114. Toe to toe, sword to sword! Clash of double roars! A combative problem! An explosion of two Spiritual Symbolisms! Tim and Saraki's final attack!

[Rescuing Ayuka: Arc 5]

'Henshin' a powerful technique which involves changing someone's Ginken and themselves. This strength is provided with incredible 'Spiritual Power', being one of the most difficult techniques to learn, it requires for a Ginkenian, Soul Caller or any other races to pressurize one Soul to their Ginken, one done so both Spirit and Aura combine into one, which might change someone's aura, depending on fusion. After the combination is set, the strength will sky-rocket, many Ginkenians cannot learn such technique, duo to low pressure of spirit and low strength.

Sometimes, 'Henshin' can be combined with another technique such as 'Spiritual Mode' for it to be more efficient, the technique's look will be considered after the inner Spirit of a Ginkenian and Ginken, when the pressure creates a barrier and insane aura, it will fully unlock such technique...

|Spiritual Realm - Society (North) - Wednesday, 2:30 p.m.|

While standing, Saraki dependently uttered an added question. "And how do you intend to cross Ayuka, as I told you, time is not your most sociable thing .... because, namely, it's only another hour and thirty minutes, do you really think you're going to make it?" The question Saraki added didn't mean much to Tim. When Tim fixed his sword on his shoulder, he then uttered it. "Maybe really ..... maybe I really don't have enough time ..... but, despair is none of my business, if you want to stop me, then come!" With the answer Tim shook off, he then jumped forward.

In a positive jump, Tim quickly cut towards Saraki, who immediately jumped aside and swung his sword.

Tim that swung, however, quickly made an approach to the side, and quickly disappeared from the space next to which he swung.

With that, Saraki believed Tim would attack from the behind, but it wasn't like that, instead, Tim reappeared on the same spot and swung, making Saraki also notice the blade of Tim's sword.

Hoping that Saraki would stop the attack with his defense, he also tried, but Tim fired a blue fire around that and covered the light with heat and blue light, so the fire was blown away and then Saraki was thrown through it, with fire, hurling past his body, once so Saraki then went blasting into a wall, to which he immediately demolished the wall and a large number of rocks rolled on the ground, with that Saraki was caught under them.

Because Tim was consuming more energy than he should of have, he was breathing a little harder. But, his eyes were surprised, Saraki got up and let out a bigger energy move, which also scared Tim a bit. When Saraki appeared from under the rocks, he was covered in blood running down his forehead, holding his whip, and saying so. "Shinkaku .... what you're capable of is something precious .... but, with that, you're still not close to my power, let me show you!" With an utterance of loud words, Saraki crossed his arms with which the two winding whips slammed into each other. "Hen! Shin!" With a loud shout, Saraki immediately fired and released more pressure that reached to the walls and then began to shake.

When Tim felt tremendous pressure, this pushed him towards the ground as he was almost unable to stand. "What- What- W-what, what's going on, what's with this- with this pressure?" Among the questions Tim uttered, his flames were quickly stopped. With this, however, he noticed the dust covering body of Saraki and at that he noticed a sharp sword that began to fly towards him. With shaken eyes, Tim noticed the blade cut through his skin on his shoulder, causing blood to float into the air as well. At that point, that blade curled into the air and shortened, and at that point, the dust disappeared.

At the show, Tim noticed Saraki, who had a red coat with black spikes, next to which that coat had three fangs, his pants were black next to which Tim asked himself. ("Henshin?") When asked, Saraki held a pull-out sword that was sharp and could reach at least 12 feet in distance.

"Shinkaku Tim, this move is called 'Henshin', and only some Ginkenians are capable of using it!" Tim, who was very lost and serious, then uttered. "So .... you're capable .... of using this technique ..... I thought only captains?" Tim then sighed. "Every captain is capable of 'Henshin' but also some other Ginkenians ..." With that, Tim replied. "Fine...."

Tim then moved his sword and circled it in front of him, then swung it behind his back and let out a blue fire in the immediate area. Saraki, on the other hand, grabbed the rope that had been moved over the blade of his sword and pulled it out. With this, Tim quickly released a blue fire explosion, which released him forward and gained more speed, and then cut in front of him towards Saraki, but, Saraki defended with his sword and when hit, the ground cracked again, with that, they both jumped higher into the air and then pulled away and made a distance.

Because Saraki's Henshin had a stretchable sword, he could also be closer and also at far, which meant more trouble for Tim, so Saraki dashed forward and slashed against Tim, who was urgently able to defend, thus releasing the pressure through the air, the wind blew quickly. Tim took a step back and cut towards Saraki, who bent down quickly at that point and then cut upwards.

Although Tim was able to defend the sword by pushing the blade to the side, he was still wounded in the shoulder. Soon after, however, Saraki disappeared from the spot and then appeared in a jump behind Tim's back. Tim, of course, was able to quickly turn his back and try to defend, but Saraki used his rope instead of attacking and quickly wrapped around Tim's sword, at which point Saraki pulled the sword back and hoped Tim would release him.

At this, the sword flew into the air and Tim quickly disappeared from the spot and Saraki's eyes shook, Tim instantly appeared in the air and moved his right hand behind his back over his head, grabbed the sword handle and then fell towards Saraki. With a quick turn, Saraki cut against Tim and stretched his blade.

Tim quickly moved his right foot to the side of the air and created an invisible wall with his Spiritual Symbolism, allowing him to jump to the side and then turn in the shape of a wheel, at which point Tim fell towards Saraki but at that point Saraki also moved the handle to the right, which meant the blade reached out and swung to his right.

Tim noticed this quickly, so he was able to wrap his body in such a movement that he avoided it, still the blade wounded him in the other shoulder. Tim quickly disappeared with the Air Step and at that point disappeared back to the top of the wall. Tim and Saraki watched each other, but Tim had trouble breathing as he struggled against something he didn't expect. ("His sword can stretch, and since there's only one sword he can wield it is fast enough to follow my footsteps. Plus, his rope .... something that can easily stop my sword ... of course, I don't believe if I can burn that rope, but it takes a try. ") Thinking about it, Tim quickly put himself in the air, and now our heroes also had 10 minutes less to get to the execution.

"I told you, it's not possible to get through me, and at the same time, it's also impossible to save Ayuka." Tim, however, responded quickly while standing up and ignoring Saraki. "Tell me where Ayuka is!" With a louder shout, Saraki looked toward Tim. "Tsch .... you want to know where Ayuka is detained .... I can only tell you this ... if you want to know where Ayuka is detained, then you will be need to get past, through me ...." What Tim heard , it then also meant more thinking on the fight. By listening, Tim held back his attacks.

".... If I succeed ... in beating you, then do you promise .... that you will tell me where Ayuka is being held?" At that, however, Saraki had no choice but to say 'yes'. "That's right .... but, the question is if you're going to make it." Tim took a step towards that. "Okay, but you better keep that promise!" With that, the next part of the fight began.

Now that Tim was serious and had a reason to fight, he then gripped his sword much harder. With that move, he slowly began to emit a blue fire through his handle, which slowly began to cover the blade. Tim's left eye released a blue fire that flashed, that fire became stronger and also triggered into pressure.

At that, Tim released a blue aura of pressure that began to glow at that, and Saraki already understood that Tim was ready to attack, sword against sword, as they were both already tired, which also meant that it was time to conclude. Tim let out, violent pressure around him which then meant for Saraki as well.

So Saraki, too, quickly swung his sword, and beside that, witnessed a red aura reaching around his body. The black trench coat, blowing and rippling through the wind and the pressure on Tim's body, hurried. Saraki's, red coat and black clothes intensified, now red energy and blue energy were spitting high into the air, this was noticed by everyone.

Codey, Kanji, captains, lieutenants, Odina, Jajemoro and even Ayuka.

Ayuka, looking through a hole in the wall, was genuinely caring. "That pressure, I know it... Saraki ... also Tim, what's going on?" Ayuka watched with a fearful and frightened face the pressure that was also tearing down the walls in the distance.

Codey, Tihara, Yora, and Yukito, who were quite close, looked up. "It's pressure from Tim, I feel his Spiritual Symbolism! Which means he broke through the other wall!" At that, Codey made a smile. "It's in the middle of the north side ...." Yukito added as he held his sword. "That must mean Tim is very close!" Yukito, however, looked a little worried. "Looks like he's fighting Lieutenant Saraki of the Ninth Clan." With an additional utterance, Tihara checked, and confirmed it. "Lieutenant? What do you mean, two captains were sent against me, why are they-" But, Yukito interrupted him at that. "Lieutenant Saraki asked for it himself, so he was sent in Tim's direction ...." What surprised Codey.

In the west, however, Amagari and Kanji observed the same. "Oh, I see that one of you was able to cross the other wall ...." With Amagari laughing, he also took a sip of tea. Kanji, however, who was sitting and holding the cup, looked in their direction. "But, both pressures." With that, Kanji looked towards Amagari. "That's right, I see you quickly understood ... Lieutenant Saraki and your friend ... Tim Shinkaku are in a fight ... which means that if Tim manages to break through the wall, it will mean that Saraki will provide and tell where Ayuka is being held .... " Kanji, with that ear, looked again. "How do you know Saraki will tell?" With that, however, Amagari smiled. "It's true that Saraki isn't a member of my clan, but, Saraki is a person who is very close with the friendship of Ayuka, which means he's worried too, thus ensuring that Saraki is probably willing to tell Tim where your friend is detained. " Kanji nodded, hoping Tim would reach the top with a win.

Looking at each other, Tim and Saraki lifted their Spiritual Symbolism, which grew, grew, and at the same time knocked down a larger piece of the wall that rolled to the side.

"Captain Himurya! Problems! Lieutenant Saraki Hatashi and Shinkaku Tim are in a difficult duel, if their strength increases, a bigger earthquake could happen .... Captain Himurya !?" By the time Shion called, Himurya was just silent. Not even the captains knew if there would be any order, but Himurya seemed to have accepted what was happening on the outside.

Tim moved his sharp sword behind his back, and finally stopped his fire, with a similar move, Saraki immediately called out. "Prepare for loss, Shinkaku Tim!" With that, Tim made a louder call. "Remember ... I am not going to lose, but I am here to succeed and save Ayuka!" At that, they both took a step and at the same time the ground collapsed due to their humble and enormous force, with both light auras glowing around them, approaching with a rapid run. "Hghaaaaaaaaaaaa!" With a loud roar, both of them both cut forward into each other's sword, and at the same time an explosion of two auras was triggered. Blue and red light shot into the air, tearing down the wall around them. At that time, the ground rose and then formed into a larger hole, which was huge, and with that, the roofs of the buildings collapsed, the wind blew wildly around, and their pressure reached into the distance.

Ayuka, who was behind the wall, noticed that the hole had collapsed a little further, but when she covered her face due to the force, her dress curled and the wall behind her shook a little.

With two blows, a huge explosion appeared over Tim and Saraki, which further released the pulse, and with that, the captains in the headquarters also felt it. Shion, Hide, Haku, Nuuju, Rentarou, Isora all looked in the same direction of where the pressue skimmed ...


To be continued...