60. Supervising idea! Trusty possibility!

Fiended state also known as the "Second Spirit" of a Ginkenian. A Fiend that lies within a Ginkenian's body awakes whenever it can break through. Some Fiends in a Ginkenian Body also draws out higher rates of someone's power, usually when a person is closely weak to those Fiends in Ginkenian's body can sometimes overshadow the person and go on an outrage. Several Ginkenians had the ability to learn how to release a Fiended State by themselves, that truly helps them in boost. But Fiends can also decide not to lend their power to a human or as we know, Ginkenian... Those who have such ability are known as Masked Spirits... currently we still do not know what this power truly is about...

[Last time on "GINKEN - Rebirth of Demons!"]

With a smile at Tim, Fukashi worded out. "You should of have just let that Fiend deal with me! Without his power, you can't beat me!" Fukashi laughed after moving to the sides. "Tim!" As Tim heard a yell, Rachel and the others came running in the distance. First thing they saw was two duelists Air Walking, it made them shocked. "Rachel, Chapple, Tooru? What are you doing here?" But as soon as Tim asked, Rachel called out. "We know how you can defeat that guy!!!" Everyone became surprised after Rachel's call.

|Tokyo City - Furō Street - Tuesday, 3:33 p.m.|

Fukashi on the other hand spoke. "What? Defeat me? You cannot kill a Spirit that was already killed! I'm immortal!" Fukashi gave out a laugh but Tim made a knowing look and quickly abandoned his enemy with a dash forward. "Oh where do you think you're going!?" Fukashi yelled as he slipped after his enemy too.

Tim noticed, so he quickly turned behind him. Fukashi flew in front of Tim with a quick approach and gave the attack with a quick swing. After a quick move, Tim swung his sword and defended. But with a half-goal, a shockwave between the two Ginkens was thrown. Shockwave, which was released, destroyed the glass of the building and from there also sent Tim in a quick rant back. Tim even felt pain in his arm while he defended. During the abduction, Tim quickly fell through the air, which also surprised his friends. "Tim!" Rachel who was shocked on what she witnessed called. "Shouldn't somebody help him ?!" Tooru asked loudly as she looked at Tsukimi. Ayuka, of course, was unable to help as she dealt with Codey. "To be exact, none of us apart from Tsukimi cannot do much... but Tsukimi also tried, but nothing was effective... her technique was copied and which mean's she can only use fraction of her power, but even so, it won't be effective against Fukashi..." Sayori walked besides Rachel and the others when holding her wounds. "Wait! Sayori! What happened to-" Ignoring the question, Sayori spoke. "Fukashi is currently in very progressive strength, Codey tried to help and almost succeeded but his own speedy boomerang wounded him from the copied ability... Tsukimi can help in strategy but even that if she were to fight him, she wouldn't be able to do much...." Answered Sayori as she relied on Tim's strength. "At least helping him would be fair! Don't you think so...?" Of course after those words Sayori once again spoke. "She can... as fast as she is... she still doesn't have enough strength.... but of course... Tim's idiotic thoughts forced them out of the battle, so there is nothing to do..." Sayori gladly answered as they watched the fight between to two. "But you did.... say you know how to defeat a Fiend?" Sayori proceeded with a look at the others. "Yeah... we found out, that breaking his Spiritual Aura is the easiest but as well difficult way of defeating a Turbulent Fiend... we found that in this book..." Dragging out the book, Tooru handed it to Sayori. "Page 16, read it through...." Chapple added and then, Sayori read through. After her read-minute, she spoke. "But exactly how do you destroy someone's Spiritual Aura, each aura has a barrier that protects it.... and besides, Spiritual Aura has no physical body...." Thinking and reminding the others, Sayori kept reading. "Unfortunately we haven't found that... but I'm sure there is a way on how to..." Tsukimi who was in front heard their conversation and with eyes looking behind wondered. ("Breaking his aura.... Types are more of spiritual body.... only some have physical body.... but, if Tim is able to send the fire and burn the aura of Fukashi, that could 'funnly' enough, be able to destroy it....fire burns... and aura waves.... it could be simmilar if Tim were to fuse fire with explosion.... a massive explosion would occur... same as for electricity and fire fusing.... smoke explosion.... but.... aura also has partially of wind inside of it... I see.... if Tim would do such thing, the explosion would appear inside and around Fukashi's body.... but that puts Tim also in danger.... if he succeeds and closes in the contact of attacks would also catch Tim.... both of them would potentially die.... crap, what can he do at this point?") Tsukimi asked herself while facing the fight at the top.

Tim was just bounced away when he turned quickly and landed on his left hand in a hand-standing position. He quickly used up that capacity and jumped back higher. But Fukashi appeared in a flash under Tim and fired a gray energy that rustled behind his sword. He swung into the air against Tim and forced Tim to defend. However, in any given attack, Tim also disappeared into Vanishing Dash and the gray energy hit the wall instead. Tim landed in the distance behind Fukashi when Fukashi turned and then the entire wall of the building collapsed. Fragments of the building fell to the ground. "You actually were quick enough to avoid... not something you've done much in this latest battle...." Tim just listened to Fukashi's conversation while Tim rustled in seriousness. ("He's right... that was the first proper avoid I was able to produce..., but still, more of those kind attacks and I won't be able to use Vanishing Dash any longer to avoid it.... speaking of it, I am also in low stamina-state... no wonders.... whatever happened to me before, really did a number on me....") As Tim thought in his widened mind, Tsukimi approaced besides him. Confused already, Tim listened to conversation. "I heard the conversation, between your friends and Sayori.... and figured out a way on how to beat him, but...you might get injured too...." She quietly spoke and began to whisper onto Tim's ear. "What's this... are you two trying to figure out a strategy on how to beat me... hopes down, there isn't one... and even if you do... what if you die before that." Fukashi immediately bursted at them, as Tsukimi turned to the front. Fukashi sliced forward, but both of them, jumped higher into the air and avoided the swing, which was unleashed into the final building, even that one shattered behind them, while moving in a jumping strike. Tsukimi's sword unleashed a steaming water and Tim's sword unleashed the blazing fire. ("I suppose... that's the lone-way to do it...") Tim thought, Fukashi just strained them an unwanted smile.

To be continued...