94. Odina's awakening!

[Rescuing Ayuka: Arc 5]

A 'Spiritual Mode'! One of the basic techniques that a Ginkenian should master! It's another extension to their power and allows them to seperate their spirit from their body on the outside. A linking technique such as this one is necessary for Ginkenians because of it's polluted power, allowing them to switch dimensions between Zero World and Planet Earth. This ability is usually not shown by the trained Ginkenians but their pressure can be felt. Once the Spirit Seperates through the body their potential can be easily overwhelmed and a basic Ginkenian could easily be harmed by their own Spirit. The 'Spirit Mode' is quite different and the bodies of Ginkenians become Spiritual, through seeable and very difficult to learn. But the weakness of such body is risky.... Currently we still do not know much about this mysterious technique.....

- Two days later -

|Zero World - Spiritual Realm - Saturday, 5:20 p.m.|

Ayuka was trapped inside of a cell, all the way at the top of the tallest building in the town. "So, I see that Head captain has already decided the day that Ayuka Kirashito will be put under execution..." A guard said, walking with a lieutentant, Saraki. "He has..... she's been put on execution, two weeks from now at 8:00 p.m." Saraki answered while walking through the hall, right for Ayuka's dorm that she slept and stood. Once Saraki entered another door, he unlocked the cell door of where Ayuka sat, no words no comment. "Kirashito Ayuka... I was sent here to tell you that your execution will be prepared in two weeks at exactly 8:00 p.m..." Saraki said, but Ayuka just faced away no words. "You could stop with this annoying quietness...." But to no avail. "As they insist..." Those words were her only. "Look! I don't want to see you be executed, too... but~" Ayuka quickly interfered. "But you're more focused on obeying the rules and orders... yeah, I understand, now leave me...." Ayuka spoke as for Saraki, he sighed and shut the door, but without them realizing, there was a human shadow standing on top of the ceeling. "8:00...p.m... two weeks..." The person spoke and disappeared.

- One day later -

|Tokyo City - Ichiba Street - Sunday, 2:55 p.m.|

Tim was on a break as he sat down at the rock in canyon. "Spiritual Mode... this constantly releasing aura is really tiring me out.... but.. I guess I was able to somewhat increase the length of usage...." But as Tim wondered, Akari and Tishida came by. "How'd it going my precious student?" Tishida was making several jokes and waved over with his fan. "Break I see..." Tim nodded and then asked. "Need something?" But Tim's question was no longer to be awaited. "I've figured out that Ayuka will be put on execution in the next two weeks at 8:00 p.m... from yesterday on..." Akari explained and forced Tim to be stressed. "I gotta hurry up, I can't let her get killed.... damn, why can't I work on it quicker....!?" Akari and Tishida faced at him. "You know, for three days... you've improved the release length for about 10 minutes.... I think you can manage to finish that in those two weeks.... no rush, just keep working hard." Tishida quickly explained, Tim faced at him and nodded. "Sure, I'm way aware and ahead of you..., okay... let's keep going Hasai, no time to waste...." Tim spoke but then he remembered something. "But my family is probably already worried sick..." But Akari interfered. "No worries, we sent Odina, she said that you're working on a project with her... and that you've been sleeping over..." Akari explained. "Sleeping over... who came with such a stupid ass idea?" Tim annoyingly wondered to them. "It was me, ehem!" Tishida laughed and giggled. Tim dropped his arms and became very unamused of him. "I already see the first words from my dad!" Finally finishing with speech, Tim continued with his training sessions.

|Tokyo City - Koko Street - Sunday, 3:10 p.m.|

Odina and her close friend were just walking from the school's yard when they have met. "How long is your art class today, Ira?" Odina nicely questioned while walking besides her. "How long? Well, it begins at 4:00 p.m. and lasts until 7:00 p.m.." Explained Ira while facing at Odina. "Hm, so just 3 hours.... I feel as of that were a bit too long for a basic artistic class..." Odina wondered when putting her finger on her lips, trying to think. "Yeah, it's actually pretty normal here... and you, what are you going to do after you get home..." Ira asked as both of the girls continued walking on the yard, but without them noticing or feeling anything, there was something opening in the air, high up, it seemed to be another Demon, but it had sort of like whips or tentacles for the arm and seemed to be somewhat large. Odina however quickly turned and noticed it. "W....What... is that?" Odina questioned a bit worried, but when Ira faced, she was unable to see anything. "Uhm.. Odina... is something wrong? What are you looking at?" Ira questioned but Odina then gulped. "Don't you see that, right up there, it's some sort of a floating body!" Ira faced to where Odina pointed and scratched the top of her head. "Are you sure that you're all right? There's nothing there, all I see are clouds..." Ira faced to Odina but she was unsure if she was telling truth or just joking. "But! Look!" When Odina called, the other students seemed to have been walking normally. "So many children... so many youngies.... so many cute boys and girls.... ahahaha... this was a lucky spot for me!" Laughed the Demon whose tentacles seemed to be extremely wiggly and somewhat deadly if they were to hit or grab something. "We have to get away from here, hurry!" Odina called and turned around but when she made a move the floating Demon appeared and stomped before them, quaking the floor, this time the quake was felt by Ira too. "An earthquake, now?" Ira wondered and seemed to be a bit unsure. Odina however was standing next to her and faced ahead. "Oh! I see there's a human which is able to see me... tell me cutie... are you a Ginkenian?" The Demon's voice was very femenine and quite sharp. "W...who are you, stay away!" Terrorised of her seeings, Odina backed away. "Ahahaha! I don't see that you would be an actual Ginkenian, you seem to be very weak in Spiritual Symbolism, but you're able to hear and see me... you're a rare catch to find, might add you to my collection!" The Demon spoke. "What's going on! Odina! Who are you talking too!?" Odina grabbed the hand of Ira and pulled her with her when trying to escape. "We gotta get away!" Odina shouted and the boys and girls seemed to be somewhat confused. "No where to hide!" The Demon unleashed her tentacles which stabbed right into chest of the boys and girls, at that instantanous moment, those students became acting weird and strange. "Go catch that specialist!" The Demon called when the boys and the girls ran after them as they hoped to escape, another group of students crossed paths before the two. "Hey! What's happening to them?" Asked Ira when Odina and both faced. Sick to worried, Odina tried to find a way out, but to no avail. Soon, the students came running at then and grabbed them. "Hey! You idiots! Let go of us!" Shouted Ira when using her somewhat skills, to knock those students away. "Let go!" Called Odina while she was being touched. "You heard her! Let go!" Ira pulled those weird students away from Odina when her shoulder part of the sleeve of Odina was pulled. They were stuck in the middle of the strange acting students. "Ahaha! I see you have some entertainment and even a fighter... but what can you do.... there's more of them than you, girl..." This time the femenine Demon seemed to have advanced and allowed Ira to hear her voice. "Who the hell are you! Show yourself!" Shouted Ira acting tough and defending Odina who had no any proper defensive abilities or skills. "Ira just get away, she's after me, go, please, move away!" Odina shouted trying to help her friend. "Are you kidding, last thing on my plans is to leave you with whoever stands here!" Shouted Ira when she knocked another student away. "It's not something you could fight! Just~" When Odina tried to finish, a boy grabbed her and put his palm on Odina's mouth. "Hey! Let her~" But then both girls grabbed and trapped Ira in their arms. "What the hell is wrong with you guys!" Shouted Ira when trying to escape the grip, no luck though. "Ahaaha, I adore people who try to defend their close friends, but when it comes to these events, I absolutely admire them!" Laughed the femenine Demon. Boys and girls began holding both of the two, but Ira had better luck. "Now, to what shall we do with the two of you?" The Demon was thinking and then reached with laughs. "I can put you both to a hang out and let the boys do whatever they want, I could chain you to the floor, absolutely devour you or I can pin you at the wall and let the students rape you or at any cost, I need something before I can manage to enjoy myself!" Laughed the Demon. "So what shall it be!" Spoke the Demon. "Shut up you jerk! Let go of us!" Ira finally escaped but then, the Demon had enough. "I've had enough of your yells!" A tentacle came whipping at Ira and smashed her into the head, when pummeling her right at the wall even making Ira to bleed from her head, she dropped to unconsciousness. to what Odina saw, her eyes shook and her clothes were being ripped further and further. "Ira! Let go of me! Please!" Odina who was being way to polite could just not escape these students. "Ahaha! I see your friend's a very loveable admiration to you, but no worries.... let's just do the basic novel.... devour you and then I'll let the boys have some fun with your own dead body, it is a very suitable for such events, but first, let's actually do differently... if you won't give it... I'll just make you snap out!" The whip or tentacle begun smashing and swiping on Ira's face, hitting her, terrorising Odina. "Stop! Please!" Odina pulled her right arm and sacrificed her right shirt sleeve, but then the next girl grabbed her arm, constant hitting was making Odina to tear down. "I said stop!!" Odina was just seeing the poor Ira who was her best friend, bleeding. "Gahahaha! Such an entertaining adventure, is it not, lovely girl?" The crazy laughs of the girl were being loud. "O....Odina.... g....go.... r...run...." But that was then enough, Odina became upset with her own and seeing actions. "Quit it!" The final yell forced Odina to cry out when the tear spun after splashing at the floor, in that moment, the bizzare and strong wind blew from her body which easily blew away then manipulated students and even made her hair to wave, she was unleashing a golden aura around her right arm which also extended further, the dust from the ground was floating around her when she stood still, standing in a serious and somewhat confident stance, because she was releasing pressure her clothes and hair begun waving much stronger and faster. "What have you done?!" The Demon shouted, but Odina looked at her golden glowing aura, which also made her confused and surprised. A golden bird seemed to have been flying around her which Odina noticed. The bird manipulated her words so Odina could understand them. "I'm here!" The bird called and Odina faced at the girl, seriously but confusingly. "W...What!? What are you looking at me for?" Questioned the bird. "Who, are you..." The bird almost felt dissapointement. "What?! Come on! I am Nyx! I am a part of your Spiritual Symbolism! How do you not know that!?" Odina blew at the bird. "Hey! Watch it! Why was that for?!" Spoke Nyx. "I was... trying to see if you were real.." Nyx flapped with her wings. "Of course I am real! Don't you see before you! That's a Demon and you ask if I am real?!" Odina scratched her hair and acted kind of dumb again. "Oh! Forget it! I am here to help! Do you want to help your friend! Then do as I say!" Called Nyx when seeming to be a strange bird. "Yes! Yes! Right! Of course!" Odina worriyingly called. "All right! Watch out! She is coming! So stretch your arm forward and call out! Spear Burst!" Odina was very confused but did as Nyx called. The golden aura around Odina's arm, advanced when Nyx flew forward and became larger and faster, Odina was confused but Nyx easily pummeled the Demon away when a simple golden explosion advanced, Nyx finally bursted through the air after hitting and returned toward Odina. "Now! Call! Shield Burst and point both hands ahead!" Odina listened and did the same, Nyx flew forward and created a golden barrier when the boys attacked, the attack was blocked. "Now finally! Call Recovery Burst, this time, focus on your friend!" Odina gulped and was serious, but did and an orb bubble appeared over Ira's body which begun recovering her body and injuries. "Hm, what's .. going on?" Asked The Demon when being maniacal. "Now! Hurry and let's finish this!" Once again, Odina called out and released Nyx into an attack, which speared forward and sharply stabbing through that Demon. From the pressure, the Demon screeched when her body exploded and disappeared in essences of blood, because Nyx only used a few skills, the attack seemed to have been stronger. "Ayeahah! We did it! Woohoo!" Called Odina, proud and happy. "You switch emotions, very quickly...." Spoke Nyx unamused, but then Odina dropped on the floor. "Odina!" In a hurry, Nyx flew forward in worry, but luckly, Odina just fell asleep. "Really! You made me worried! Heesh!" Nyx disappeared in Golden aura and the students seemed to have been asleep too.

To be continued...