- Mistakes: I know you've probably been finding many more mistakes throughout reading than the start, but currently I am focusing on writing, when the story is complete I will go through it and fix the tiny mistakes I've made! Hopefully this won't ruin the reading and if it does, please let me know)

- Note: I know there have been many mistakes involving where the commas and dots were, but because I'm typing on PC, wattpad acts differently. These mistakes have nothing to do with me, of course, I'll be fixing them at the end, once I finish this entire story, but remember, I know where those dots are supposed to be and where the commas are supposed to be! Thank you for understanding!

(Note: If there is no mistakes involving these things, you may understand that then I'm writing on phone!)

"I expected you to appear at some point, where is Tim?" Ayuka questioned. "Don't worry, he's playing around with the third member, better question, where exactly is a girl by the name Tsukimi?" Smiled the man with a grin. Soon after, the Soul Callers that trained Tim, showed themselves in front of the Fiends. "Gintoki.!" Ayuka called as he stood there with serious look. "Damn, we should have known he would of have gone after them. that idiot." Issa spoke with her serious look. "Where are the other two?" Questioned Sayori. "They went searching for Tim, who knows when they might need help." Answered Gintoki. "Oh, don't worry, I'm sure they'll be just fine!" The two Turbulet Fiends were Fukashi and Fumio. The others prepared while discouraged by their speech. "Let's hope so....."


|Tokyo City - Furō Street - Tuesday, 12:54 p.m.|

The two members of the Turbulent Fiends were outnumbered. "Even though you're members of Turbulent Fiends, you're outnumbered, you cannot win with only two." Explained Issa seriously once standing in front. "Is that so. Good hint for you to know, the numbers don't add up here, we may be outnumbered but what really is important in a fight, is the pure power we possess." Fukashi explained. "You're not outnumbered. we're doing this fair and evenly" Ayuka answered with a serious look. "What are you refeering to, Ayuka, you cannot stand up against them alone" "We can't know for sure if we don't try Sayori take on the other guy I'll deal with that leader of theirs and don't try to interfere, we've been taught to fight one on one, fairly, no other personal intel." Ayuka explained, she prepared her fighting pose. "Calm down, all we want here is your beloved friends. but oh well, you two are Shinkaku's friends too just perfect, this way, he'll at least come to us...." Explained Fukashi once reaching behind his back, once doing so, a grey aura surrounded his arm which then reached out and formed a khanda, simmilar weapon as a normal sword, the grey aura that was released from khanda extended once Fukashi made a smile, he had his left arm in his red trench coat, while Fumio touched his palm and released the red aura, the red aura shaped out a makraka, a whirled blade, which was coloured red. "Are you planning to fight me bare handed?" Ayuka looked at him. "You said it yourself, outnumbering doesn't matter, so weapon or not, it doesn't matter either." Ayuka explained once her white and red hoodie waved behind her back, following with her hair. "Ah, I see. fair enough." Fukashi grabbed his Ginken carefully once preparing too.

Mutual opponents widened a few inches when Ayuka used Vanishing Dash and appeared in front of Fukashi. Meters into the air, Ayuka quickly kicked at Fukashi's head, however, Fukashi defended the attack, and tried to grab Ayuka. Luckily, Ayuka disappeared, and appeared behind Fukashi as she kicked back with a look in a different direction than Fukashi. Fukashi disappeared and Ayuka kicked the air, a quick moment later, Fukashi appeared in front of Ayuka, and swung his khando. Ayuka leaned over and avoided and prepared her fist, swinging forward to strike Fukashi in the stomach as his khando suddenly swung towards Ayuka again. In a quick reaction, Ayuka disappeared and appeared behind Fukashi. After the accident, Fukashi swung his khando, and hit Ayuka with the handle of the khando. He pushed her back, and swung to the side. He released a grey energy that flew towards Ayuka, she quickly folded her arms, defending the energy that exploded. The smoke quickly appeared as Ayuka jumped back through the smoke into the air. She landed in the air as Fukashi followed and appeared in front of her, swinging toward her. Ayuka backed away with a bow, and kicked against Fukashi's knee. She followed with a raised knee, and kicked Fukashi in the stomach, Fukashi ignored the blow and swung his khando at Ayuka's head as she quickly took a step to the side, during the air movement, and withdrew, however, the khanda stabbed through a piece of her arm, and Fukashi kicked Ayuka in the stomach and forced her away from the front. Ayuka was blown away. The duel between Fumio and Sayori also continued to ongo.

Sayori ran towards Fumio, and swung the dagger, which Fumio retreated with a downward tilt, he quickly gave an attack with his weapon as Sayori slipped out by leaping into the air. Ginken of Fumio missed when Sayori made a flip and swung her leg. Fumio, defended the attack, and bounced Sayori back into the air, he swung his Ginken towards her, and threw it at Sayori. Luckily, Sayori withdrew with a tilt back as the makraka flew past her chest. She quickly rolled back and landed as she swung and threw one of her daggers. Fumio leaned to the side, and quickly took a step with another retreat he, disappeared from the spot, and quickly appeared before Sayori. Sayori crossed her arm in which she held the dagger and her free hand. The blow was dealt against Sayori, which she blocked. The makraka, appeared in Fumio's hand as it cut through Sayori's skin, she quickly leaped backwards to keep distance, and slid back as her blood splashed on the ground. Sayori disappeared and showed up behind Fumio and then grabbed her thrown dagger, now she had both again. She turned but Fumio, was already flying towards her with a kick when he hit her in the head, she was sent away and forced her to spin. He swung to the ground, and released the red-colored energy spikes that grew against Sayori, Sayori landed on the ground and in an immediate leap, approached to the side, she ran forward past the spikes as she swung the dagger forward, cutting through those spikes but in response, that energy exploded and bounced Sayori aside. Luckily, Sayori was caught on a ligh pole and spun around as she launched towards Fumio. She wrapped around his body and neck, and with speed added a kick that bounced Fumio aside, she quickly grabbed Fumio's shoulder, and armed herself on him, behind his back and stabbed her dagger at his neck. But Fumio's body turned to red liquid and caught Sayori in surprise, she fell to her left knee as the red liquid grew back into the shape of a person. He swung his sword as Sayori defended, but due to the curled shape, a small piece stabbed her in the left arm, she quickly made distance, and gripped her wounded arm.

Meanwhile, Fukashi swung with his khando as Ayuka shifted to the side and avoided the attack with a fading motion. She quickly delivered a blow to his back as Fukashi turned and grabbed her arm with ease. He pulled her towards him and swung his kanda, Ayuka was slipped by the sharp sword as she gained a huge slice between her chest and through the middle across her body, due to the huge pain Ayuka rolled through the air and felt the pain. Blood spat towards the ground and splashed.

"Ayuka!" Sayori lost her focus on the opponent and was given karma for such move with a kick into her neck, which immediately forced her unconsciouss, she was blown backwards as her daggers dropped aside. She rolled on the ground once Fumio grabbed the fallen daggers. "This Ginken is Quite interesting. you can move quite fast with these, can't you" Fumio spoke calmly once giving a sigh. Ayuka was barely able to breath and in luck wasn't cut through her heart since the wound wasn't very deep. But for some reason, Ayuka stood back up and shook on the stand up. Fukashi sighed once swinging his khanda. Ayuka quickly ducked, once Fukashi became surprised.

Ayuka healed her wound a little, and in a quick disappearance, appeared behind Fukashi. Surprised that Ayula was able to recover, he lost focus and she pushed him back with a kick, she flipped over but Fumio appeared in front of her, and swung his handle. Ayuka raised her left arm, however, her arm was gentle and not strong enough to defend, so it forced her to the side as Fumio spun around and with a kick hit Ayuka in the face, he turned her over again, and swung his knee. He hit her in the stomach and quickly threw her aside, Ayuka's back slipped through the air as she slammed her back against the wall. Fukashi wiped away the scratch. "She can heal herself that's something to not expect" Spoke Fukashi. "It's not that she frorze her wound however, that knee that I just kicked her with, broke that ice and should be enough to soon make her drop out. "I see freezing her wound. that's something you wouldn't expect somebody to survive for long" "Have you dealt with that other girl?" "Don't worry, she's knocked out, we should get rid of the others, after you're done with her. Fukashi nodded and quickly rushed towards Ayuka who was leaned onto the wall, however with a swing downwards her body froze and shattered into pieces, Fukashi became surprised, once the next ice grew behind Fumio. He looked back as Ayuka completely healed appeared behind Fumio was kicked into the head as he was sent flying through the air, because of such movement, Fukashi quickly appeared in front of Ayuka and her eyes shook. ("Darn, I can't avoid it!") The khando was stabbed at her, however in a sudden instant, Gintoki appeared with his heavy sword, blocking the attack, Ayuka landed in a crouch and looked at him. "Enough!" Spoke Gintoki and unleashed a yellow energy, which surrounded both Gintoki and Fukashi, both of them were sent flying backwards, once Gintoki created a quick yellow aura to land in the air. The yellow light that appeared under his palm allowed him to move over the air and because of such movement, Gintoki safely landed on both feet from his hand-stand. Issa and Nagisa both appeared besides him. "I was just getting close to leveling up, you sure needed me at this moment..." Nagisa spoke as he gave a sight. "I guess, you've decided to finally step in, interesting" Spoke Fukashi with a grin.

To be continue
