and I don't see fire having much effect on him.") Tim was thinking, when still crouching on that light pole. "I guess, I'll just have to trick him harder." Tim stood up once his new-wearing clothes waved, he twisted when the fire covered his sword. That fire swung quickly around that sword as it stretched back behind Tim's back. The cylinder of that fire, muttered from behind. The fire was blowing and waving behind his back, due to the force of the wind and fire, his clothes were waving too. The demon lifted his hammer, sideways his shoulders, as he fired the next Shōdō through his mouth.

Tim quickly jumped from his knees into the air over Shōdō. This energetic attack, flew behind Tim's back as it was fired through the wall of the street building, continued into the distance as it exploded in air and distance. Tim landed on the second light pole as he quickly disappeared from the space, appeared in front of the huge Demon and swung forward, but, as he thought, the sword was not enough to cut through. The demon swung his free hand with his fist as Tim quickly bounced to the side. The demon hit the ground and destroyed them with a heavy blow as the ground cubes collapsed due to force, Tim now held on to the light pole securely and hanging. He jumped down as the Demon looked at Tim again.

("What else am I supposed to do! Crap, think! I wish Ayuka could of have given me better details on how to take care of specific Demon, real smart, aren't you!") Tim thought, but as soon as he mentioned her. A cloud popped above his face once he became unamused. He was imagining Ayuka explaining, once he sighed.

"Figure it out yourself, you fool!" Tim's eyes flinched. "Shut up!" Once he blew away the cloud, the Demon was running towards Demon, once unleashing the next Shōdō.

Tim quickly jumped to the side as Shōdō took off and hit a car in the distance, exploding as a huge wind due to the explosion swirled around the street. Tim began brandishing a sword from various quarters, and used his attacks, named Firestorm Gesture. These attacks, which were X-shaped and burning, hit the Demon but had no effect on this body. Tim finally appeared over the Demon and swung his sword, but, to his surprise, the Demon swung into the air, with his hammer. Tim had to defend this attack with a moss down as his sleeves tore, Tim was carried high into the air, and through the wall of that building. From the force, Tim spun through the air as he fell to the ground, bouncing off the wall to the side. Tim layed on the ground, thankfully still holding his sword, and stood up in pain. The hole, which was in a small building, collapsed as Tim's back bled.

Now, Tim's damage messed his breathing a lot. WIth his almost broken back, he nearly collapsed, once suddenly something appeared in front of Tim. With a surprise, Tim looked at the boy. Tim's eyes were caught in confusion, still breathing heavily. "Sorry for late appearence but, honestly. This Demon cannot be defeated on your own let me help, besides, I've been following you this entire time." Codey spoke. Tim made a smile. "What's so funny?" "I'm aware. The boomerang you threw allowed me to sense you, so I knew you were following me, but thank's for the help, but if you've watched, you've seen how much this Demon is stronger, compared to the others." "I'm aware, but, I may have a plan on how to defeat him!"

To be continue


- Note: I know there have been many mistakes involving where the commas and dots were, but because I'm typing on PC wattpad acts differently. These mistakes have nothing to do with me, of course, I'll be fixing them at the end, once I finish this entire story, but remember, I know where those dots are supposed to be and where the commas are supposed to be! Thank you for understanding!

(Note: If there is no mistakes involving these things, you may understand that then I'm writing on phone!)
