55. A frosted release!

[Last time on "GINKEN- Rebirth of Demons!"

Tim was pressurizing his mass in muscles into the sword and with ease power knocked Fukashi away with a followed up flame explosion. Fukashi's right arm was burnt into melted skin as he was thrown in the wall. Tim landed with an assassin-nature look. "....I don't care who are you, or what this sword is meant to cut, but I promise you, death awaits you, Fukashi!" The allies of Tim procedured to see a lack of hus violence, Codey was slowly turning back to hid original-self....the reporting battle is on the mark.

|Tokyo City - Furō Street - Tuesday, 2:13 p.m.|

Fukashi whose arm was heavily injured in his right arm. ("That outcome was something that clearly didn't come to my mind. Was that his truthful strength or was it the fallen emotion?") Fukashi curiously wondered in his own mind, while holding the injured arm by its pain. Ayuka quickly called for Tim's name but she was interupted with a swing from Fumio, luckly to her advantage she had quick reactions and quickly avoided, but she didn't avoid it without a mark, a tip of her long hair was cut and while seeing it float in the air, she noticed another wind proceeding to excel it's mature strength. Even Tsukimi who witnessed a death believed into revenge, but due to her polite attitude, something kept preventing her to rage out. ("He's been a Soul Caller for less than a month.... he's learned that many movements.... he's better than I though he would be.... but, is he skilled enough to survive as a Ginkenian and partially Soul Caller?") Tsukimi who thought and while shocked with her allies questioned.

Tim who stood before his opponent made a stance, his sword was aimed forward once a whirling fire immediately lit the blade. Releasing the burning sparks and long-reached fire, Tim professionally became serious. "Is your goal to kill me?" Fukashi who expected Tim to be another Ginkenian with lust for death, asked. "You mean revenge? No, that is not my goal, but to at least imprison you, that would be enough... but if it will be necessary, then, trying to kill you is another option." Tim answered while turning his serious look into an intimidation. "You? Kill me? You're too full of yourself, you've landed one great strike and you think you're actually going to be able and kill me, sure maybe harm, but kill me is a different story. Besides, Fumio still is with me." But meanwhile that Fukashi spoke, Ayuka continued her fight around Fumio, becoming somewhat exhausted. (" This wound... does slow me down and put me in a small disadvantage... however, the feeling of it is amazing!"

Fumio made a quick run forward, making a jump, which was then followed by a swing of the sword against Ayuka. After a happy retreat, Ayuka stepped aside and avoided the attack that was swung at her. Fumio quickly turned his sword in her direction and slashed toward her waist. After a quick bounce, Ayuka avoided and disappeared from the room. Fumio landed and felt the sound of rustling of the wind, which quickly receded. He swung forward, but to his surprise, Ayuka appeared above him and kicked him down with her leg raised. Fumio blocked with his right hand raised and felt the force of that kick. He quickly disappeared as he slid across the ground in the distance. Ayuka landed in a three-step squat, and slid her right leg in a circular shape, releasing icy spikes that rose toward Fumio's back, in that moment Fumio swung back in a quick turn and cut through the ice, halving it. From the force this ice exploded and at the same time Ayuka covered her face as this wind sincerely forced into her body. While flashing her clothes, Ayuka shifted back however, Fumio quickly appeared in the red light directly behind Ayuka's back. Ayuka felt the swing and dodged to the side in the three-way approach. A sword from Fumio slammed into the ground as Ayuka quickly kicked back and hit Fumio's abdomen. Ayuka quickly disappeared from the spot, but Fumio waited as they both swung, but to their surprise, two weapons collided. Ayuka had disappeared from the spot and Tsukimi was standing in front of Fumio, who replaced Ayuka in that short moment. Tsukimi smiled at the surprised face as Ayuka appeared behind the session of Fumio in a quick leap and kicked Fumio in the back in an air spin, the moment when Fumio was hit forward Tsukimi disappeared but at that brief moment cut through Fumio's skin. Codey and Sayori were looked around and surprised, they felt like these two girls were able to communicate quickly and sensibly. Tsukimi and Ayuka slid on the floor each in a different direction when Fumio looked genuinely disappointed in anger.

("They switched in brief moment, are these two connected or have they been able to communicate while the ice girl fought against me?") Fumio who was injured in the stomach and held that wound, stopped moving while trying to focus his sight on their strategy, but to his regrets, nothing came up to his senses. ("If I don't figure out their strategy, I'll end up at the bottom and gain title of a 'loser'! That won't happen!") Fumio sweeped his feet on the floor and dashed at Ayuka who already prepared to block, but to her surprise, Fumio disappeared and reappeared behind Tsukimi. Quickly acting on the spot, Tsukimi sliced her sword backward. Both Ginkens collided and sent out a metalic sound.

Due to the force, Tsukimi's white kimono blew behind her. Tsukimi forced forward and tried to push Fumio away, but without a proper power. Ayuka therefore quickly used Vanishing Dash and appeared behind Fumio. In a quick grip, Ayuka grabbed the collar away from Fumio and pulled it over her back, Fumio reacted quickly and dodged in the missing acceleration. Ayuka, however, also quickly sent the next ice attack into the ground, rising in front of her into the distance. Fumio appeared in the accident just before this attack and was surprised, he defended with his arms crossed but the sharp flight quickly continued on its way and started pushing back when strucked. Tsukimi, on the other hand, quickly ran forward and jumped over the icy spikes as she raised her sword with a reversal. With a quick swing, she swung forward. Water energy appeared around her sword and followed in a marked trail, with a swing down it cut. Fumio quickly raised his sword but the attack that Tsukimi used was pressurized, so it quickly spilled over his body and spread with a crash, the water bounced off the ground and poured on the floor. Ayuka used that automatic moment and used ice so she could slide on the floor. She prepared herself by wrapping herself after the run. Ayuka had her left hand behind her back next to her kneeling body. A cold mist surrounded her hand as she swung her force and speed upward into the air in front of her. A huge wall of icy spikes rose and moved toward Fumio. To his surprise, an ice wall quickly stabbed through Fumio's chest and swung him into the air, stuck in the air and posyal frozen, due to the enormous expenditure of force, Ayuka's hand was covered in ice. Fragments of ice powder slowly fell to the ground and glowed. Ayuka used the sincere energy of her fitness so she inhaled violently and loudly. Because of such attack, the others also looked in surprise.

While Ayuka breathed out cold mist from her mouth she introduced a name. "Frosted Perforate." Fukashi who fought against Tim became conviniently shocked. The ones who spectated sticked quiet while seeing the frozen body of Fumio hanging in the air.

To be continued...