89. Evidences of the escaped 'Terror Shade'!

[Rescuing Ayuka: Arc 5]

A 'Spiritual Mode'! One of the basic techniques that a Ginkenian should master! It's another extension to their power and allows them to seperate their spirit from their body on the outside. A linking technique such as this one is necessary for Ginkenians because of it's polluted power, allowing them to switch dimensions between Zero World and Planet Earth. This ability is usually not shown by the trained Ginkenians but their pressure can be felt. Once the Spirit Seperates through the body their potential can be easily overwhelmed and a basic Ginkenian could easily be harmed by their own Spirit. The 'Spirit Mode' is quite different and the bodies of Ginkenians become Spiritual, through seeable and very difficult to learn. But the weakness of such body is risky.... Currently we still do not know much about this mysterious technique.....

|Tokyo City - Ichiba Street - Thursday, 4:20 p.m.|

"Here! You got what you asked for!" Tim who just slapped a bag on the table, spoke. "Haha! Perfect acceptance! Good job, I'm very proud!" The fan that was held by Tishida was making gentle wind to cool him down. "So now! May I know what to do?" Tim asked and then became very unamused. "Of course! Of course! But first! We need to get you to appropriate area, shall we?" Once speaking, Tim became confused! "So, come on then, follow me!" As Tishida said, Tim hurried to follow him and in sudden once entering a door frame, they came across an area which was very surprising for Tim. "Wait! Where are we?" Tim who was standing in canyons looked around. "We're in Tusiki Canyon!" Tim became surprised and looked at the map that was shown by Tishida. "What the?! That's like completely somewhere else!?" Tim was thinking that it was an actual portal, but what it was actually, a seperate universal dimension in which there was nobody else apart them too. "It's a biological space, it is an universal abnormal area, which lies in a seperate dimension, this is where we'll begin your training fatiques!" Frequently asked, Tim looked around. "But... this just reminds me of the same area that I have stood when working on my Soul Calling?" But then, Tim's answer came. "Well, yes! That's because that is the other side of that area! But in this section, there are more of the mountains and it's not as hot, but it will improve you quite a bunch if you constantly train here, for few, maybe several weeks." Tishida was a jokester and giggled. "No worries though, there is the door frame, so you can come back to the store whenever you wish to, we'll check on you every so often!" Tim redirected his look back at the door frame. "Yeah, but what do you want me to do?" Soon as he asked, Tishida snapped with his finger. Hasai who was very pumped up in strength came entering with a salute. "W...what will I do with him?" Our Tim was quiet confused and looked at Hasai who stood up confidently. "Simple, you'll just have some fun dealing with him, start with your Spiritual Aura and constantly release it with no break." Tim quickly twisted his head with squiggly eyes. "You're joking, you want me to constantly release it, that's so tiring, a Ginkenian could barely move after longer uses of such unleash?" But Tishida made a grin and made Tim very scared. "Yes, yes, that's correct, but when you learn how to release it for at least 30 minutes... that will be the first task done!" Tim's eyes almost popped out. "30 minutes?! Are you kidding?!" But no further answer, Tishida smiled.

[Tokyo City - Hàto Street - Thursday, 5:00 p.m.]

Codey, Kanji and Tsukimi were all together. "Have you heard Ayuka at all? She doesn't answer any phone calls, do you know anything?" Codey asked when standing besides Kanji. "Oh, I've met up with Ayuka and Tim not a while back, why do you need her for?" Kanji questioned once scratching his head. "What would I expect, hanging around Tim... well, I don't really need her a lot, but I do have some evidences about the missing Shade that escaped from the capsule, just wish to share it with all." Codey explained and began thinkining. "We haven't heard much about any stresses going around the city, so maybe the Shade hasn't gained the full strength yet... or, other reasons... I have no clue!" Tsukimi said once having her hands in pockets. "I still don't properly understand this 'Shade' thingy, but I'll act like I do, what's the evidences, go on, share it with us!" Spoke Kanji acting natural. "The few evidences I spotted were a partially fluid which was dropped down, it was making a trail, to be exact, it stopped at the edge of the river, so... there was this thought, that the Shade might be connected to water or something..." And such found secret, made others quite surprised. "Wow, Codey you might have a lead, got any photos of it?" Luckly, Codey being smart nodded with smiling confidence and showed it to the others. "Oh yeah, those are definetly the tracks of a Shade, it seemed that it was losing the liquid like a snake, seems that water could be its habitat... maybe we should check it more clearer, if Ayuka doesn't answer then let's do this instead of her..." Tsukimi spoke and backed away, with a nod, Codey agreed. "Before we do, do you know what has happened with Tim, he also does NOT answer any of the calls?" But nobody having clues made them worried. ("He doesn't answer either, there might be some trouble.... with those two...") While Kanji continued to think, he then spoke out. "Well, why don't we go visit his home, his family might know some stuff about it!" But before agreeing, they saw somebody at the top of the edge. The girl dropped down with her right palm on her hip. "Y'know... as much as I would like to agree, we have a gigantic problem." Mia who was already with them with her blue hair spoke and looked at the rest. "Mia! Well, surprising that you're here, but what do you mean?" Tsukimi questioned when facing at her. "Tim has been badly injured and Ayuka... she was sent back to Zero World, she was put on the execution..." The words coming from Mia shocked the rest. "We need more info! Why, what was the problem!" Tsukimi called when holding her palm. "Two days ago, Ayuka came in contact with a guy who was sent after her, Tim did chase her down, he was put down to rest, well knocked out, but a group came after him and took him somewhere else, I couldn't chase them down, nor help Tim, I was going to try but if they were to put me down too....I wouldn't be able to tell you." Spoke Mia when facing at them. "You LET them be put down, just so you could escape and tell us? Are you ignora~" But before Tsukimi finished, Codey immediately stopped her. "Enough Tsukimi, it was better that she told us, there was a risk involved if she were too fight them, there would have been a chance for us to even be unable and know about it... we can't be sure that the group who picked Tim up is our enemy or ally, but I'm sure he's fine." Codey explained when facing at the rest. "No, he's fine... those guys seemed to have been fine people, I did sense high Spiritual Symbolism too, they could actually be some people who could help him in other options..." But soon right after Mia's saying, Kanji spoke. "Then I got a question, how were they unable to find you? Every Ginkenian as you call it can sense the Spiritual Symbolism?" And soon when Kanji asked, Mia spoke. "I'm a Soul Dancer, I can skim the Spiritual Symbolism and hide it so the rest cannot sense, there are other techniques that us Soul Dancers can do..." ("Soul Dancer, another race? Haven't heard of them before at all..... what even are their abilities?") Kanji wondered still hiding his abilities to others. "So, then I believe we should focus on finding the escapist..." Codey was quite aware of the consequences but was up for it. "We should spread out and look for~" But Codey hurried to slow them down. "No...I'll search for it alone, it'd be much quicker on my own and the rest of you should go with Mia to find Tim.... also you should speak to his parents, but make sure to make something up so they won't worry, because two days, it's quite a lot for him to be gone..." Thankfully other agreed but were also worried. "Hm, what are you guys talking about?" Codey and the others immediately froze on the spot. "O...Odina.... why... are you~" But Tsukimi was almost out of words. "Oh! I uh! I was just passing by and then saw you, so wanted to say hi, but... I heard something about Shade and Tim being somewhere..." Odina's orange long hair waved when she seemed to be very uncertain. Tsukimi and Mia stepped on both sides of Codey and whispered. "Great job... what now, what do we tell her?" Codey was very confused at the two girls when he gulped. "Don't look at me, why ask me?" But Codey's question was then told. "Well you did begin loud talking, soo... go with your guts and tell her....., something..." Tsukimi added and with Mia stepped away, Codey's eyes then became squiggly. "If something happened to Tim! Please, let me know, share it, I'm worried now!" Odina called out with a serious look. "Uh! No! No! He's fine, he just, uhm..." Codey was doing a very poor job, but Odina stepped forward and looked at him. "You're lying! What are you trying to hide from me? I'm his friend too, after all!'" But Odina's serious look was making Codey look very dumb and confused. "Oh, he just went to visit somebody and didn't want us to interfere... that's pretty much it!" Kanji just laughed and made a precious smile. "Ah! I see! Okay then! But what's with the 'Shade' word you spoke about?" Odina asked and faced at them. "That's just how we call him now, because he decided to stay quiet and didn't want to interfere us!" Smiled Kanji but as Odina was a bit dumber, she agreed with a smile, but. "Well, thank you! Say hi from me to him then!" Odina backed away and walked behind an alley way. Codey made a relieved sigh. "Good job, you almost cursed us all... Codey!" Tsukimi shouted when being quite annoyed, but without them knowing, Odina seemed to be serious and listened, hidden. "What?! I didn't know she was around this area!" Codey crossed his gentle arms and faced away. "Mia, do you know where he was dragged, though?" Kanji asked and then looked at Mia. "South from the Sasayuku Street." And to those words, Odina heard it. "I knew it... they lied..." Odina fixed her hip bag and ran in the same direction that she heard. "Gotta get better idea of what has happened, he's not hurt... is he?" Odina was one of Tim's friends who was very close to him to. As Odina hurried on through the city several hours also passed, but then.

|Tokyo City - Ichiba Street - Thursday, 7:40 p.m.|

Odina seemed to be a bit tired already, but then she stopped as she was leaned on the wall, she heard some calls when noticing a girl and a younger boy. "Can't believe, that teen, why does Tishida believe that he can manage to make him so much stronger, I'd rather believe that if he wasn't such 'stupid'." Spoke Akira who just began helping, cleaning Tanami who seems to have two completely different personalities. "A...Akira... why are... you so mean to Tim?" And when Tanami called out the name, Odina became surprised and took courage. "Are they talking about Shinkaku Tim? Or.... or somebody else...." Odina wondered when a bit worried. "I told you he is getting on my ner~" But before he spoke, a branch broke and both of them faced at the wall. "Who's there! Show yourself!" Akira angrly called and then Odina came stepping before them, embarrassed and smiling at them with closed eyes. "Uhm... hi.... hello.... sorry to scare you, hehe...." Odina scratched her head still embarrassed.

[ - Odina Inakara is a close friend of Tim with orange eyes and blacker eyes, she is about 163 centimeters tall and because of her bigger chest, everyone makes jokes about it, she usually wears a white T-shirt when outside and a black skirt, she also seems to have a tiny crush on Tim Shinkaku, but is too shy to admit it.]

To be continued...