71. An evil quartets, scouting!

Fiended state also known as the "Second Spirit" of a Ginkenian. A Fiend that lies within a Ginkenian's body awakes whenever it can break through. Some Fiends in a Ginkenian Body also draws out higher rates of someone's power, usually when a person is closely weak to those Fiends in Ginkenian's body can sometimes overshadow the person and go on an outrage. Several Ginkenians had the ability to learn how to release a Fiended State by themselves, that truly helps them in boost. But Fiends can also decide not to lend their power to a human or as we know, Ginkenian... Those who have such ability are known as Masked Spirits... currently we still do not know what this power truly is about..

[Last time on "GINKEN - Rebirth of Demons!"]

As the fight between many enemies continues on different sides of the Shoujin Street! Mia and Tsukimi appear to be fighting their all against another girl, Tina, who appeared to be another copy of Yasue. Meanwhile blazing through the battlefield on Western side of the street, Ayuka entered her unknown state of form for a mere second while in a near death experience. Eito who seemed to have been noticed of having the upper edge on Ayuka was finally struck and injured, however our heroes still have many paths for them to finally rush into victory!

[Tokyo City - Shoujin Street (Western), Friday, 8:19 p.m.]

With still on edge breathing, Ayuka skimmed her stance straight and face at the shattered ice. "A well dangerous attack, may I say... and you're able to do that with only your bare hands and feet, that's a projection you don't see every day... and healing, you're quite skilled on spiritual release are you not... how forearmed... you wouldn't believe me if I said I was amazed, but... I truly am, what a fun little girl you are..." Eito who held his sharp and spinfull dagger, snapped with his palm and smiled. "Yet, you've only succeeded to deal me harm by my own Ginken, you would say that, one your own, the only way that you may be able to get past me, is by stabbing me with your beautiful dancing ice... but what good is it, if I can just crack it open? Tell me." Serious and intimidating, Eito gave a smile while slowly spinning his dagger. ("He has a well thought out point, I can't get past him without any proper weapon.... but.... if there was something near this street that could help, I'd have the advantage! This way I can't really produce ice, not entire time by a long shot, if only there was a ocean or.... river...~) But while Ayuka came to a realization, she dropped her thoughts and turned away. With quick speed dash she reached for Myles and dragged him with her. "Oh, so you're running... too bad, I won't lose my sight on you!" Eito dropped down from the grapes of rocks and stunned his rush after Ayuka. "Ayuka! Hey! Where are you taking me! Why are we running! Like this we won't be able to escape!" Myles kept shouting after Ayuka, she kept running. "Then we'll firstly have to lose his sight! Hurry!" They both began focusing their pathway. ("Right now, I'm being battered overwhelmingly and without proper weaponry, I heavily am in disadvantage!")

[Tokyo City - Shoujin Street (Northern), Friday, 8:19 p.m.]

Mia and Tsukimi have had a great luck in survival against Tina who appeared to be learning in between the fight. Tsukimi who just landed in distance called out a talk. "She is improving her fighting style throughout the fight! How is she able to learn so quickly?!" Tsukimi bothered to ask when she just blocked an upcoming slash towards her, then backing away. Mia who was now finally rather taking this fight serious answered precisely. "You said she was a copy of a girl! Copies learn fighting, two times faster than a basic ally!" Mia slashed forward to Tina whom just avoided and then bounced Mia's sword aside with a singular blow. Both of the two allies backed near the edge of the building while seeing Tina reaching down to her belt, she dragged out a trio of shurikens who were thrown in front of her face spinning, as she caught them, she released them towards Mia and Tsukimi, however luckly each of them avoided, but the third one stabbed Tsukimi's long brown hair and shortened her hair, the brown hair slowly floated down to the ground with Tsukimi's annoyed yet shocked look, for the shuriken or in english, a throwing star was stabbed in the wall. Tsukimi skimmed the floor with her right hand holding the back of her head.

Tsukimi now gasped as she disappeared from the spot and instantly appeared in front of Tina, who reacted quickly to the action approach, with a notch forward from Tsukimi, Tina slipped back and rolled on the floor, but Tsukimi quickly resumed her attack and, with a single incision, inflicted a wound on Tina's hips. Tina, who was lying on the floor, made a distance between herself and Tsukimi, looking at her seriously now with her shorter hair. "Well, like any other girl, this one seems to also hate their hair getting shorter, of course then they take everything seriously... even blowed out a wound..." Mia approached with her words while retreating away from the wall.

When Tsukimi's hair waved over her eye she blew it away with her mouth while her front pointed katana have been grabbed now by her other hand. Tina straighted up while holding her sword and keeping serious. The flowing current of water slowly began whirling downward from the sword's sharp tip when Tsukimi raised her arms high in the air. " Aquatic Encircle...." Tsukimi's water current bursted further and extended back while she disappeared on her spot, with a heavy disappearence she appeared in front of Tina but then she immediately encircled Tina with her speed when a waveful water began rising around Tina in a shape of the ring, Tsukimi appeared back on the spot while slicing her sword upwards, confusing her opponent and then a tremorous tornado bursted in the aura from that ring, somehow summoning that water from the ring. Tina was bashed higher to the top and middle of the tornado while the water that was being gathered from the river continued to trap their opponent. Bubbled and wetness was felt by Tina who was unable to breath properly. Tina who has seemed to have been a true enemy began dispersing in the water and even losing her body, the shadeness blasted out when the wet tornado exploded and began flowing all over the rough floor, both Mia and Tsukimi backed from the spot to the higher ground while slowly seeing the gathered water rustling back into the river. As for Tina, their foe seem to have been gone.

Tsukimi who still held her cut hair seemed to started getting more and more angrier. "Oh, well, overflowing and wiping this entire side of the street was not a goal, but I suppose it worked out.... that copy sure could of have used a bath, she smelled like a rotten fish..." Mia canceled her serious appearence and looked away. "Oh shut it you dyed-out-fish..." Tsukimi answered annoyed. "Hey! Just because I prefer my hair to be blue, that doesn't make me a fish! See, I have a well built body, eyes, nose, mouth, lips, face, head, legs, body and even breasts! See, I'm not a fish!" Tsukimi became unamused by her new ally while she faced away. "Come on! Stop making these annoying jokes! Besides, I was sarcastic you well-unaware-girl!" Tsukimi layed out her words. "Oh. So now you got a new nickname for me, can I be sure that you're not one of the 'Terror Shades'..." Mia said with her taunting smile. "Quit being in your bitchy-comedy state and focus on shutting down!" "Aw, come on, are you gonna lay an egg with that not-knowing-how-to-take-jokes expression?" The two girls continued to go up against each other, but then they realized something. Another blacked wiggly tentacle was stuck in the distance. The two girls closed in on it and faced it. "That's the same thing that Tim brought back last time... now we have an answer on what it is... it's a biological liquid that is left after a Terror Shade is wiped down..." Tsukimi said while holding it.

"Ew, that thing is disgusting, why do you hold it, geez!" Mia called with almost a gagging state. Tsukimi ignored and took another glassed capsule. "You're taking it with?!" Tsukimi gave an answer. "Yes we are, we're trying to figure out what it is..." Mia then started sharing some ideas. "Do you think it might be a body that creates another copy?" Mia's idea was quite a well known. "....That might actually be true.... well, we'll have to test it..." Tsukimi covered the taken capsule with a tissue. "We should also hurry up to find the rest now!" Mia agreed and both of the prior girls ran back from the Northern side of the Shoujin Street.

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street, Friday, 8:30 p.m.]

Inside of the clock tower, all the way at the top, there was another man sitting on a chair, with his duo besides him. "Hm... one of our copies seems to have been... how should I put it? 'Estinct'! But, the other few of our group members seem to have been doing quite a good job..." A man spoke while looking the map and sharing videos. "Shall we hope for them to soon devour these teenagers, or shall we interfere?" The male asked on the opposite side of the chair. "No, we'll wait, I believe in our group to manage! Oh, Laia how is the scouting going on?" A girl who seemed to be standing at the top of the clock tower answered, she was the lookout and the recorder. A female with blackened hair and a black scarf around her neck answered. "All going to plan, currently.... but Eito's actions might end up making him get killed..." Laia answered who kept on watching from the top onto the Shoujin Street, since Hàto and Shoujin street seemed to be very close to each other. "Oh, then his poor actions will help us on finding them... keep a close lookout on them, don't let them off the sight." The man said and Laia answered with. "Acceptable." The man stood up and grabbed another tentacle in a capsule, the man turned around and walked throught the hallway of the clock tower and entering a secret area in which there was many more of other liquided tentacles, he inserted the tentacle in the main capsule. "Only 3 more to go!" With his loud and clear laughs of a maniacal appearence, they echoed throughout, the investigation hasn't been finished.

[A Tina, a copy of Yasue seemed to have been defeated however it appeared to be the wrong person who has killed those policemen. Now a quartet of people focus on their targets. Ayuka is in a rush to find a proper spot to her advantage, but Codey and Sayori still fight against their intimidating opponent, Kobe. Meanwhile, Tim and Yasue continue their search and have yet to run into trouble! What is the quartets plan?]

To be continued...