110. Enter the second wall! Saraki crosses the path!

[Rescuing Ayuka: Arc 5]

'Henshin' a powerful technique which involves changing someone's Ginken and themselves. This strength is provided with incredible 'Spiritual Power', being one of the most difficult techniques to learn, it requires for a Ginkenian, Soul Caller or any other races to pressurize one Soul to their Ginken, one done so both Spirit and Aura combine into one, which might change someone's aura, depending on fusion. After the combination is set, the strength will sky-rocket, many Ginkenians cannot learn such technique, duo to low pressure of spirit and low strength.

Sometimes, 'Henshin' can be combined with another technique such as 'Spiritual Mode' for it to be more efficient, the technique's look will be considered after the inner Spirit of a Ginkenian and Ginken, when the pressure creates a barrier and insane aura, it will fully unlock such technique...

|Spiritual Realm - Society (East) - Wednesday, 2:05 p.m.|

Now that Codey and Alexis were looking at each other, Codey was finally getting serious. "Explain to me what happened!" With a louder and angrier voice, Codey immediately asked as he looked into Alexis's face. "Are you going to shut up? You should already know what happened, you're crazier than the other Demons!"

With what Codey heard, he then quickly grabbed his boomerang and released a wind that flashed in a fast state. Alexis prepared for the advance, and noticed when Codey threw his boomerang at her, but even before the boomerang approached, Alexis's eyes shook, her body fell to the floor as Codey became surprised, the boomerang blinking in background then slamming into the wall, which then meant a miracle for Codey. "W ..... what happened?" However, on excuses when asked, he noticed a girl in the captain's clothes.

Codey recognized immediately, a scary smile, closed eyes, and shorter hair. "You're ..." Codey remembered the incident as he entered behind the wall.

The face of the girl was easily recognized.

"Sadako captain of the thirteenth clan!" Sadako smiled at the call. "How condescending. Nice of you to remember me, dear Ginkenian." Codey checked against Alexis, who was unconscious. "What did you do? What are you doing ?!" Asked Codey with an angry question. "Nothing special, I'm just humiliating this dear captain." With the words that Sadako betrayed, Codey was scared, surprised but also angry. "Why did you do that?" A step forward, Codey said. "I'm just finishing your work, don't worry, there won't be any problems, so at least you'll be able to get to your dear little girl, Ayuka Kirashito. I'm helping you, maybe we'll see each other again." Sadako finally opened her eyes beneath which were visible, yellow-colored eyes. "Now! See you!" "Wait!" But before Codey could finish, Sadako disappeared with Alexis.

Codey, however, with his shaken eyes, glanced quickly toward the distance on the West Side, where the duel was flashing. "It must be Kanji and one of the captains! Damn, what's wrong with this captain, why did she hurt her co-worker?" With a large number of questions, Codey then quickly ran in the direction of the wall, hoping to break through, with no idea what Sadako had done at all to so easily illuminate Alexis.

- Meanwhile, the fight between Kanji and Captain Amagari continues -

|Spiritual Realm - Society (West) - Wednesday, 2:10 p.m.|

Kanji ran across the roof while Amagari chased him, they both quickly jumped away, but Kanji quickly turned and swung with a swinging swing. He let out a volatile electric attack that reached out to Amagari, but at that single event, Amagari quickly cut through the electricity and spread it to both sides of his body. Amagari crossed his sword over his wrist and aimed his palm at Codey, at which point he then released a green blast that flew towards Kanji.

With that, Kanji's mouth shook, so he swung at the blast and activated it to explode into dust and smoke billowing around Kanji's body, when that smoke and dust finally blew away, Kanji landed on the ground and slid back, but noticed how quickly Amagari appeared behind his back. Kanji, however, quickly took a step in the circled average and turned with a swing to the side, but Amagari luckily easily defended and blocked the flashing electricity, both bouncing sideways. "How is that possible, not a single attack I created touched your body, let alone cut?" Kanji was tired as he had to hold a spear and emit a lot of electricity, with average breathing.

Again, Amagari fixed his hat from the wind as it was almost blown away. "As a warrior, it's important to try to surprise your opponent in something you wouldn't expect, it's also important in other fights. Well, you probably understand, don't you?" Kanji listened to Amagari. "Why are you giving me some information as if you don't know it, but with you, these events are almost impossible to create." With a laugh, Amagari confirmed what Kanji had said.

"How glad I am to get a collaborative warrior like you!" With the next smile, Amagari leaned against the wall. Kanji pulled his spear to the side and spun it, now that spear reached forward with the blade, but close to his hip.

"Are you trying to make me any happier, or what is this vocabulary of yours?" But, Amagari also just smiled. "But maybe it's comforting, don't worry, I'm not trying anything special, just a man working with commands, that's all." Kanji aimed his spear at his opponent again. "You act a little too much, soothing ..." Then he fixed that spear and aimed it at the side with a squat.

"Listen to me, young man, what if we talked a little, because I probably already know you're going to break through the wall." When Amagari uttered, Kanji was surprised. "What are you saying?" With an answer, Kanji asked. "As a captain, I'd rather enjoy the surroundings a bit and also drink some tea, would you join me?" With a question, Amagari, spread the blanket on the floor and surprised Kanji. Then Amagari grabbed the basket and laid it on the blanket, and Kanji was very surprised but calm.

"What I'm saying is that I don't want to fight, and from your feeling, I also see that you feel the same way, you don't want to hurt me like the others?" With this, however, Kanji became understandable. "But what I've also been saying is that one of you is going to break through the wall and save Ayuka, but I don't care about things like that, so, I'd like to ask you? Would you join me for tea and wait nicely with me?" "You don't have to worry, if you trust your friends, then this won't bother you?" Kanji, however, was still a little lost in thought. "And how do you know that?" Amagari then smiled.

"Easy, don't worry. I just have a good feeling." Kanji, however, looked to the side. "I trust them yes ..... but if I don't help, then I'll feel like I wasn't helpful ..." Amagari smiled again and fixed his hat. "Don't worry, you were helpful as you stopped me, but understand, only one captain was sent in each direction, except in the North direction, one lieutenant." "Tim's in that direction, but, he's the most capable here, why did they only send a lieutenant, not a captain?" Amagari, however, returned the answer. "I don't understand either, but I know the lieutenant, Saraki, wanted to fight himself."

"Sooooo? Would you join me now, hihi?" Kanji turned for the last time in the direction where Tim and Codey were. "Maybe you're right, but, I'd like to ask, why don't you care for about us, breaching through wall and save Ayuka?" With that, the answer was quickly brought. "Like any Ginkenian, we are human, but some captains don't accept it, a person needs friends and a little joy, not to be stuck in a world like this, so I'd like to see you save Ayuka." Kanji sighed and joined on the blanket. "Okay, then let me see what you have in this basket?" Amagari smiled and showed a large number of food and also tea. "Everything's fine, and don't worry, nothing's toxic, trust me."

Knowing Kanji himself that the people here were only there to help, he trusted Amagari, and therefore nodded with a smile. "What kind of tea would you like? Herbal, fruity, green, or something else?" Kanji thought. "Fruit will be fine." At that, Kanji and Amagari, both sat and waited for appeasement, and hoping that one of them would save Ayuka.

- Meanwhile, on the Northern side of the Realm -

|Spiritual Realm - Society (North) - Wednesday, 2:20 p.m.|

Tim ran through the path and quickly slid to the side. "That must be it!" When Tim answered, there was another wall in front of him as well as a door, so Tim quickly reached forward and managed to break through the door, but, he was lost in the area. "Damn! Where now?" Hoping to find his way forward, Tim ran quickly forward, reached the stairwell, and then approached the top. When he finally reached the top, he stood in front of the entrance to the headquarters. "That's it!" But before he could continue his journey, someone was waiting for him and sitting on the stairs with red hair and green eyes, and Tim immediately became serious.

"Welcome, I see you reached through the other wall as well ...." It was Saraki, who decided to fight Tim himself. "Saraki ...." Tim had a good memory of his predecessor when Tim first clashed against Saraki. "That's right." With that, Saraki stood up. "You were sent instead of the captain, why already?" Tim and Saraki watched each other. "No, I decided ... as a lieutenant and a member of the ninth clan, I'm here for a fight, I didn't accept the previous one, how the duel ended between us, that's why I announced myself for a rematch, but this time, I'm alone, and no one is going to interfere in our duel, so get ready, Tim Shinkaku, because I'm here to stop you, Ayuka was announced for her execution four hours before eight, which means you only have a little time. "

With what Saraki announced, Tim was very angry. "That's right? Then understand that .... I'm so far away, so I'm not going to let some monkey like you stop me." Saraki, however, sighed and drew his sword, which was stabbed into the ground and swung it in his right hand. "I think I already understood that, why do you just think I want a rematch to prove to you that I'm not some kind of loser, whether you save Ayuka or not, I don't care."

Tim then reached for his back and drew his sword. "And you're supposed to be her close friend, I see how, none of you understand the friendship here, instead of trying to stop me here, you could help us save Ayuka!" Saraki became serious at that. "Like everyone, I'm just taking orders, and now shut up because I'm not here for a speech." Saraki and Tim are both ready for a duel in which there is great danger, but also great benefit.

"So to you, command is more important than friendship ... sad and also stupid." With that, Tim began the fight, during which Saraki also nodded. "Believe me, as I said to Ayuka, I, too, would like to somehow stop this execution, but I'm helpless, I'm here for a duel and nothing else ..." Tim listened to Saraki standing in front of the entrance.

Without further ado, Tim and Saraki both released tremendous pressure, their Spiritual Symbolism, which also made these pressures felt at a distance.

"Well, I see another duel has started, so let's see how it ends." Amagari and Kanji both looked towards the top. "And I see your friend Tim, the mud has come a long way, but with that, he's probably going to have to deal with at least two, so wish him all the best."

With a nod, Kanji inhaled, and Codey continued his way toward the wall.

To be continued...